
Chapter 217

"As you can see, this ancient burial ground has been totally destroyed . Even the surrounding trees have been uprooted . It looks like it was hit by a huge hurricane . Here is-" Alex who was watching the news, saw from the video that there were holes on the surface of the pyramid, and some of the statues had skid marks .

It was obvious to him that this was not a natural disaster, instead it was a fight between people . The way the trees were uprooted, the skid marks on the statues, and the holes on the surface of the pyramid . All of these things were man-made . With all the clues present, Alex quickly deduced that this was a fight between two extremely strong individuals, and knowing that Lyner was in the Southern Union, it was pretty easy to guess he was part of it . The only opponent that could face Lyner on equal ground in the Southern Union was Arthur Glory .

Alex with just looking at a video quickly deduced that Lyner fought Arthur Glory . The only thing he couldn’t get from the video was the conclusion mainly the answer to who won . In Alex’s mind it was near impossible for Lyner to lose to one man . You could do a carpet bombing and that person would still survive .

Still Lyner was facing another SS rank merc, Arthur Glory the strongest Saint . This particular merc has survived numerous battles, and has the longest known career as mercenary . So in the end Alex really couldn’t figure out who won .

. . .

Alex was already in school but was still thinking about the outcome of Lyner’s battle . The situation of Berdonia will be extremely different if he would die . Though Berodnia was doing alright before having an SS rank merc, but those times were less peaceful . The little skirmishes they had with the Empire would always make them lose some land . The Empire was slowly conquering Berdonia, that was until Lyner became what he was now . With him around the Empire stopped sending the great one, the strongest person of the Empire, which made the battles equal once more .

While Alex was thinking about this, his homeroom teacher was announcing something .

"Your teacher Mr . Raymond is being sent by the school to a seminar in the Southern Union . Replacing him coincidentally is someone coming from the Southern Union . He is a young prodigy that got his teaching license when he was fifteen . I am pleased to introduce Mr . Matthew Zephyr, the new freshman history teacher . "

Alex and Rachel were shocked to hear this name pop out in this situation, and they were even more surprised to see that it was actually true, since there was no denying the person who entered the classroom was Alex’s friend and rival Matthew .

The female students seeing Matthew’s appearance all squealed in joy . Seeing that the teacher that replaced Mr . Raymond was a hot young one, that was the same age as them .

Matthew eyed the shocked Alex and winked at him . Doing that made some of the girls even more giddy .

. . .

Alex couldn’t believe that Matthew went to his school, not to mention he went to school not as a student but as his teacher . This made Alex feel a bit uncomfortable . Right now Matthew was teaching history more specifically world history and he was explaining the creation of the Southern Union .

"Can anyone tell me when the Southern Union was established . . . No one? How about you Mr . Samarita will you please answer the question . "

The class was already expecting Alex to answer this question perfectly as he always did .

"The Southern Union was established on July 26, 1921 . "

"I’m sorry Mr . Samarita, but that is wrong . The correct answer is July 24, 1921"

Alex’s classmates hearing a teacher say he was wrong was really surprised . This was the first time that Alex answered a question wrong . Actually at this time even Alex was surprised, but only for a moment, he quickly got a hold of himself and questioned Matthew .

"Sir, I am sure that that the answer is July 26, 1921 . Our book titled World History by: Olfred Seerman, in page 216 paragraph two, in the second sentence it is clearly written there that it was July 26, 1921 . "

When Alex said this all of his classmates got their books out, and checked the page Alex stated, and exactly as he said it was written there in black and white July 26,1921 . Everyone in class knew that Alex was smart, but they didn’t knew he was this smart . If he knew the exact page in the book where to find this information, that would mean he memorized the whole book, every detail of it .

Matthew already knew that his rival was this good, but instead of feeling shamed, Matthew smiled .

"Well the author of that book is Berdonian and like any other history book written by an author from another country it has some biases and wrong information . Though it was announced publicly on July 26, 1921, the founding of the Southern Union was agreed upon by all leaders of each small country that joined on July 24, 1926 . Making that date the actual establishment of the Southern Union . "

"Well Sir, with all due respect . That information was not given to us prior to this, and the books that were handed out never mention this piece of information . So I find that you expecting us to have the answer you want, being too much . "

"That is true Mr . Samarita, but I expected that the students would do research on their own time, in regards to the subject matter that they are learning . I’m sure that if you and every other student here searched a bit in say your public library, or even in the internet you’ll be able to find the information needed to have answered my question . "

"I’m sorry that we have disappointed you and you unfair expectations . The idea that you expected-" Alex and Matthew just kept on arguing in a rather polite way as to who was right . The students were already used to Alex questioning teachers, but this was the first time that a teacher was able to answer back .

So not only were they unable to go beyond the first question, the whole class was just Alex and Matthew arguing . Once the bell rang and class was over, Alex immediately went to face Matthew .

"What are you doing here?"

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