
Chapter 82: Negotiating with God and Me as a Player

Chapter 82: Negotiating with God and Me as a Player

Translated by X-tremeEdited by X-treme

“I could try contacting the management……Goddess of Fate again, but hmm…”

In my phone’s phonebook, there is a number registered as Management (Goddess of Fate). The last time I talked to her was when I was staying in the Village of Fate, and I haven’t been in touch with her since then.

It’s possible that the number is no longer connected, but I’m willing to give it a try. I wonder if she’s someone I can casually contact. A real god from another world. Feel free to call God…….is crazy, isn’t it?

“It’s not like it’s an emergency and I can’t call…….Oh God, don’t dawdle and carry on, do it immediately!”

I’m done postponing things; I’ll call instead of worrying about it. I placed the call and waited for the other party to answer. I was half expecting her not to pick up anyway, but the call was easily connected.

“Hello, good afternoon. How have you been?”

It was as light-hearted as ever. It’s ridiculous how nervous I was. I think I felt the same way……

“Yes, thanks to you, I’m doing fine. Um, I don’t even know if I can ask God this question directly.”

“Question? Oh dear. You haven’t called me in a long time, but can’t we talk about something a little sexier? I was expecting you to confess your love to me.”

What the hell are you talking about, God?

“I can’t be that kind of romantic comedy protagonist.”

“I guess that’s true.”

I doubt if it’s graceful, but it’s true that I kicked the possibility of such a dreamy future. Well, I don’t……regret it a bit, only a……tiny bit.

“Can I get back to you?”

“Sorry, sorry. There aren’t many people I can talk to comfortably like this, so I made fun of you. I’m sorry.”

She apologized while laughing and didn’t sound the least bit convincing.

“You know, it’s against the rules for players on the Lord God’s side to contact each other or tell each other their location.”

“Yes, that’s right. That’s how it’s supposed to be.”

Is that what this is about? What’s with the unclear language? It’s as if you’re saying that it’s not really a problem…….

“Perhaps players on the Lord God’s side can communicate with each other? But I think the management rules on the board said it was a violation.”

“Yeah, yeah. It used to be, but now it’s not. You see, your case made it clear that the Evil God side is working together. It would be foolish for us to be the only one to follow the rules, and they wouldn’t listen to us if we told them to stop. I’ve changed the rules, thinking that if that’s the case, I’ll make it possible for our side too.”

I hurriedly took control of my computer and opened the message board. It’s……for real. I can’t find that note in the rules section. I must have looked at it wrong. I had printed out the rules just in case, and had them secured in my desk drawer, so I took them out to check, only to find that they were completely gone.

“That’s true. But why don’t you tell the players on the Lord God’s side about it?”

“Well……you know, it’s a relief to finish a big job, right?”

“In other words, you forgot to tell them.”

“I’m sorry.”

Even though I couldn’t see the other person’s face, I pictured her closing one eye, sticking out her tongue, and apologizing with a mischievous look on her face.

“There have been players who have been following newbie players from behind the scenes and lending a hand. I haven’t been in direct contact with them, but I’ve been silently tolerating players I’ve had contact with. So it would be strange to say it’s OK now, so I thought I’d ask only those who have noticed it to deal with it.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“It’s like a hidden element in a game. By the way, announcing that cooperative play is now available on the forums or gathering friends on the forums is not marked as prohibited. The only way for people to find out is to somehow contact the player directly in-game. It’s the same rule on the evil side. I’ve made sure of that.”

So there’s nothing wrong with contacting and teaming up in-game. One of my worries was gone. Then, there was only one question left.

“Can I ask you one more question?”

“My three sizes?”

I thought the reply was a bit childish, but I won’t say it.

“I’m not interested in that.”


Why do you sound so disappointed?

“Oh, can I ask you something first?”

“Yes, if I can answer it.”

Suddenly her voice took on a serious tone. A question from God, I feel so nervous.

“What do you think of luck?”

“Luck? What do I think about it? Isn’t it something I can’t do anything about? Good luck or bad luck is not something I can control, is it?”

“That’s true. Then, would you be happy if you were lucky?”

“Yes, I would be happy.”

Suddenly, she said something strange. I wondered if there was some deeper meaning to God’s question. I’m rather unlucky……No, I’ve been blessed to meet the “Village of Fate” and to have a part-time job. If I think about it, I am lucky these days.

“What would you think if you had bad luck?”

“I would think it’s just bad luck.”

“Do you ever blame anyone else for your bad luck?”

“I don’t know. Hmm……When I was job hunting, I think I used to say something resentful every time I was rejected.”

I couldn’t admit that I wasn’t trying hard enough and complained, “It was just bad luck. I was just unlucky.” When I think back on it now, all I can do is reflect on what a pathetic man I was.

“I see, you’re right. Yeah, that was helpful.”

What was the meaning of the question she just asked? I waited to hear if there was more to the story, but the silence continued.

“Um, can we get back to that, then?”

“Sorry, sorry. Go ahead.”

“Well, this is more important, but is it safe to contact—“

“…………I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”

Huh? Didn’t you hear me? I repeated the same words more loudly than before.

“Um, let me repeat that.”

“Don’t worry, I can hear you. I was just surprised because I didn’t think that Yoshio-kun would say something like that.”

Hearing her cold voice, stifled with emotion, made me realize my mistake.

“What!? That’s not what I meant! Please don’t misunderstand. That’s not what I meant!”

“Then what do you mean?”

“Well, our village is in dire straits right now, and I want to do everything I can.”

“Hmm. If that’s the case……well, there’s no rule that says you can’t, but…….”

“It’s okay then. I’m glad. It would be a shame if it caused a game over. Thank you very much. Oh, I have one more question. It’s not like the players in this game are attracted to each other, is it?”

“What is that manga-like setting? There are many encounters between players in the game, but I’ve never heard of anyone meeting a player in real life by accident.”

So, am I thinking too much? The employee’s conversation I heard in the bathroom was just a game. Is that right?

“I’ve had some unusual coincidences and connections with people around me lately, so I’ve been feeling a little uneasy. I guess I was just too concerned about coincidences after all.”

There can be strange coincidences in this world. Convenient and inconvenient developments were all coincidences. It’s not a zero chance.

“Oh, but players are blessed by the gods they play, so some of the characteristics of each god may reside in their bodies.”

“What do you mean……?”

“Let’s see. If you are playing a water god, you can avoid water damage. If you are playing a fire god, you can avoid fire-related disasters and avoid burns. Yoshio, you are a player of the God of Fate, which is me, so……you may be at the mercy of fate or something?”

Her tone was playful, but I wondered if it was my imagination that I could hear a hint of urgency in her voice.

“I’ve been having a lot of adventures lately, but…”

“Maybe it’s fate! Isn’t it wonderful to have a colorful life?“


She hung up on me before I had time to say thank you.

“……Fate, let’s see what it means.”

Once again, I searched the Internet for the meaning of the word “fate.”

“It means good luck or bad luck that comes around regardless of one’s will. It also means the future.”

I felt like I understood a little more about where I stood. It’s true that luck and misfortune are both in my face these days. It makes sense to me that this current situation is all a force of fate.

……I’ve been through a lot, but it’s all been good for me and I’m moving in the right direction. I can be grateful, but I can’t hold a grudge. I’m not sure if this means that I’ve become a person who will continue to be involved in various events. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not……It’s a benefit I’m not too happy about.

“I’m not going to worry about something I can’t figure out! I’ll stay vigilant, assume the worst, and move on without stopping.”

With the momentum of my talk with God, I connected the phone to the other person.

After talking for more than ten minutes, I stopped the call.

“Hmmm…I think we managed to negotiate.”

When I was a NEET, I was terrified of the sound of the phone and never picked up the house phone or called anyone, but I’ve made progress, haven’t I? I guess it’s natural to people, but I still have a hard time with even a normal phone call.

“I did my best, yeah.”

I have no one to praise, so I’ll encourage and praise myself. It’s a good thing I reread those related comics and researched negotiation techniques on the internet before calling. I suddenly felt a weight on my right shoulder, so I turned my head and saw Destiny climbing on my shoulder, nodding with his eyes closed as if to say, “I’m the only one who understands.”

“Thank you.”

Just having one being who understands me is rewarding.

Everyone in the “Village of Fate” is like family to me. Even if……is an exaggeration, I want to do everything I can to save them.

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