
Chapter 396 - On The Way To Sandy Town

Chapter 396 On the way to Sandy Town

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

"I heard that you two were actually sent out to look for me outside Silver Kingdom, glad you can still come with us," Leo said with a smile on his face.

"Of course we will, Boss!" Lex replied.

"Actually, even if you didn\'t invite us, the moment we return to Silver Kingdom and heard that you left, we would still come looking for you." Virgil added.

"I know, that\'s why I decided to might as well just give you both a proper invitation, hahaha," Leo said with a chuckle. He added, "Anyways, I assume my Master Olivia already knows about me leaving, right?"

"Yes..." Lex replied while scratching the back of his head.

"She wouldn\'t have found out about it if only we just left the letter you want to send to her outside her tent," Virgil pulled Lex and smacked his head as he continued, "But, Lex here, insisted on leaving the letter inside the tent, saying that the wind might blow it away or it might suddenly rain causing the letter to get wet. That\'s why, when we get inside the tent, we were immediately caught by your Master Olivia."

"How was it my fault?!" Lex pulled himself away from Virgil as he irritatingly said, "You might think that just leaving a piece of paper outside would be fine, but that would only be the case if we have put wax on it so that it will become somewhat heavy and not fly with the wind. But unfortunately, Virgil here thinks that\'s troublesome and whether we put wax on it or not, it is not a problem as your Master Olivia would be able to quickly know that the letter came from you. And think about it, it has rained during the battle against the Silver royal family. To be more precise, it rained twice, meaning this month would be a rainy season, so leaving a letter outside the tent with no shelter from the rain would be the most stupidest thing to do!"

Leo\'s eyes catch help to twitch while listening to Lex\'s explanation. He thought, "Even my own thoughts wouldn\'t be this detailed."

What Lex and Virgil meant about the letter was exactly that letter he had mentioned before that he would send to his Master Olivia once he leaves Silver Kingdom. But, rather than writing that \'reasonable excuse\' of chasing after that \'certain\' someone who had heard her and his older brother Reinhart having \'fun\', he had instead told her the truth that he wanted to make a Guild and slowly develop it into an Organization, and then he would return to Silver Kingdom to set-up a Sect with them.

"So, how come you were still able to come? Not to mention, you even bought the signature Green Eagle Flyingboats of the Green Noble Household," Leo said as he glimpsed at the Green Eagle Flyingboats silently hovering in the air a few kilometers away from them.

"Oh, very simple, Queen Olivia said to tell you that, \'I\'ll give you 10 years to achieve everything you\'ve stated in the letter. If you can\'t complete it within 10 years, then quickly pack your things and come back to Silver Kingdom." Lex explained.

"She also said that, \'Take these Green Eagle Flyingboats with you so that you will have an easy way transportation tool, not go on an adventure using a few horses you have stolen from our horse stable\', I think," Virgil added.

"Simply put, she allowed me to do what I want?" Leo wanted to confirm.

"Yes!" Both Lex and Virgil nodded at the same time.

"Okay," Leo can\'t help himself from heaving a sigh of relief. Since his Master Olivia has already given him the proper green light, then there\'s no need to trouble himself on hiding from her. He thought, "This is much better as I wouldn\'t need to have to worry about a \'certain\' someone going into the ends of the Celestial World just to come and look for me."

He can\'t help imagining how much trouble his older brother Reinhart had gone through just so that he can hide from his wife, Olivia.

If that was him in his older brother Reinhart\'s shoes, then he would have long revealed himself already to his wives.


"Why am I even comparing myself with my older brother? At least he has it good with only having one wife. Look at me, I have six troublesome wives! Though they\'re not officially my wife yet, but it\'s already very obvious to see that they would be in the future," Leo thought to himself.

Suddenly, Ethan, Edward, and Chief Lago arrived and said, "We\'ve collected everything."

Hearing that, Leo nodded his head as he doesn\'t need to keep on distracting Ahmed\'s group so as to give Ethan\'s group some time to collect the loots.

As to how they were able to collect it without being harmed by the Chaos Mana, that was simply because he can control the Chaos Mana, which, in truth, is actually part of his plan.

Even if someone would assume that he had used Chaos stone or some other means using Chaos Mana, with them seeing Ethan\'s group personally going into the site of where the so-called explosion of Chaos Mana had happened, they would quickly assume that they are wrong and that it was actually something different since Chaos Mana wouldn\'t be so docile as to let a few people in without attacking them.

"Then let\'s go," Leo said as he sent an order to his Earth Elementals to return to where Cassandra and the others were.

As soon as they arrived, the three Green Eagle Flyingboats has also already landed on the sand, with a few hundreds of people disembarking to greet Leo.

Seeing this, Leo quickly found out that the people who came were a few volunteers from his Smiling Lion group, a total of 50 people, a few volunteers from the Eclipse troops, a total of nearly 50 people, except for Jeffrey, Matt, Venice, and Number One to Number Ten as they were going to be in-charged on managing the new Eclipse Village, though Jasmine and Brad came along, which is expected considering Ahmed had come. And lastly, a few capable slaves that Leo had brought from Southeast Fortress, around 100 or so of them, packed into a single Flyingboat together in order for all of them to fit inside.

It was very easy to guess that the three Green Eagle Flyingboats have long already exceeded the maximum capacity, but still, they didn\'t care about it as they thought that the more people there is the more help Leo could receive once he officially established his Guild.

At the same time, he can\'t help but shook his head at how stingy his Master Olivia was to not at least give him 2 more Green Eagle Flyingboats. If there were only 5 Green Eagle Flyingboats, then they wouldn\'t need to be in a situation where they are basically packed together like fishes in a crate.

Anyways, it wasn\'t a big of a problem; it was only those slaves who were packed like that. As for the Smiling Lion group and the Eclipse troops, there was still a lot of space around their Green Eagle Flyingboats.

"Loki, how did you do it?" Cassandra quickly asked.

"Indeed, what did you threw to that Magical Beast hoard to quickly make them go away?" Elizabeth followed.

"At first, I really thought you\'ve thrown something related to the usage of Chaos Mana, judging from how I saw a few of them turning into dust... I\'m not really that sure. But seeing that Ethan, Edward, and Chief Lago were able to safely go over there to investigate, it should be something else, right? So what is it?" Angel interestingly asked.

"I think it\'s like those stuff with the property to cause what it had touched to decay," Veronica assumed.

"Maybe it was instead a poison full of toxins that can cause anything it touches to melt,"

"Maybe..." Charlotte, who was clearly aware of what exactly it was, could only act like she agreed with them.

"You don\'t need to think further about that. The important thing is we have successfully saved them," Leo didn\'t hesitate to dismiss the topic. He wasn\'t planning on revealing the existence of Chaos Orbs to them yet, or even his capability to create Element Orbs, at least not now.


Seeing that Leo wasn\'t planning on explaining it to them, Cassandra and the others could only choose to give up. But of course, they would only give up today. As for tomorrow or the day after that, they would still try to find out about it by pressuring Leo.

Unbeknownst to them, Leo already expected them to do that. That\'s why he had already prepared himself to keep on dismissing whenever they brought up such a topic.

"Since we are already done with everything here, then it\'s time to continue going to Sandy Town. At most we would be arriving 3 hours or so, so it\'s much better for us to use this time to rest and recuperate our lost energy and stamina," Leo said as he motioned his hand to make everyone returned back to their Green Eagle Flyingboats.

"Steve, bring the horses in. You will be in-charged of taking care of them," Leo didn\'t forget to remind Steve before he walked to the Green Eagle Flyingboat assigned for the Smiling Lion group.

Soon, the three Green Eagle Flyingboats took off and made their way straight to Sandy Town.

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