
Chapter 609: My house has vinegar, lend me some dumplings

Chapter 609: My house has vinegar, lend me some dumplings

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Many pirates harbored wholehearted allegiance and trust towards Sheyan’s warning. As such, most of them canceled their plans of coming ashore. Still, there were some that wished to tour around the village but confined themselves to the village premise.

Following that, Sheyan gathered the core mainstays of the ship. He then informed that he had to explore this continent deeper, in order to dispel the curse on his body. Also, he would keep an eye on precious objects like diamond mines or gold mines. He then mentioned that the trio possessed Immortal Spirit Talismans crafted in the east which could exorcise evil, allowing them to escape in critical situations.

Hence, Sheyan instructed them not to wait for them, but to directly return to the Caribbean sea after concluding their trade.

These core pirates were already accustomed to their captain’s unpredictableness. Furthermore, they were aware he could still contact them with that mysterious yet powerful ‘Embark’ ability. Hence, they neither commented nor objected, following according to Sheyan’s instructions to continue dealing with these natives.

At present, the Dingyuan’s nature was shifting towards the likes of armed merchant ship privateers of the British maritime era; taking principality in smuggling special goods, while pillaging and exploring as secondary. This was the unavoidable course of pirates this era to wash their hands clean, and most of the pirates advocated for this with hands raised.

Under such a harmonious atmosphere, both parties swiftly concluded their deal.

The current Chieftain then threw a large banquet to thank their deities for sending these emissaries. More accurately speaking in their perspective, dim-witted fat goats who exchanged valuables with supposedly useless sparkling rocks (diamonds), withered grass (tobacco and condiments)…and other items that could allow the tribe to rapidly expand!

Half an hour later, the trio decided they’d better cherish their time. Besides, they couldn’t be sure of any unexpected variables along the way. Seizing the time, they decided to set off.

7-8 metres after venturing out of the village, Sheyan suddenly halted and contemplated for a while. Instead, he signaled towards the tailing Mogensha and Reef to cease their advance.

Then, he traced back his footsteps and called towards them.

"Wait for a little."

Sheyan then called Ol’Seadog over and whispered several words.

Ol’Seadog then hurriedly inquired of several natives, of which they shook their heads in unison.

Witnessing that scene, Sheyan explained to Brother Black and Reef.

"Brothers, I feel we should first enjoy the warm cordiality of our hospitable Port Qom inhabitants."

Reef curiously asked.

"Why so? There should be rewards for arriving earlier no?"

Sheyan earnestly replied.

"Have you considered why this area is not even a trifling hundred kilometres from our destination. Why would the realm provide us with 10 hours of traveling time? As contestants, we would at most require 5 hours of walking to get there. You must know, the difficulty should be at least at an ‘A’ level! Would the realm offer such generous fulfilments?"

Reef frowned in response.

"Could it be this would be an exceedingly arduous journey, one that would tarry us for above 5 hours?"

Speaking till here, a worrying intent appeared in Reef’s eyes.

"Then we should be traveling faster! Otherwise, if we return without any achievements, we will have to face the combined assaults from the Metals Professor and Glory Party after 2-3 worlds! I’m afraid everything will point towards disaster from there!"

Sheyan nodded and calmly explained.

"The Metals Professor isn’t a cause for worry. Instead, Zeus is indeed a formidable opponent. But don’t you worry, for we convert dangers to securities."

Reef’s anxiousness gradually calmed after hearing Sheyan’s consolation. He breathed deeply and continued.

"Then let us hastily get moving!"

Instead, Sheyan remained still as he surveyed the natives while lost in thought.

"Our entry into this hidden world has disrupted the arrangements of Glory Party; storing up strength for so long, they suddenly lost their target. But have you considered…Glory Party’s tracking ability comes at an immense price, and cannot be retracted. If they are unable to campaign against us, then who do you think those mad dogs would run to?"

Mogensha and Reef both quaked from head to toes.

"Could it be…"

Sheyan kneaded his brows before raising his thick brows.

"Correct, the Illume-union…they are in deep sheet."

Both of them were instantly stunned. They weren’t mediocre individuals and could immediately perceive the state of affairs from Sheyan’s meager words. As they absorbed in his last words of ‘deep sheet’, they all felt a sensation of sympathy for a like-minded person in distress. After a brief while, one asked with a shaky voice.

"This……is there a possibility for Zeus to slip up?"

"It isn’t a big possibility." Sheyan calmly continued.

"Anyway ever since the Avatar world, the severely wounded Illume-union has lost vigor that won’t be easily recovered. This time, though Zi may return alive, the Illume-union is doomed."

At this moment, Ol’Seadog strolled towards Sheyan to transmit several words. Sheyan nodded faintly as he glanced towards the skies and blurted out abruptly.

"Reef, your earlier assumptions are foiled. Through Ol’Seadog’s inquiry, the journey to the wetland isn’t treacherous at all. Although their tribe hasn’t migrated to this port for long, they have been living in the region for decades. Most of the terrifying ferocious beasts have been hunted down, therefore, their food mainly comes from vegetation and fishes. In this region, savage beasts are quite uncommon."

"Perhaps this village is hiding something strange?" Brother Black interrupted. "Doesn’t that explain the 5 hours of investigation time?"

Sheyan nodded slightly.

"My sentiments exactly. Fortunately, we have these 5 hours of idle time to investigate thoroughly. If we save on these 5 hours, we will at most earn a reward of 10 hours of extended staying time. But if we utilize these 5 hours to investigate, perhaps we end up with nothing, or perhaps we may discover a hidden clue. What do you guys think?"

Both Mogensha and Reef naturally held no objections. When he first set his eyes on this place, a feint more utmostly crucial notion had been bugging his heart. However, he was unable to capture this fuzzy notion!

After his discussion with his comrades, he immediately felt this utmostly crucial notion was ready at the calling; merely separated by a thin layer. After painstaking deliberations, he still couldn’t fathom and decided to survey around.

By now, Port Qom’s celebration ceremony had been prepared, where many other tribes were invited to congregate.

They truly had a queer custom. Upon designated periods, the tribes would take turns to contest for the occupancy of the prosperous Port Qom. Yet after their conflicts, they would roast the corpses for food, and proceed to live in harmony with each other.

At present, the other tribe folks had fathered over for the occasion. Firstly, they wanted to participate in the feasting, with the mindset of ‘loaning vinegar to another’s dumplings’. Secondly, knowing that today’s occupants of Port Qom had raked in massive benefits, they wished to share in this welfare; while examining the goods that the outsiders had brought.

Hence, the scale of this bonfire celebration was extensive indeed.

Cheers and dancing erupted from the encircling crowd, as a tribal male dragged a large bound up zebra over.

Probably because weed-like grasses were added into the combusting bonfire, when the sacrificial ceremony reached its climax, one could observe the bloodshot eyes of the natives. Drenched in the madness of celebrations, they shouted themselves hoarse as they howled fanatically.

At this moment, the tribe Chieftain sauntered out in large strides. Originally stroking the zebra’s head gently, his hands unconsciously tightened.

With a piercing neigh of mournful anguish, the zebra struggled unceasingly. Caught unguarded, a native behind was stomped by the zebra’s hooves.

In his rage, he furious bellowed a monotonous syllable as he rudely clamped the innocent zebra’s rear limbs. Then raising his stone hatchet, amidst the piercing miserable neighs, he hacked down against the zebra’s body!

Blood splashed out and swiftly dyed the surrounding ground red. Under the incessant flickers of fire glow, the ambiance permeated with a bitter wickedness.

Facing this sudden recklessness, the Chieftain unhappily glared at that native. He stared emotionlessly at that native until his gaze was reciprocated, before coldly asking.

"Mbenga, are you trying to ruin our celebration?"

That native refuted angrily but upon observing his Chieftain raising that viper crutch, his eyes beamed with passionate fear as he immediately held back. Looking at his hands still dripping with warm blood, he no longer spoke but carried a ruthlessly evil grin on his face. Then, he was escorted away by his tribesmen.

The slaughtering of the zebra was followed by meat roasting, before accompanied with beverages; which was, of course, the rum from the Dingyuan.

As the captain of the Dingyuan, Sheyan was qualified to sit on equal footing with the Chieftain, where he received amiable treatments.

Although that slaughtered zebra was exceedingly fat, it couldn’t withstand the multitudes of people, and each only received a small chunk of zebra meat. Sheyan noticed that while some roasted the meat before eating, some natives consumed it raw.

Meanwhile, their main dish was a boiled viscous paste, which appeared black and filthy. Yet stirring it would reveal various colors, and it was sweet to the taste. This was a dish only esteemed guests could sample. Mixing corn, cassava, beans, vegetables, and tomatoes together, water would be added before boiling into paste or cake. Because the pigment colors of each ingredient were different, its finished product was multicolored and hailed as the ‘Rainbow Meal’.

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