
Chapter 138 - One Hundred And Thirty-eight : In The Cemetery

Chapter 138 - One Hundred And Thirty-eight : In The Cemetery

Sabrina was confused yet she couldn\'t wave off the bad vibe she was getting. Why would the falcon coven require her presence just a few minutes to the battle?

Why the sudden summon? Had they found something out? Did they somehow figure out she plotted something? But how? She had been meticulous in the plans unless… had Rapheal stabbed them in the back?

Sabrina looked over her shoulder just to be sure she was safe, it was late already and fog had filled the path while the full moon rose high into the sky, casting it\'s light upon the night - they were running out of time.

Little Town cemetery was covered with tall, overgrown bushes and trees obviously from lack of care, people hardly visited here - yeah people not supernaturals.

Left for the council alone they would\'ve captured Lawrence during the day but it was risky, they still don\'t know the extent of his powers and cruelty moreover, humans would have stumbled on the scene and made things more complicated;but the night camouflaged and provided the perfect cover for them.

Sabrina stood at the front porch and was about to knock on the door of the rustic house when it opened on its own with a loud creak.

Taking a deep breath, she looked around her surroundings once more - Asher and the others should have arrived already - and stepped into the cabin.

Nobody was in sight but she could feel their presence, their magic was all over the place.

"I thought I was told to back out of this mission " Sabrina said to no one in particular .

Suddenly, several robed people appeared out of nowhere, and her lips tugged to the side, she had been right : they were using the invisibility spell.

"Sorry for our lack of manners, fellow sister Sabrina, but we\'ve been quite cautious of everything and everyone judging from the battle we\'re about to face " One of them said and pulled down the hood of her purple robe.

Sabrina was calm and stared at the brunette beauty who looked twenty but was in reality older than everyone in that room.

The rest of the falcon coven surrounded the room in a circle but Sabrina couldn\'t help but notice she was circled alongside Amala not to mention, her stomach was still giving her that weird feeling.

Amala smiled at her, flashing her maintained white canines which didn\'t move Sabrina at all.

For some unknown reasons, she has never liked this witch - they weren\'t friends neither were they enemies, just so-so.

"You chose quite a strategic point " Sabrina said instead when she didn\'t get her questions answered.

" Excuse me? "

"You didn\'t dare to get so close in order not to alert him but neither stayed too far, just to keep watch on him " Sabrina referred to the cabin.

She was no fool, until now there was no cabin near Little Town cemetery, who would dare live near such an eerie looking place.

Witches had always used the ground for certain rituals since most supernatural creatures had been buried here after the Great Purge.

Unlike humans, all supernatural creatures leave a trace of magic behind when dead, so most witches prefer to draw and strengthen their magic from those instead of the Haunted House.

"This is something we wouldn\'t have done in the first place if you had performed your duty well " came Amala\'s scolding.

"I did everything I could, it was just a mistake! " Sabrina retorted.

"The council doesn\'t pardon such mistakes! For every err, there\'s a consequence !" Amala raised her voice.

Eyes narrowed, Sabrina instinctively took a step back but she bumped into a body.

Her eyes widened as she saw the coven members closing in on her and forcing her to the middle of the little space they provided her.

"What do you think you\'re doing?!" Sabrina hissed at Amala who was nonchalantly pouring a suspicious looking liquid on her hands.

"The council has given me the power and authority to mete out your punishment " Amala said at last to her, causing her blood to chill.

At once Sabrina tried to summon a portal but one of Amala\'s people blasted her with magic causing her to scream out in pain.

" Umm " She moaned but still didn\'t give up "You can\'t do this to me, I want to receive my punishment from the council directly! "

Amala scoffed " You should be grateful to me, compared to what the council would have done to you, I\'m more lenient " she justified her action but the smile on Sabrina\'s lips mocked her.

"Oh please " Sabrina rolled her eyes in utter contempt, she didn\'t believe a thing that bitchy witch just said.

"Believe it or not, I don\'t care " Then she gestured her lackeys " Hold her down "

Sabrina sprang up " Iubes me fluviosque innare fluctuat omnis aere ventus et tonitrua, guide est filia eius ex .... "

She began to say a spell but Amala was quick to counter it,

"Quae penes me scribere haec potentia convertero secundarum casted "

The impact of the two spells clashing caused Sabrina to forcefully eject a mouthful of blood, it was obvious Amala was the stronger witch.

" Now! " She commanded her people and two figures grabbed Sabrina\'s arms while the other placed her hand on her shoulder, forcing the helpless witch to her knees.

" Let me go!? I said let me go! " She screamed on top of her lungs, struggling to be set free all to no avail.

Amala stood in front of her and placed a hand on her forehead, she began to chant a spell "Quod datum vobis, ut, progeniem: pythonissam vires auferat tua tolle de Coven vulturem"

Sabrina released an earth shattering scream as an intense pain rippled through her while Amala gasped as a new rush of power filled her.

It seemed to last forever but after a while Amala pulled away while Sabrina\'s eyes rolled back and she slumped to the ground.

" Take her away "Amala commanded with a blank face.

But just as they bent to pick her up, the door snapped open and one of her coven members rushed in breathlessly

" We are under attack, the boy is - Ahhh! "? she had yet to finish her announcement when something or rather someone snatched her from behind and flung her to God knows from.

"Who missed me? " Lawrence stepped into the light.

" Attack! "


"Raphael and his people have made their move " Asher murmured to Daniel as they stared at the fight going on at the cabin " It\'s left for the both of us to make our ….."

Asher turned around surprised, Daniel was no longer beside him but he could hear the snapping and popping of bones behind him, which all happened in a millisecond.

A snarl ensued, next a huge grey coloured wolf came to sight .

" Wow that transformation must have hurt " Asher teased and the grey wolf growled warningly at him.

But Asher wasn\'t done. " Why is your fur grey? I thought most Alpha werewolves have black fur? "

A threatening growl came this time from his carefully set razor sharp teeth causing Asher to raise his hands in surrender.

"Fine, I give up " then his eyes moved to the cemetery entrance " It\'s time "

He pushed the old rusty gate and it swung open with a loud creak and the vampire and werewolf stepped into the gothic looking cemetery .

"It looks empty, " Asher said and earned a yip from Daniel.

"Dude, I don\'t understand wolf language, " he complained.

Another bark.

"If you\'re that desperate to talk to me, just change back to human form "

And Daniel did just that, except Asher forgot the naked part.

"Christ !" Asher yelped and looked away " Don\'t you wolves know about the word? called \' decency \' " he whined.

Daniel rolled his eyes with annoyance " You asked me to change, didn\'t you? "

"Yeah, but you … " His voice faltered when his eyes unconsciously yet curiously rested on Daniel\'s


Asher cleared his throat " Is that real ? "

"What is real ?" Daniel was confused until his eyes followed Asher\'s gaze.

"Seriously?! " Daniel gave him a dirty look and his hands flew with lightning speed to his below, covering his Ding-a-ling.

"Forget I said anything, let\'s focus on our mission " Asher tried to salvage what\'s left of his reputation.

"Do you see anything?" he asked Daniel, It was no secret that a wolf\'s vision was far much better than a vampire\'s at night.

Though both were nocturnal creatures but werewolves were far more advanced.

Daniel nodded and blinked, his eyes illuminating a very bright yellow as he began to scan their environment.

The night was foggy and the trees casted long and scary shadows in the moonlight while the silent graveyard did justice to the eeriness.

" I hear heartbeats but I don\'t see anything "? Daniel told him as they walked further into the cemetery.

" This doesn\'t make sense " Asher remarked.

"It really doesn\'t "

He turned to face Daniel " How many cemeteries do we have in little Town? "

"One, as far as I know and - "

" Don\'t move " He suddenly commanded Daniel.

"Why? "

" We can\'t see them because they\'re actually beneath us "

Almost immediately, the soil beneath Daniel moved and a hand grabbed unto his leg.

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