
Chapter 484 - Sari

But that was pretty stupid, considering his skills.

He sighed.

Perhaps the best way to get out of this stupid crush was to actually keep in contact with her. It seemed as if the more he avoided her, the more fascinating she became.

Kyle knew very well that the more mysterious a person was, the more one could fall. You become enthralled by the image you had set up for the person in your mind.

You don\'t see his or her shortcomings because you had already put that person on a pedestal. Even their \'bad\' points were all good points.

Kyle was sure that once he got to know her, the thrill would fade and he would get back to normal again.

Silly Kyle.

He was thinking like a girl at that point, rather than being a boy.

A girl would constantly ask her boyfriend, \'What do you like (or love) about me?\' She would be waiting in complete fascination and utter seriousness for the answer.

A girl would often not believe that there was something about her, that would appeal to a guy. Sometimes, it\'s just that she wants reassurance. Confirmation. Validation.

Sometimes, it makes it worse because if the guy said something like, \'I like your smile\' then she would always be thinking that if another girl had a cute smile, he would fall for her. Or, she would think he was so superficial.

Guys never win in these situations.

As for the guy?

He just goes for what he feels. He acts instinctively.

It really could be something as simple as the way she smiles.

A guy does not think about it.

If she makes him feel nice, and he likes her, then he likes her.

It\'s not rocket science.

Right now, Kyle didn\'t take into account his male physiology ... but perhaps, even if he did, \'Kylie\' would have talked it to death.

It was, after all, the first time he started to get attracted to someone.


Sari waited patiently at the counter and saw with delight as Rex came over.

He was just so cute, the way he shuffled his feet while looking at the floor all shy. She had been observing him for weeks and was completely captivated at how nice he is.

Rex didn\'t talk much but did his work diligently. He never complained. He may not look at people in the face, but that was far better than having a sour expression as he served you.

Like right now, he was obviously feeling rather uncomfortable yet he wasn\'t taking it out on her. After scanning the items, he?said in that lovely low voice of his, "$6.50 please."

She paid and left, her heart happy.

She would have to thank Auntie Alia who helped her.

Although they hadn\'t done anything other than the usual \'store employee\' and \'customer\' interaction, Sari was quite content.

Soon, she would garner enough courage to go up to him and make small talk.

As she was thinking, she stopped by the side of the road and opened the packet of wet cat food she had bought earlier. Pouring its contents at the side, away from people, she waited patiently as two kittens came meowing tentatively over.

She had placed the food in separate places so that they wouldn\'t fight over it. She crouched there, protecting the kittens from the bigger cats that were trying to come over for the food. She wanted to pet them but they were still wary of her.

"I\'m sorry I can\'t bring you home. When I am all grown up and have a place of my own, I will bring you back, okay?"

She sighed and once they had their fill and left, she opened up the second packet of food. Pouring its contents out, she left. They were too wary of her, so this way, they could eat in peace.

Kyle watched this from inside the store.

"She\'s a very nice girl, right?" Alia said as she came to stand by his side.

Kyle quickly looked back down on the floor, saying nothing. That didn\'t stop Alia though.

"Her name is Sari. I\'ve known that girl since she was knee-high," Alia went on, "Always cheerful and sweet. Heart of an Angel that one. Lost her parents in an accident and stays with her uncle now. I heard her aunt doesn\'t quite like her though."

"Pity," Alia sighed, "But she\'s not mistreated. Just ... lonely, I guess?"

"Maybe that\'s why she likes to feed those strays. Uses her own savings, too. Not like she has a lot of it."

Kyle was silent as Alia went on and on, giving the girl a huge CV to Kyle.

Finally, patting Kyle on the back, she said, "Both of you have a lot in common. You should become friends with her."

With a chuckle, she said as she left, "Don\'t worry, she won\'t bite."

Kyle shook his head as he turned, not believing what had happened.

This was one thing he had forgotten about Country M.

People were always trying to matchmake you. Even if you\'re total strangers. Wait, no, that was not true. Not total strangers. But so long as they know you, and they see someone they feel is perfect for you, they\'ll help in setting each other up.

It was like a national pastime or something.

If you were young and single, bam - get together.

If you were a young couple, bam - get married.

If you were a young married couple, bam - get kids.

The list goes on and on.

Still, Alia was right about one thing.

This girl is quite a good girl indeed.

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