
Chapter 114 - Run Away!

They both quickly dressed and King John rushed toward the door when he heard noises coming from there getting nearer and nearer. When the door opened spreading and bumping John and Roselyn both opened their mouth staring at the person who walked in. It was the last person they imagined seeing.

"Y-you\'re not dead?" John\'s voice stuttered as he gazed at the man who entered with shock and disbelief in his voice.

It was Lord David, but his appearance was different from usual. He had long hair growing around his ears and his eyes were of a green intense color. He had pointy ears and sharp long teeth.

Lord David groaned and when David\'s gaze fell on Roselyn his eyes sparkled as he reached her in a speed run. Despite his supernatural speediness John anticipated his intentions and reached his wife faster than him. Before he could even touch her the King already tackled him down with extreme strength.

Roselyn yelled in fear, as Lord David\'s appearance scared her and she quickly retroceded slowing staring at the creature with a distraught ed face.

Without effort, John landed him toward the floor and kept him unable to move gripping around his neck. John groaned and his groan differed from the Lord David\'s one. It was so loud that it made the walls tremble.

"How did you transform?" King John asked, his voice echoed raspy in the room.

Roselyn shut her eyes hoping Lord David wouldn\'t be opposed to him, she knew what John was capable of doing and she didn\'t want to see him harm someone else even if that someone was David.

"Answer me!" John clenched his teeth. Lord David hesitated before replying but when he felt John\'s claws brushing against his neck, he quickly confessed.

"I was severely injured, when a weird man approached me. I could only hear his voice and he asked me few questions about you before he ordered a wolf to bite me." Lord David confessed in a raspy voice. The King knew he was telling the truth because he was the one who asked Jake to kill him.

John\'s grip tightened as he feared for Jake\'s sake. A scream of pain escaped from Lord David\'s lips when John\'s claws began to cut his skin.

"Please John don\'t!" Roselyn screamed in anticipation and John immediately loosened his grip. He groaned to his target, before turning around toward Roselyn.

"If we don\'t kill him he will always threaten us for the rest of our life." He whispered to Roselyn who gasped before slowly walking toward him.

Roselyn knew John was right and that David\'s obsession would never end, he even transformed into a creature of the night just to harass them more.

"Did the creature who turned you into a werewolf had a name?" John asked as he removed his hands from Lord David\'s neck to hold Roselyn\'s hand. John kept David\'s body pressed down with his feet.

"The invisible man had an army." Lord David said instead.

Roselyn and John both narrowed their eyes as they didn\'t imagine hearing what David just admitted. The Lord coughed few times to regather his breath when John released his grip.

"An army?" John asked, on his forehead formed few creases as he arched his eyebrow in concern.

The Lord nodded, a proud smirk curved his lips. "An army against you." He said, provoking another groan to escape from John\'s lips. John\'s hands departed from Roselyn\'s hands just to clench his fists in anger.

Another loud noise made the couple jolt, the walls began to tremble terribly. John rushed to look at the window and saw many humans and supernatural creatures marching toward the castle.

John recognized most of them, there were people he had unfinished business with or relatives of people and creatures he had killed. To guide the army was a creature unrecognizable, he wore a mask and his hair was covered with a bend. That person must be the murderer who killed his father.

King\'s eyes darted toward Roselyn, his worst nightmares became reality. If something happened to her he would never forgive himself.

The Queen read in King\'s eyes fear and terror, his eyes filled in tears for a split- second before fury redder his face. His jaw clenched and he revealed his fangs groaning aloud.

Roselyn walked toward the window to see what was the reason behind his preoccupation when she reached the window her eyes widened and her hands began shaking in fear.

She had never seen so many supernatural creatures altogether, how could they manage to survive when a whole army of at least 60 creatures was haunting them? Roselyn didn\'t even have time to train her powers.

"Run away." King John said in a harsh voice, looking at his lady like a desperate man who was willing to sacrifice his life to save his wife.

Roselyn shook her head vigorously, if he thought she would let him alone to fight a supernatural war he was either desperate or he didn\'t know her at all.

"Go!" His voice thundered and when it peaked aloud it broke.

Noises of screams and terror came from the guards and John kept watching through the window to see most of the maids escaping from the castle. Even recruiting the best human and supernatural fierce didn\'t stop his worst enemy to find him.

"I won\'t let you alone, I am your wife and I will do everything in my power to help you in this war." Roselyn stuttered, but her voice sounded decisive although scared.

"This is not your war!" John scolded in a harsh voice.

He knew that she was very powerful and that he would surely use her help but he didn\'t want to sacrifice her. The remorse would kill him if the army of night creatures wouldn\'t do it first.

"It is now," Roselyn whispered before they both turned around to gaze at the door from where voices and steps echoed from afar.

"It is too late to escape anyway," Roselyn remarked, as she swallowed down. Her heart was beating so accelerated, causing a painful heavy tight on her chest. The fear she was experiencing was uncontrollable but she made a promise the day they married in front of the Priest.

She would never leave him alone, even if it meant dying with him.. She preferred to die with him rather than living without him.

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