
Chapter 611 - Clever King

Chapter 611 - Clever King


They were just reaching the security building when the door flew open and Reth rushed out, barking orders and grabbing Lerrin by the elbow in a jolt that made Lerrin\'s teeth clench against the pain.

"We\'ve got him, you are all called to Behryn immediately!" Reth snapped shoving Lerrin towards the council building.

"But—" the lieutenant began, but Reth snarled.

"I don\'t know what\'s been happening with this prisoner, but you are to report to Behryn NOW. And my advice is to take your humility with you if you don\'t want to be stripped of your positions!"

The Lieutenant\'s face opened in surprise, the two guards looking at him nervously.

"Yes, sire," he said after a moment. "Of course."

"Good. Get moving." Then Reth turned his back on the men and pushed Lerring in the door of the building, checking behind him only to be certain that Suhle followed, before they walked through into the darkened building.

The darkened, empty building.

Lerrin frowned, but didn\'t speak as Reth released him as soon as they were behind the door, then rushed over to make sure Suhle was inside and peer out of the crack. Suhle put her basket to the ground and looked up at him, hooking her arm in his with her eyes bright but uncertain. He put a hand over her hand and thanked the Creator that he\'d started healing finally. He suspected this was going to be a big day.

A moment later Reth turned from the door with a muttered, "Good," and then faced them. He wasn\'t smiling.

"What is it?" Lerrin asked quietly, his hand tightening on Suhle.

But Reth addressed Suhle first. "Have you got everything?" he asked quickly, efficiently.

She nodded, her lips tipping towards a smile. "It\'s all hidden out past the last Sentry points. We\'d only need to get beyond their eyes."

Reth nodded once, then turned to Lerrin, and his face was expressionless. "We can\'t let anyone know that you\'re being released. No one. Though the elders know that I plan to do this, they don\'t know I\'m doing it now. I couldn\'t risk anyone getting wind of it. There are still factions within the people…"

Lerrin nodded. "I understand. Thank you."

"Don\'t thank me yet. You\'re not only going to have to get out of the City, you\'re going to have to push hard. I\'ll only be able to hide your departure for a matter of hours at best. The guards will be aware of it first, and since we clearly have a leak among them, I imagine your friends will hear not much later. Hide your trail. Move as quickly as you can. And don\'t stop until you\'re forced to. Get her out of here and safe. If anything happens to her, I hold you responsible."

Lerrin swallowed back a growl. The King though he needed a warning to keep his mate safe? But he only said, "She is my first priority," through his teeth. He let the rage in his eyes say the rest.

Reth smirked and Lerrin almost growled again. But the King had turned to Suhle.

"Are you certain?"

She nodded without hesitation. "He is my mate," she said simply. "I yearn for the day we can be at rest together."

Reth finally smiled. "I am happy for you," he said. "And don\'t forget, you are always welcome here, Suhle. No matter what. If you two need any help or there\'s any problem, you come back and we\'ll give you whatever you need. But you," he turned back to Lerrin, "you do not set foot anywhere near the WildWood again. You will be killed on sight. And I will not stop it," he growled.

Lerrin submitted. "I\'m grateful that you\'re willing to release me."

"Banish you," Reth corrected. "With the strictest of censure. If you are seen by any of our people again, Lerrin, you will pay for it."

"I still thank you," he said, fighting the urge to challenge Reth. He kept his eyes low and swallowed hard. This was mercy. He knew it. He would not dishonor it.

"Very good," Reth said, his voice softer than it had been. "And have you considered my proposal?"

Lerrin looked at Suhle. She smiled gently.

"Yes, I have," he replied. "I am still not certain anyone will wish to take you up on it. But if it will serve you… serve the people… send them after us. They\'ll have to hunt us down, I can\'t be sure where we\'ll end up."

Reth nodded and flapped a hand. "Anyone who wishes to leave is going to be motivated to go whether they find you or not. But if you are willing to continue to lead, I see a way that we can, perhaps, not lose our people completely. And who knows, maybe our grandchildren will unite in peace? Only the Creator knows."

"Only the Creator knows," Lerrin nodded. "But I am willing. Send them whenever you wish. Once we have passed the desert I\'ll leave a trail for the sharp eyed."

Reth grinned. "Good idea."

There was a moment then, awkward, and heavy with anticipation. Then Reth sighed. "The sooner you begin to move the better. Those guards will take some time to find Behryn this morning. He\'s spending time with his mate, and he won\'t appreciate being interrupted. But he\'ll know and I hope he\'ll take the cue and keep them occupied for some time before sending them back.

"Regardless, you have to escape notice. As soon as it\'s known that you\'re gone, they\'ll send trackers."

Lerrin looked at Suhle—she was his greatest concern in this, yet when he thought about it, with her skills, she was likely less vulnerable.

"I will show him how we can evade notice," she said to Reth. "We will not lead them back to you."

"Oh, I have no problem letting them know I banished you. I just want you to have a head start before the backlash begins. Angry Anima are vengeful, and they\'ll mark you as his ally now, Suhle. Even without my declaration against you, they\'ll seek you to hurt you, not to save you."

"I\'m aware. I am not concerned," she said quietly, swaying closer to Lerrin. "Thank you, Reth. I\'m sorry it ends like this, but… thank you."

"I\'m not," Reth said gruffly, but with a smile. "I\'m so, so glad that you have found your male, Suhle." Then he turned to Lerrin. "And I regret, brother, that we did not learn each other\'s hearts earlier. That I did not seek you. I sensed the goodness in you. I should have reached out so that we never reached this point. I… I\'m sorry I didn\'t. Please forgive me."

Lerrin\'s brows shot up. "There is nothing to forgive!"

Reth snorted. "There is a shitload to forgive—on both sides. The Tree City loses a valuable Alpha today. But I am only grateful that the Anima do not lose you as a whole. Watch for new friends and subjects. I don\'t believe it will be long. The uneasiness in the Tree City can\'t last forever."

They clasped forearms, and Lerrin submitted again. "Thank you, Reth. For everything." He put his arm around Suhle, who rested her head against his ribs and squeezed his waist.

"Thank me by staying safe. I don\'t want to hear that you\'ve been lynched. Then all this effort I went to would be for nothing." He winked at Suhle, who smiled. "Goodbye friends. May the Creator bless you and your children, and your children\'s children."

Lerrin felt the benediction like a knife in his chest. But before he knew it, Reth was ushering them out of a window on the other side of the building.

As soon as his feet hit the dirt outside, he turned to Suhle and offered his hand. She took it with a grin.

"Here we go," he whispered.

She nodded.. Then they turned together, and ran.

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