
Chapter 94 - Safe - Maybe?

"Kyle," he replied politely, "And this is my twin sister, Kayla."

"Kyle! Kyle!" shouts were heard from the reporters who were trying to get a scoop, after hearing his name. They were ignored.

"Let\'s go somewhere more private and we can also treat your wounds," Davis said, signaling his bodyguards that were a few meters away.

"Thank you, Sir," Kyle said, "We will be in your care."

Kyle knew that he would not be able to leave in peace with all of the reporters around, so he took up on Davis\'s offer. The best way to get out was under the cover of Davis and his bodyguards.

Davis turned to the reporters and said, "Please, we will release a statement regarding this matter at a later time."

One persistent reporter still came forward and said, "Kyle! What made you decide to risk your life for a stranger? Did you honestly think you could have done it?"

"No comment," Kyle said quietly, but firmly.

"What would your parents think if you had fallen? Don\'t you think your actions were too reckless?" he badgered on.

Kay was annoyed and snapped at him, "Would you have prefered it if my brother fell so that you would have a better scoop? Aren\'t you ashamed of yourself for even asking such a question?"

"He\'s your brother?!" the guy was taken aback. He could have sworn that the way they interacted was more like a couple rather than siblings.

Kyle stepped in front of Kay, effectively shielding her from the looks and camera flashes around. He glared at the reporter, "You know, the law is strict here about the protection of minors. Step aside or expect a call from my lawyers."

The guy was taken aback. Lawyers? This kid had lawyers? Who was he kidding?

Kyle, knowing what was going on in the guy\'s mind, looked at him coldly as he said, "Try me."

The reporter gulped, his instinct that had never failed him screaming at him to step aside.

He stepped aside.

Kyle and Kay followed Davis as he headed towards the lift. The bodyguards made people step aside, then when a lift came, politely told everyone to go out before they entered the lift.

Kay was busy on the phone at that moment and merely followed with Kyle guiding her by holding her waist. She created a WhatsApp group titled "Stupid Kyle" and added Sarah, Beatrice, and Kyle in it.

Kay: Kyle\'s fine. We\'re going to the owner\'s office right now

Sarah: Thank God

Beatrice: Noted

Kay: I don\'t know how long we\'ll be though

Sarah: No worries. We\'ll go back first then. I\'ll wait for you at the dorms

Beatrice: Yes. Thank you for lunch and the spa

Sarah: Ya! Ya!

Kay: Gotta go. TTYL


Kay put down the phone and watched as Davis took out a keycard. He used a key to open a slot at the control panel, revealing a slit that the keycard could be inserted. He did so and pressed the green button labeled "O".

In the lift were Kay and Kayla, Davis and one bodyguard, the lady and her toddler who was now quietly drinking milk from a bottle. She was observing everyone around her.

"By the way, I\'m Mary, and this is my daughter Dahlia," Mary said, introducing herself.

"Kyle and Kayla," Kyle said.

"We should call your parents," Davis began as the lift went up, "This is quite a serious situation and they need to be consulted."

Kyle decided to take out the harness that he had tied around himself then. However, just as his hands reached up to touch it, Kay snapped at him, "Stop it! Let me do it."

Kyle sheepishly stood still as she slowly untied the rope and harness. She had studied knots together with Kyle, so it wasn\'t difficult for her to undo the knots. As she pulled the harness off him, Davis\'s assistant took it, saying, "I\'ll hold this."

"Thank you," Kay said and also took off the chalk bag, which the man took as well.

"Thanks," Kyle said, "But it\'s not mine. I need to return it to Rock5 Gym later."

"I\'ll handle it," the guy said.

"Thank you again, Mr?"

"Harrison," he replied.

"Thank you, Mr. Harrison. It\'s much appreciated."

Harrison was taken aback for a while. It\'s been a long time since anyone actually thanked him for anything. Being Davis\'s assistant meant that he had to do a lot of errands on top of his normal job, but no one actually thanked him when he did it. It felt nice.

Harrison found himself smiling.

Davis watched this with approval. The young man was extremely polite, something that was rather rare nowadays with today\'s younger generation. It\'s not that they were rude, but there was this lack of respect shown for the older generation. They tended to talk to them like they were friends or at the same level, and Davis couldn\'t quite get used to that.

Davis was old school. There is a clear line between boss and subordinates, so he never showed any signs of appreciation towards his own assistant. He was the boss, not his friend. His assistant was merely doing his job - you don\'t expect a \'thank you\' every time you\'re doing your job, right?

However, it didn\'t mean that he didn\'t appreciate his assistant. He was gruff and barks orders, but he\'s never rude. He is also generous in giving staff bonuses as a tribute to all their hard work. Still, watching how happy Harrison was from a mere \'thank you\' made Davis look at Kyle more favourably. Anyone who treats his man well, will be treated well in return.

The lift went up without any stops, indicating that the keycard essentially made the lift as a private lift. They had reached their floor by now, and as they walked out, Davis asked, "What are your parents\' contacts? Harrison will get in touch with them."

"Oh, umm ... that may take some time," Kyle said hesitatingly, "We\'re not from around here, you see. We\'re currently boarding at Sakura Academy."

They walked briskly towards Davis\'s office. The entire top floor was the management and operations centre, while Davis\'s office was just a few doors away. Once they entered, Davis sat down at the small area for guests and indicated for everyone to sit.

"That makes this slightly troublesome then," Davis admitted, "The reporters are demanding an explanation and would most likely want to interview you about the whole rescue ordeal. They can\'t do that without your parents\' approval and presence."

"Yes, Sir," Kyle agreed.

"And they\'ll most likely find out who your parents are and probably hound them about it," Davis said, "So it\'s best that we inform them before they get the shock of their lives."

"I agree, Sir," Kye said.

"We\'ll Skype them then and then we can discuss the situation," Davis decided.

"Let me call them up first, Sir, to ease them into it," Kyle said, "In the meantime, perhaps Mr. Harrison can set up the conference room to skype them. Though it has to be two separate computers as my parents would be at their respective working place."

"That\'s a good idea," Davis agreed, "Go ahead and call them. Do you need some privacy?"

"No, Sir, it\'s okay. But ... just be prepared for a long lecture from my Mum." Kyle said with a grimace.

Davis laughed and nodded, fully understanding the situation.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and a doctor entered. He sat down next to Kyle and studied his hands.

"This is quite a serious burn. I\'ll clean it and apply some ointment. This may sting a little," the doctor cautioned as he began his treatment.

It did sting but it wasn\'t unbearable. After his hands were cleaned and sterilised, the doctor began wrapping his hand with a thin gauze, "You\'ll have to keep it clean and dry for a few days and change the gauze every day. Do you know how to do it?"

"I do," Kay said, "Kyle often gets injured like this during his rock climbs."

[Nice one, Kay] Kyle complimented. She\'s already creating their background story.

The doctor nodded and gave her some gauze and ointment. She thanked him and watched him go.

"Time to call Mum and Dad," Kyle said with a grimace.

"Can I use your phone, Sir?" asked Kay politely. After getting permission, she dialed and put it on speaker phone.


"Hi Mum, it\'s Kay and Kyle here," Kay started.

"Kay? Why are you calling from this number? Where are you? What happened? Are you alright? Is Kyle alright?"

Kay and Kyle looked at each other and she nudged him.

"Mum, calm down," Kyle said clearly, "We\'re fine."

"Oh, okay ... but what is up? Whose phone are you using here? What happened to your phones?"

"Mum, are you sitting down?" Kyle asked.


"Just ... sit down, please," Kyle said.

"Kyle, you\'re scaring me. What happened?!"

"Mum, calm down and sit down first. Then I\'ll tell you," Kyle insisted.

"Okay. Fine." A few moments of silence then "I\'m sitting down. Speak."

"It\'s nothing much," Kyle began, "It\'s just that I saw someone in trouble and I helped out. That\'s all. A small matter. Everyone is safe and sound."

Kyle waited and heard nothing for a while.

"Kyle Smith," came his mother\'s voice, "What are you not telling me?"

[Ouch. She used the surname, brother]

"Nothing much, really! A baby fell and I caught her," Kyle explained.

"Kayla. Smith. Just WHAT did your brother do?" Delia said through gritted teeth.

[Double ouch. She used the surname on you, too, Kay]

[We\'re still safe ... maybe?] Kay said hesitatingly.

So long as the full name wasn\'t used, they were still good.

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