
Chapter 144 - An Unexpected Encounter With The Monsters From Other Class

Chapter 144 An unexpected encounter with the Monsters from other Class

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Arriving inside the tunnel, Leo immediately noticed that these tunnels were obviously dug an hour ago, hence making him conclude that some might even just be dug out a few minutes ago, just by basing on the rocks at both sides of the tunnel. Usually, when a tunnel has been existing for a long time, the rocks would also look old. However, the rocks around the tunnel look fresh, so it\'s easy to assume the time when it was dug.

While walking inside the tunnel, Leo naturally didn\'t forget to summon 3 Earth Elementals disguised as Golems to defend him and 2 Wind Elemental that he turned completely into plain wind to scout ahead. Obviously, he needs to be really careful despite not spotting any Magical Beast Sharks while walking inside.

After a while, Leo finally arrived in a big open space, which immediately made him dumbfounded.

The big open space was shockingly on the inside of the tip of the mountain. At this moment, it was almost been hollowed inside, and many more holes can even be seen leading outside of the mountain or other parts of the Floating Mountain just by looking around the area.

The easiest way to describe what he sees right now is that the Magical Beast Sharks are like ants digging tunnels leading all-around Floating Mountain.

"Just how many Magical Beast Sharks are doing the tunneling to cause such many tunnels?" Leo can\'t help but ask himself. For the Magical Beast Sharks to seem to look like Magical Beast Ants, there should obviously be a lot of them. And what he meant by a lot is highly likely comparable to the numbers of an ant in an ant colony.

Looking down the cliff in front of him, which is now also being filled by seawater, Leo quickly saw a Magical Beast Shark currently tunneling another hole.

"What the heck, are these holes actually only the doing of a Horn Shark, a mere No Star Magical Beast?!" Leo exclaimed in his mind. If what he had thought was indeed correct, then he was seriously been overthinking all this time.

Base on what he had read about Horn Sharks, these kinds of Magical Beast Sharks are like drillers, they have sharp, long, thick, and thorny horns on their head that can spin so fast making them able to dig holes easily.

Horn Sharks would usually dig holes on the ocean floor or in the sand and hide inside to wait for any prey that will pass by their holes.

However, these Horn Sharks are extremely weak!

Although they are still a type of Magical Beast Sharks, the Horn Sharks are actually one of those Magical Beast at the bottom of the food chain.

"That is a Magical Beast Leopard Shark!"

Just behind the Horn Shark, though, a Leopard Shark suddenly appeared from a tunnel, seemingly looking around some tunnels to choose which direction it should go next.


The Leopard Shark finally decided on a hole as it then quickly swam inside.

Just a few minutes later, a different kind of Magical Beast Shark appeared out of another hole. A Magical Beast Shark with 8 tentacles like those of an octopus and a ferocious head of a shark, Octopus Shark, a One-Star Magical Beast.

The Octopus Shark looked around for a bit, before finally choosing a wall and quickly began digging another tunnel using its 8 tentacles.

Suddenly, a Blue Fin Shark, a Two Star Magical Beast, appeared out of a hole. Usually, Blue Fin Sharks can only be found flying around the sky as they are capable of flight Magic spell. So, it\'s really unthinkable why such a powerful Magical Beast Shark would be found here.

The Blue Fin Shark also looked around for a bit before choosing an empty wall. Its body was suddenly covered by blue lining as it soon after powerfully charge straight towards a wall, easily digging a new tunnel.

The longer Leo observes the slowly rising water, the more different kinds of Magical Beast Sharks he shockingly found.


"Who\'s there!" Leo quickly turned around his head the moment he heard a sound behind him.

"Shhh!" A student with a blond hair quickly signaled with his hand, "Put down your guard, my goal in here is only to investigate, just like you."

Hearing the blond student\'s words, Leo rolled his eyes as he replied, "If I tell you to stay still because I\'m going to eliminate you, will you also stay still?"

The blond student thought for a bit before replying with an awkward smile on his face, "I\'ll stay away from you, just let me see what\'s underneath that cliff, okay?"

"Sounds fair!" Leo nodded his head, but he still stared cautiously at the blond student.

"Can I ask what you have discovered so far already?"

"I don\'t share information with people I don\'t know."

"Oh, I\'m sorry... I\'m sure you already know my name, so I\'ll just personally introduce myself. Nice to finally meet you, Leo, I\'m Axel, one of the so-called Monster of Class 1E-." The blond student quickly introduced himself, "So can I ask you now?"

"Oh, this is the leader who had ordered Zhu Long to test my strength." Leo finally saw the person that Zhu Long has called the leader of Class 1E-. Just basing on his aura, which is powerful, he indeed deserves the role of a leader.

"And how about those students waiting nearby outside?" Leo said with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Ah, please don\'t think the wrong way..." Axel hurriedly defended. He can\'t believe that those people who he had left outside would still be found out by Leo, "Just how sharp are his senses?"

To be honest, it was actually Leo\'s hiding Wind Elemental that found out about those students.

"Then what should I think?"

"Can I call them in?"

"How about you wait in here too, while I go and call my entire alliance?"

"Seriously man, I\'m not here to attack you or anything. And those students waiting nearby aren\'t even my classmates, and not all of them are part of my alliance, too." Axel explained.

"I can see that..." Leo whispered. His Wind Elemental just reported to him that those students waiting outside the tunnel were just standing casually but in different corners, specifically, some of them were gathered in a group of two and three, obviously implying that they don\'t belong in the same group or an alliance and that they were just in a truce.

"Can I call them in? Trust me, we are only here to investigate and not to eliminate anyone." Axel assured before quickly walking to call out to the others.

Soon after, Axel and 7 other students arrived. 5 were men, including Axel, and 3 were women.

"This is the traitor of Class 1A, Aiden..." Axel introduced as he pointed at a student with a black hair.

"What traitor?! It\'s more appropriate to call me a realistic!" Aiden quickly reasoned out.

"Hypocrite!" The others quickly said with a roll of their eyes.

"What hypocrite? Even if we defended with all that we got, we will still lose because either the Class 1E+ or the Class 1E would sooner or later arrive and assist the Class 1E- that we trapped in the northwest corner. What I did was the only realistic option to do in order for our Class 1A to still benefit during the entire span of the trial competition."

"The entire Class 1A or just yourself?" A short student with brown hair sarcastically replied.


"That short student is Darwin, Class 1D+ leader!" Alex introduced.

"What short?! My height is one of the tallest in the Dwarf race. Stupid Alex!" Darwin quickly defended himself.

"Yeah, yeah, you\'re a tall Dwarf," Alex waved his hand to dismiss the conversation. He continued, "That is Matthew, 1E+ second in command!"

"It\'s an honor to finally meet you, Leo!"

"Likewise!" Leo nodded his head.

"That\'s Murgan, Class 1D- leader!" Alex pointed at the muscular student besides Darwin.

"Stop staring at me, weakling!" Murgan replied coldly. In his perspective, Leo wasn\'t worth looking up to since he is not powerful due to the fact that he is nothing but a mere smart guy. So, there is no need to show any bit of respect. If he does show a bit of respect to Leo, then the latter should feel very honored about that.

Hearing Murgan\'s reply, Axel could only look at Leo apologetically.

"That\'s Melthy, Ehtelyn, and Tifanny. All three are respectively the leaders of Class 1C-, Class 1C+, and Class 1C." Alex finally concluded everyone\'s introduction.

"Nice to meet you, Leo!" Melthy said with a smile.

"Come and visit our wall if you have the time, it\'s really great to look at!" Ehtelyn enthusiastically said.

"Next time!" Leo replied.

"He is an enemy, Ehtelyn!" Tiffany quickly said towards Ehthelyn.

"That\'s exactly why I want him to visit!" Ehtelyn replied.


"You see, we are obviously in a truce at this moment, right? So we can\'t attack each other. But, the moment he visits our wall, we can finally attack him! So please visit our wall when you have the time, Leo, okay?" Ehtelyn replied with the same enthusiasm.

Hearing Ehtelyn\'s words, Leo doesn\'t know whether he should laugh or not. It was like a person who was trying to invite someone to their house while telling them at the same time that they intended to kill them the moment they arrive.

Apparently, at this moment almost all the strongest Monsters of each of the 1st year class were gathered in one place. And it seems like they have the same goal in mind; to investigate and find out what\'s going on.

Obviously, the ravines that suddenly appeared around the Floating Mountain have raised a really great concern to the students, to the point that no students even thought of just trusting their lives to the teachers anymore. After all, Floating Mountain was surrounded by the water of Shark Cemetery, so there is no way to escape aside from the Flyingboats that took them to this place.. If worst really comes, then those Flyingboats wouldn\'t necessarily be able to come and rescue them that easily.

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