
Chapter 336: Missed me ? - 2

336 Missed me ? - 2

She was initially startled to see a random man entering inside her. She was about to scream at the top of her lungs. But then that voice.

The moment she heard the voice, it was like she was ready to surrender.

She looked at him with her eyes wide open, unable to believe that it was him for real. Gasping and gulping at the same time she asked all astonished,

"You... you came?"

"Why you didn\'t want me to come?", saying that he adjusted his oversized trench coat and picked up her laptop bag which was in between them and pushed it to his side as he inched closer towards her.

"I hate when things come between us."

An immediate smile spread on her face, hearing the voice of her man.

"Brooklyn Private Drive - 47", he said looking towards the cab driver who seemed to be baffled with the sudden development that was happening inside his car.

He turned back to look at Akira and she nodded with a smile and said,

"Private Drive 47 please."

"Sure", said the driver and started his car.

Seeing that the driver had turned ahead, he embraced her quickly by enveloping her body with his left arm and asked,

"So did you miss me or not?"

"No, I did not", she said but didn\'t dare to look at him, as she was trying to make a desperate attempt at hiding away her tears of happiness.

He took a deep breath and then took out the handkerchief from his jacket and slowly wiped her tears away and said,

"But I missed you a lot."

Saying that he lifted her palm with his right hand and placed a small kiss on it while holding it tenderly with his firm hands.

Her lips instantly curled in a smile, the moment his lips touched the skin of her hands and she beamed like a sunflower which had been blessed by the rays of the sun.

"Why didn\'t you reply?"

"Umm... then I would have missed this reaction of yours.

Saying that he pulled her close and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"You know I was so worried for you. For a moment I felt like I will die", saying that Akira looked up at him with her big wide angry eyes and he chuckled. With his fingers, he pushed away a few strands of hair away from her face and gently ran his fingers on her cheeks and said,

"I will never forget you Akira !!! Rather, I just cannot forget you. Not even if I die."

Saying that he looked deep into her eyes and gave out a soft endearing smile.

She looked up at him again, but this time her gaze had softened like butter.

She inched forward and leaned on his shoulder and placed her hand on his chest trying to feel every beat of it.

"Cross-checking with my heart Miss Akira?"

"No, I am just asking it to slow down a bit", saying that she placed a kiss on his chest and went back to resting her head on him.

He kept caressing her shoulder with his long and slender fingers and said,

"Won\'t you ask me why I left you and came back here urgently?"

Still leaning onto him she shook her head in negation.

"Why won\'t you?", he asked again.

Hearing him she lifted her head up and said,

"Because I trust you and I know that it must have been something very very important else you would never have left me in a situation like that."

He looked at her all surprised because he was expecting a shower of questions and allegations but here she was acting all matured, lying peacefully in his arms.

He knew she was different from other girls. He knew that there was something about her that made her way mature than her age as compared to other girls and probably that was the reason why he not only loved her but respected her from the core of his heart.

So taking a deep breath he hugged her even tight and said,

"I am gonna need you to trust me with certain things more than ever before", saying that he started running his fingers in her hair.

"What do you mean?", she asked and got up.

"There are many things that I need to tell you, but most importantly there is one thing that I need to tell you right here right now."

"You are scaring me, Raymond."

"He held both her hands in his, and said,

"No matter what happens, no matter how bad I treat you, no matter how complicated and tangled things and circumstances become, never ever stop having faith in us."

"Why are you telling me all this now? Are you ok? Is everything ok?"

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