
Chapter 113

"Rachel I need to head to the venue of the FPS tournament . Since you’re here why don’t come with me?" Alex gave the suggestion of going to the FPS tournament’s venue . When Rachel heard Alex’s suggestion she looked at the time . They still had around three hours before the tournament starts .

"Isn’t it too early to go there? We still have a lot of time, so why are you in a hurry?" Obviously Alex couldn’t tell Rachel he was going to do some recon before the tournament . . . Wait is it really not okay to tell Rachel? At this point Rachel might already be accustomed to Alex’s peculiarities, so it might actually be okay just to tell her the truth .

Yet as Alex looked at the impatient Rachel, he felt that it might not end well if he told her the truth . It might actually end with her hating him, thus making this mission a failure . So Alex needed to think fast and tell her something real quick .

"I haven’t been to that area yet so I wanted to get there early to look at the place . " This was the only thing Alex could think of saying to her, that doesn’t sound suspicious .

When Rachel heard what Alex said, she immediately found it suspicious .

’This guy always seems unusually prepared, so it doesn’t make sense that he hasn’t been to that area before this . Based on his personality he would’ve already looked around the whole city, the very first day he got here . So then why does he need to get there so early?’

While Rachel was thinking of a reason, it finally hit her . The reason why Alex wanted to go so early and bring her along . It could only mean one thing, Alex wanted to go on a date!

"Then it’s alright, let’s head there early . "

When Alex saw Rachel’s blushing face he got confused . Why did he suddenly accept? Did what he tell her, actually work? Well there was no time to ponder, Alex needed to get to the area of the venue now .

"Okay then wait here, I’ll bring out my bike . " Rachel simply nodded at what Alex said . She then imagined herself riding at the back of Alex’s bike leisurely strolling the venue .

’That guy might actually be pretty romantic if he wants to be . ’ While she was in the midst of her overactive imagination, Alex came back with his bike .

It was a huge customized motorcycle, when Rachel saw this she was stunned . She thought that Alex’s bike was a bicycle, not this thing .

"Alex I thought you said you had a bike?"

"Yah, this is my bike, here catch . " Alex threw a helmet at Rachel, who caught it .

"Wear that and let’s go . " Alex rode his bike and started the engine . Hearing the loud sound of the engine surprised Rachel . At first she hesitated to wear the helmet, but in the end she decided that this was nothing compared to the training trip she and her family had .

After wearing the helmet, she rode at the back of Alex’s motorcycle, where she hugged him tightly from behind . Once Alex confirmed that Rachel was secured behind him, he without warning drove off .

This was the first time Rachel had rode a motorcycle, and it frightened her . This made her hugged Alex’s back even more tightly, as she was suppressing herself from screaming .

. . .

Kim Suho and his group where in front of the venue of the tournament . It was thirty minutes before game time, and none of the Mercenary club members had shown up . This made the gaming club worry a bit . Since all their hopes rested in the hands of the Mercenary club, well to be more specific in the hands of Emily .

The Emily who was an urban legend, and who easily dominated them in a game a few days ago . After a few more minutes of waiting, the first to appear from the Mercenary club was Sayaka .

She greeted Kim Suho’s group and looked around, and smiled . "WOW! I’m first? I’m actually first to arrive? I was faster than Mr . Perfect, and the two timing dense guy . This is really surprising . . . Wait a minute . "

Sayaka then ran into a crowd of people, and got somebody who was hiding behind the statue of an old hero . This guy who was hiding was Kei a member of the Mercenary Club, and his been here a few minutes before Sayaka arrived . He couldn’t find the right timing to greet Kim Suho’s group seeing that his own clubmates weren’t here yet .

"Why are you hiding there Kei? Come on, greet our friends from the gaming club . " The gaming club was surprised at how sharp Sayaka’s senses were, noticing the hidden Kei .

The next to appear was Mr . Perfect himself Niel, but the current Niel felt a little bit off . He still had that annoying smile, and that radiant aura of his, but there was something else, something more to him .

"Hi guys I’m sorry I just got here . I hope I haven’t kept you waiting for long . " The moment Niel said this, Oliver suddenly appeared . Upon seeing Oliver, Sayaka immediately pounced at him .

"OLY! How come you just came? Aren’t you suppose to be our Club leader? Shouldn’t you be the first to arrive?" Not minding Sayaka hugging him, Oliver bowed his head to the members of the gaming club .

"I’m sorry I was late, I had some things to attend to . By the way hasn’t comrade Alex arrived yet?" Oliver looked around and didn’t see Alex .

"Speak of the devil . There he is . " Kim Suho pointed at the distance . When the mercenary club members looked at where Kim Suho was pointing at they were surprised . Cause not only Alex was there even Rachel was there as well .

"RACHEL!" Sayaka let go of Oliver’s arm and charged at Rachel, who looked a bit tired .

"Saya, it’s nice to see you’re still energetic as usual . " Rachel had an awkward smile on her face as she said this .

"Why do you look like that? Did this idiot do something to you?" Sayaka pointed at Alex .

Before Alex could respond someone spoke for him .

"Oh I can answer that question . The reason Rachel is like that, is because Alex over there made her go around the whole area without stopping for a break . Rachel’s obviously tired and disappointed seeing as she thought there was something more, to them walking around . " When everyone heard a mischievous tone of a girl speaking to them, they all looked at the direction where the voice came from .

There stood a cute girl with purplish blond hair, wearing a gothic lolita style dress, she looked a tad short for her age, as she smiled mischievously at Alex . This girl was Emily but to the shocked Alex this girl was the maid who liked playing video games .

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