
Chapter 536: Fierce competition

Chapter 536: Fierce competition

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Even though the contents of the chest had been revealed, many guests remained uninterested as they yawned while shifting their gazes elsewhere.

The chest was filled with a coiled up ash gray object, that would essentially look like dried kelp if its color was removed. Though it released a strong fishy odour, it didn’t attract any house flies or mosquitoes. On first impression, it appeared possibly to be tendons flayed off from a certain animal.

Yet when this unappealing object was exhibited, it overflowed with dull golden radiance; leaving one with a sensation of having their consciousness drawn in.

The grade quality of this object was undoubtedly - dark-gold grade!

Fortunately, amongst the guests of this auction, only the contestant Sheyan could differentiate its splendid radiance.

After probing with his helmet’s ability, he was thoroughly moved; because the probed information merely indicated a single statement - [ An incomparably precious ship building material ] !!!

"This…" Sheyan couldn’t help but stare blankly. Even with his usual composure, his heart couldn’t refrain from thumping wildly!

When Brother Black received Sheyan’s shared information, he cried out in astonishment in the party channel.

"Ah, a dark-gold grade ship building material! We absolutely cannot spare this. For the sake of this object grade, even losing a family fortune would be worth it!"

Sheyan could fundamentally determine that this object wasn’t a contestant’s equipment, but a precious unique storyline material. Fortunately, there were no ‘Pirate Captain’ calibre contestants present in this auction, and few could determine its true value!

Unless it was Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones, or those ancient ancestor pirates who possessed the ability to appraise a treasure. With the wrecked state the Hill Maiden was in and the appearance of this object, it was truly a match made in heaven.

As compared to this chest of dark-gold grade materials, the other articles auctioned off were existences that Sheyan could simply disregard; ones that he could casually dump away.

Observing the disinterested crowd, Sheyan rejoiced inwardly as he mentally yelled out that he made it rich.

He wasn’t in a rush to bid for fear of attracting another’s attention, but to let things naturally run its course. Perhaps after the auction concluded, he could link up personally and settle this with merely 500 guineas.

An awkward silence overcame the audience momentarily, indicating the disinterest of everyone. While Sheyan was gloating internally, he remained incessantly praying for this state of stagnation.

However, murphy’s law struck. After speaking till her mouth was dry, the auction hostess was about to announce this article to be ‘passed’ with her third hammer. Yet at this moment, Fernandez suddenly coughed and bidded.

"1,000 guineas, wrap it up for me. I do favour such oddly objects. Besides, Mckinney\'s auction wasn’t an easy one to set up, and I can’t possibly allow a ‘pass’ to sully his profits. Let me just fool around a little."

After Fernandez spoke out, who knew that wily old fox, Skrtel, would smile cunningly and interrupt.

"Hey ho, I too feel an attraction to such queer objects recently. Viscount, your excellency, why not allow me to have it instead. 2,000 guineas." Indeed, Fernandez had contributed enough wealth to buy his viscount status.

By now, Sheyan was wailing in anguish internally. As it turns out, these crafty old foxes were exceedingly interested in this, and were all scheming in anticipation for this object to ‘pass’!

Sheyan released a deep sigh; knowing that if he wanted to acquire this object, he would be in for a relatively fierce competition. Otherwise, it would be impossible to lay hands on it!

"10,000 gold guineas!"

While Sheyan was calming is disorderly train of thoughts, an eerie female voice pierced out. Indeed, it was the gypsy representative, that aged old female shrouded with a red veil. She scanned her surroundings with frosty eyes. The abrupt inflation of this object from 2,000 to 10,000 guineas instantly displayed a resolution in attaining it!

With the gypsy representative participating, the scene fell into a stagnated aspect once again.

Evidently, those individuals couldn’t really fathom the true value of that object, and were reluctant to offend a gypsy adept at divination. Yet ever since he set his eyes on it, Sheyan had already determined this object was paramount. How would he forsake it so easily?

"110,000 guineas."

"150,000 guineas!" The gypsy representative didn’t bother glancing over, knowing that Sheyan wouldn’t bother with her as well. She didn’t expose a single weakness as she maintained her composure, quoting her bid with great indifference.

Instead, both Fernandez and Skrtel didn’t bat a single eyelid. They were merely contended with themselves over springing up this spectacle, while others remained disinterested in the object. As such, no further bids resulted from them.

Nevertheless, Sheyan was aware that until the moment the auction mallet was hammered down, his true competitors would remain a mystery. Right now, he had no clue what the oppositions were deliberating!

Indeed, even before Sheyan could raise the bid, the arabian Wahabu upset the balance of the apple cart.

"170,000 guineas!"

That female gypsy then pounded against the table impatiently.

"200,000 guineas!"

"300,000 guineas!" Sheyan went for broke. Since he was bent on acquiring it, then he might as well declare his position.

The female gypsy casted a glare at Sheyan, seemingly wanting to engrave his entirety into her mind. She then remained silent but instead, Wahabu revealed a sinister smile.

"400,000 guineas!"

Sheyan glanced disdainfully at him before shutting his mouth, proceeding to sip his coffee unhurriedly; portraying an image of complete disregard.

Wahabu instantly felt his plans of revenge for the earlier bid had gone awry. Truthfully speaking, he was merely a representative. If he really purchased a questionable object with 400,000 guineas, he would have to face the harsh music! This amount was equivalent to four brand new 3-masted warships!

As time trickled away, cold beads of perspiration formed on Wahabu’s forehead. On the verge of the descending mallet, Sheyan leisurely declared.

"400,500 guineas."

As though a burden was finally unloaded, Wahabu wiped away his cold sweat; no longer daring to play punk. This secondary auction hostess had never expected she would be able to raise a 1,000 pound valuation object into a heavenly price of 400,000 guineas, as she beamed with delight over the prospects of hefty commissions!

Inspired by these events, she vigorously advertised the object once more with saliva splashing; hoping for a continual skyrocketing of valuation.

However, Sheyan’s only competition, the gypsy, knew that Sheyan had minimally reaped several hundred of thousand guineas from the gypsies. Thus, after weighing the matter, she gave up. Eventually, Sheyan acquired this object.

When the auction mallet hammered down, Sheyan released a long exhalation; as though he had offloaded a massive burden. Knowing that the gypsy representative had been stalled twice by Sheyan, the auction hostess proceeded to console her. Besides, amiableness was an import aspect for businesses to earn profits. The gypsy remained silent but gestured them to return, emanating a sense of deep shrewdness.

Sheyan carefully examined the chest of dark-gold grade materials after receiving it. Instead, the notification he got were all ‘? ? ?’.

As he admired and interacted with it, he realized it wasn’t at all like a dead object, but could sense a thriving vitality within it.

Citing an inappropriate example of pig trotters in the market. Those pig trotters couldn’t appear deader, but if one were to knead against its hooves, the slightest of movements indicated a strength contained within it that could explode out anytime.

Eventually, Sheyan couldn’t resolve his puzzlement over the chest of materials even after a careful round of inspection, and stored the item. Nevertheless, he was brimming with confidence in finding someone who could appraise this.

Following that, those 20 high-angled cannons that old McKinney had mentioned to him finally appeared. Instead, the auction hostess communicated a different recognition.

"In recent times, the marines of Port Royal has fought consecutive battles and triumphed. As a result, the navy headquarters has specially initiated a completely renewal of combat arms for them, to commend their bravery. Since their arms are being replaced, those obsolete old equipments naturally wouldn’t be scraped but used to exchange for capital."

Despite her speech, the following exhibitions were all without an exception, brand new and shining high-angled cannons. Furthermore, the inscribed sigil of the Hamburg factory was even imprinted on these cannons. If these cannons were truly ‘old and obsolete’, then the typical cannon of other maines should simply be dumped into the pile of scrap metals.

Many requested for those 20 high-angled cannons to be auctioned off in one whole batch. However, McKinney stubbornly auctioned them off one at a time. That wasn’t merely for the sake of added profits, but also to hedge against future risks.

If 1-2 brand new high-angled cannons surfaced aboard a pirate ship, the governor could still find excuses that the pirates purchased them through illegal smuggling means. Such a reasoning could still be barely accepted. Yet of 20 brand new Hamburg manufactured high-angled cannons surfaced on a single ship unanimously, and if that ship didn’t belong to the fleets of the Royal British Navy, that will become a hemorrhoid like problem to Norrington. Furthermore, he would be well aware that only Governor Swann was capable of such a feat.

Very quickly, the 20 high-angled cannons were partitioned and auctioned off. After a series of competition, the total amount fetch from auctioning them reached a high valuable of several hundred thousand guineas.

Sheyan had the chance to procure 1-2 cannons, but his experience told him it would take minimally 4 cannons to display its intended effects. 1-2 cannons would be seemingly negligible. Hence, he simply didn’t bother.

Following that, Sheyan fished up a pile of smuggled loots. He expanded 5,000 guineas to procure marine equipments sufficient for roughly a hundred individuals. These were the washed out equipments of marines. Nevertheless, these equipments came from the marines of two flagships, where they retained a relatively impressive quality.

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