
Chapter 105 - Studio?

That was true. Playing is far better than working, right? Master Shifu\'s training was hardly \'fun\' most of the time. Though Kyle had to admit, the training was much easier now and Master Shifu only required Kyle to come in twice a week to monitor his progress and hear the reports. Otherwise, Kyle was left to his own devices. Kyle had earned that trust.

"Work?" Ken said with a raised eyebrow. <Yeah, right. He\'s most likely just making up excuses>

Though Ken had to acknowledge Kyle\'s skills, he didn\'t need to acknowledge Kyle, right? He still didn\'t like the way Cathy kept on taking those pictures and videos. Cathy used to do so for him but she didn\'t anymore. Even though he worked out just to impress her. Well, partly - bouldering required a lot of upper body strength.

Ken stared at Kyle, his eyes narrowing. From the moves Kyle had made earlier, it was obvious that underneath that shirt, his must be very fit and muscular. He had mistakenly thought that with Kyle\'s body frame, he did not have sufficient strength to make any complicated or advanced moves.

Bouldering not only required upper body strength, it also required agility and innovation. Reaching the top was one thing. The number of attempts was another. The one that could also determine the winner when the first two was a tie, was the technique used. In short, the moves or the routes taken. From just his first move itself, it was clearly seen that Kyle wasn\'t conventional and would score quite high just based on his technique alone.

Ken ground his teeth again, clearly unhappy. He could compete in speed and reaching the top. That only required training. However, route and technique? That was a talent that he could never hope to copy. Not only that, he wouldn\'t have even been able to copy Kyle\'s move. He still couldn\'t believe how that move could have ever been possible.

"Yes, work," Kyle replied nonchalantly, "It\'s nothing much but my Dad gave me a task to complete by the end of the year. Just a routine check-up of one of our subsidiaries here. The company\'s performance hasn\'t been up-to-par and I need to produce a report about it."

"Subsidiary? Company? Report?" Cole repeated in confusion.

"Yeah, what a drag," Kyle was complaining.

Kay grinned widely, rubbing her hands together, "Then it means that you\'re going to have to get work outfits now! SHOPPING!"

"Oh, man, Kay. No! No no no no NO!" Kyle hated shopping. He hated it in his past life, he hated it even more now.

"Oh yes, yes we are," Kay said firmly, grabbing his hand, "Stop being a wimp. Come on! We might as well get it now since we\'re in Mall T."

Kyle had this really tortured look on his face and Kay couldn\'t help but giggle, yet she did not let go of his hand. She forcefully pulled him along and he looked like a small boy who had been scolded by his mother as he grudgingly allowed her to pull him along.

Kay turned back to face the rest and waved at them, a big smile on her face.

"See you guys next time! It was nice meeting ... most of you," she said, pointedly stopping her gaze on Ken then gave a slight huff before going off.

The twins waved at Kay with a huge grin, thinking training would be more fun now whenever Kyle came. If it meant Kay would be coming with him. They looked at each other and then gave a high five.

Cathy came to join them then and heard Ken still mumbling under his breath about Kyle and him making up stories to sound important. Cathy gave him a look that made him stop and he asked, a bit harsher than he intended, "What?"

"You DO know that Kyle\'s the Smith Industries heir, right? The same Smith Industries that is the collective name for a group of approximately 500 business entities. Around. The. WORLD. Kyle\'s Dad is the sole or principal owner while Kyle is his only son. Do you honestly think Kyle was making it up? Most likely, he was downplaying it!"

Cathy had done her homework. When she admired someone, it may have first started based on the external features, but it was also the inner person that makes the person. Which was why she dropped Ken from the list. He was such a petty person and a big bully.

Cathy walked off in a huff, then started smiling as she thought of all the pictures she had of Kyle. She was going to upload them quickly! The last batch had made her account go BOOM!!


As Kay was happily dragging Kyle around, he actually stopped once they reached outside Rock5 Gym. She had no choice but to stop as well since he would be like a rock whenever he did so. She quickly put on her sad look and pouted her lips as she turned around.

Kyle was ready though.

"No shopping," he said sternly, looking at her in the eye without blinking.

Kay didn\'t say a thing but made her face look even sadder as if she was going to cry. Her lower lips trembled and she started blinking fast as if trying to stop her tears from falling.

Kyle rolled his eyes, released her hand and put both of them on her cheeks as he brought her face close and he said, "That won\'t work on me, my dear sister. I taught you that move."

He kissed her forehead, ignoring her indignant look - plus the looks everyone around them was giving them for the PDA.*

"I\'ll just go to ClassMan Shop and get everything tailored. That\'s so much better than going through all of those styles and what-not," Kyle explained.

Kay sighed and mumbled, "Fine." She knew how much Kyle hated shopping even though he never complained when it came to accompanying her to go shopping. Except for the last shopping spree, she would always get something for Kyle, sparing him the additional burden of having to shop for his own clothes.

"There\'s no ClassMan Shop here though," Kay said as she was checking the Mall T app on her phone, "Hey! But there\'s ... okay. Instead of shopping, can you do one thing for me?"

"Sure," Kyle replied without hesitating.

Kay beamed a huge smile. "Great. Come on!" she said, as she took his hand again.

"Where are we going?"

"You\'ll see," Kay said mysteriously.

Kyle followed Kay without questioning her and kept up with some small talk. Finally, they reached their destination.

"A studio?" Kyle asked in surprise.

"Yes! I want LOTS of pictures of you," Kay replied.

"You already have a lot of pictures of me," Kyle said with a laugh.

"No, not those," she said, shaking her head, "I want a specific type of pictures. Go in. Quick!"

Kyle shrugged and entered the studio. The receptionist, who had been engrossed with her book under the counter, looked up automatically in response to the chime which sounded as someone walked through the door.

"Welco-" she started, but then faltered the moment she saw Kyle walk in. She blinked rapidly for a while then closed it, before opening it again. The vision didn\'t go away and in fact, was right in front of her now.

She stood up quickly, clearing her throat and flashing a smile as she said, "Welcome to Studio X. How can I help you today?"

Kay bounced in front of Kyle, and said, "I notice from your website that this Studio can take a themed type of pictures?"

"Yes, it\'s one of our services," the lady answered, "What type of theme are you looking for?"

"Actually, not so much a theme. I want to build a portfolio for him," Kay explained, "So I need casual, sexy and formal type of pictures. Can that be done?"

"Sexy?!" Kyle looked at her with wide eyes, "What do you mean by sexy?!"

"Hush now," Kay replied with a smile, "Trust me. I won\'t get you to do risque poses."

Kyle gave her \'the look\' that practically screamed, \'Yeah, right. I believe you - NOT\'.

Kay just grinned back.

The receptionist, though, suddenly felt so sad. Her job did NOT allow her to go behind to watch the picture taking.

Kyle turned back to face the lady and asked, "What\'s the Studio\'s policy about copyright on the pictures?"

"Naturally, as the photographer, the Studio will have copyright over the pictures. However, the Studio will not use the pictures without your consent. At the most, a picture or two will be used as an advertisement in this Studio," she explained as she pointed to some photographs around the studio.

"What about the softcopies? Can we get them?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, with extra charge. However, you can\'t use them for commercial purposes," the lady explained.

"I\'d like the photographer to transfer the copyright to me. He will, however, have the right to use the pictures he takes as he sees fit as long as it\'s not for commercial purposes," Kyle replied, "I\'d like these terms to be in writing and signed by the photographer."

The lady was surprised. This was unprecedented and she didn\'t know what was the normal procedure.

"I\'ll have to consult the photographer first," she said with an apologetic smile.

"Of course, " Kyle replied, "It\'s only to be expected."

As they sat in the waiting lounge to wait, Kay asked Kyle, "Why so serious about the photographs?"

"Precaution," Kyle said, "I know you want the pictures for something and I don\'t want them to turn around and sue you or something for using it. Plus, I don\'t like the idea of them using MY pictures as they wish. I agreed to this for you, not for them."

"Auwwww ... you\'re the best!" Kay gushed.

"I know," Kyle replied with a grin and Kay smacked him for it. They laughed.

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