
Chapter 103

[Seven-Thousand-Year Wish of the Sacred Tree Bakurudnaima]

[The Sacred Tree, Bakurudnaima, was born out of the 「Will to Protect」. Though time had weathered its appearance and diluted its power, it had never forgotten its original essence.]

[Offer a fragment of your 「Will to Protect」.]

[Offer Bakurudnaima a single piece of evidence that can prove your 「Will to Protect」.]

The current Hidden Quest was connected to the Set Scenario called The Revered One, and The Collapsed Reverence.

‘If it’s related to the Will to Protect…’

Jin-Hyeok had two pieces of evidence—one was the Guardian Ring, and the other was the Planter’s Record Journal related to the Golden Guardian Tree.

‘Judging by the specification of offering only one piece of evidence, the route might differ depending on what I offer.’

Jin-Hyeok wondered which one would be better. Not all Quests or Scenarios operated solely on rational choices and logical reasoning. Scenarios were not math problems, after all. In times like these, the answer was predetermined.

[You have activated the Mystery 「Pure Luck」.]

Jin-Hyeok might not trust in his own luck, but he did trust in Mysteries. Perhaps its vigor had waned lately, but the Mystery did not shoot out bolts of lightning like it used to.

‘I can feel it.’

Jin-Hyeok made his choice. For his single viewer, Jin-Hyeok thought of a catchphrase for this situation.

“May this journal serve as evidence of my Will to Protect, and hopefully, offer some solace to your seven-thousand-year vigilance.’

With that said, Jin-Hyeok took out his Planter’s Record Journal. A furtive glance revealed his only viewer’s eyes sparkling. It seemed like he chose the right catchphrase as he was satisfied with Shin Yu-Ri’s reaction.

The Hidden Quest was important, but so was the reaction from the viewer before his eyes. Usually, he tried not to read into their feelings with his Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance, fearing it might erode his social skills. However, this time, he was too curious.

‘Was it good? Was it too cheesy? Was my catchphrase too cliché?’

[...#Beautiful. #Very.]

A swell of pride washed over him. Jin-Hyeok always found beauty in an excellent Play and judging by Waiting Wife’s reaction, they were equally entranced by Jin-Hyeok’s Play. Recognized by a fellow enthusiast, Jin-Hyeok’s mood soared even higher.

The Planter’s Record Journal in his hand started to float. With a soft sound effect, it unfolded. And then, the voice of the Sacred Tree came through.

“Impossible… You were meant to be a king, destined to rebuild the civilization of gold. The Will that surrounds you is indescribable. Ah, it’s dazzling.”

[You have cleared the Hidden Quest 「Seven-Thousand-Year Wish of the Sacred Tree Bakurudnaima」.]

In an instant, a shimmering liquid started seeping through the dark passage. It was as if the roots of the Sacred Tree were shedding tears.

"Oh, Glorious One, follow this path. Beyond this road where life and death intersect, there shall be a radiance that will brightly illuminate you. My seven-thousand-year wait has not been in vain."

Among the multiple branching passages, one was exceptionally radiant. The Sacred Tree had paved the way itself.

“But do proceed with caution. At the end of this path, a queen harboring boundless greed gnaws on my spirit for thousands of years.”

It was probably talking about the Red-Eyed Queen Ant.

“Has this Queen been kidnapping children?”

“Yes, she has defied the natural order and feasted on children for thousands of years. She seems to believe that after consuming ten thousand children, she can become human.”

Just then, the Sacred Tree fell silent for a moment.

“The Queen just consumed her ten thousandth child.”

Jin-Hyeok’s mood plummeted. Those words essentially meant that the Quest to save the chief\'s granddaughter had failed. Even if it was a minor Quest, a Quest was still a Quest. Failing it hurt his pride.

“You must act quickly, Heir of the Golden King. The obsession and greed accumulated over thousands of years have finally culminated in a plausible miracle. The Queen is transforming herself. I have underestimated the corrupted will of the Queen. Time is of the essence. Prevent the impending calamity, Heir of the Golden King.”

Even in his previous life, which operated at a much higher level, nothing like this ever happened.

‘The Red-Eyed Queen Ant is eating children? Consuming ten thousand children over thousands of years? And transforming into a human as a result?... So what will she become?’

Jin-Hyeok couldn’t know for sure, but a sudden, piercing headache overwhelmed him. An image formed in his mind. It felt as if a piece that had taken its place in his psyche shattered into smithereens.

‘Pure Luck?’

The Mystery that he possessed, Pure Luck, felt as if it had broken. Jin-Hyeok had an inkling of what this sensation meant.

‘Luck alone can’t avert the situation unfolding before me.’

Something big was about to happen.

“Let’s go.”


Jin-Hyeok and Yu-Ri began to run down the brightly lit passage.

⁕ ⁕ ⁕

‘This passage is incredibly long.’

Jin-Hyeok continued to sprint down the path. Perhaps it was because the Sacred Tree had fulfilled its role and was gradually dying, but the light was progressively dimming. The duo increased their speed, but it wasn\'t long before Yu-Ri reached her limit.

“I-I can’t go any faster…! Go on without me.”


Jin-Hyeok stopped briefly to whisper something into the ears of the panting Shin Yu-Ri.

After listening to Jin-Hyeok, Yu-Ri replied, “Okay. I will do as you said.”

“Yes, please take care.”

Jin-Hyeok left Yu-Ri behind and dashed forward like a madman. Just as his breathing grew erratic and fatigue set in, he felt a momentary sense of danger. Jin-Hyeok instantly ducked, activating Broadcaster’s Barrier at the same time.

‘Activate Broadcaster’s Barrier.’

In a flash, the Barrier shattered, and even the usually stoic Jin-Hyeok felt a chill running up his spine.

‘Had I not ducked, my neck would have been severed.’

Something appeared from the void—a thin thread, shimmering as the fading light was reflected by the thread.

‘A silver thread?’

He reflected the incoming silver thread by swinging his Greatsword.

‘It’s sharp.’

It was much sharper than any ordinary sword, the destructive power imbued within it tingling his wrist.

‘This guy’s incredibly strong.’

An attack was coming from somewhere, but Jin-Hyeok could not pinpoint where it was coming from. Jin-Hyeok couldn’t even see it with Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance. This implied a significant difference in Levels or abilities.

‘I stand no chance in a one-on-one fight.’

However, he felt one thing.

‘It’s getting closer to me.’

Slowly, bit by bit, the monster was approaching from beyond the faint light.

‘I need to buy some more time.’

Relying on his animalistic sense, Jin-Hyeok dodged and parried incoming attacks.

‘Activate Star Shield.’

Seven strands of silver thread aiming for Jin-Hyeok’s neck were deflected. Soon after, even the faint light disappeared entirely, and a voice echoed in the darkness.

“Not bad.”

A voice that was neither male nor female, neither adult nor child, resonated. It was a cacophony of many voices intertwined. As the voice gradually neared, something appeared from Jin-Hyeok’s Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance.


It was a monster with all its details displayed as question marks. All that could be seen was a dark silhouette, the rest was obscured by the darkness.

“Are you the Queen Ant?”

“Show some respect, you fool.”

As the voice got even closer, Jin-Hyeok felt as if his breath was stuck in his throat.

‘The pressure is overwhelming.’

Judging by the approaching silhouette, she appeared to be about 150 centimeters in height, roughly the size of a short person.

“This body, these abilities, everything is ecstatic and beautiful.”


Jin-Hyeok’s mind was in turmoil. He was wondering how to fight this being without any regrets. Even if he were to die, he would want to fight without any regrets to make it enjoyable.

“What do you want?” Jin-Hyeok asked.

“I will establish a beautiful empire,” the monster responded. It was an answer befitting a Queen Ant. “My offspring, inheriting my beautiful blood, will escape this dark underworld and dominate the places where light touches!”

The Queen Ant laughed ominously.

“Soon, my children will awaken!”

“Well, if you want to see the light so much, here it is,” Jin-Hyeok said while smirking.

[You have activated the Skill 「Broadcaster’s Light」.]


His Skill brightened the area. Instantly, the Queen Ant stepped back and shot silver threads from her fingertips. Jin-Hyeok hurled himself to the side and dodged them.

‘She’s almost just like a human, isn’t she?’

Aside from the antennae on her head and the scaly wings on her back, she looked entirely human. Her overall form even seemed somewhat feminine.

\'She has the power to overwhelm me, yet she only revealed herself after it was completely dark. It seems like she’s weak to light and overly cautious.’

Being overly cautious often hampered movements. Confused by the sudden light, she was even more cautious. Now was the opportunity.

Jin-Hyeok lunged forward immediately, utilizing Sharper Spirit to slice at the Queen’s torso.

‘It’s not working.’

The Queen Ant was protected by a barrier and it was so sturdy that not even a sliver of damage could be inflicted. Once again, dozens of silver threads rushed toward Jin-Hyeok, who evaded and deflected them with nimble movements.

‘She seems much stronger in melee battles than me, but..’

Despite this, the Queen Ant insisted on long-range combat, controlling her silver threads. She outright denied Jin-Hyeok any form of close combat.

“You’ve got some cute tricks,” the Queen said.

By now, the Queen Ant had grown accustomed to the light from Broadcaster’s Light. The Skill no longer had any effect on her. Silver threads flew toward Jin-Hyeok, entangling the Greatsword.

“It’s been a fun game,” she said.

Abandoning his Greatsword of La’kan, Jin-Hyeok flung himself backward, rolling three times.

‘A Swordsman letting go of his sword…’

His rational mind, which had always insisted that he was not a Swordsman but a Streamer, was overtaken by his primal instincts. It was an utterly humiliating moment, but there was no other choice. He was too far from his Greatsword of La’kan now, so he drew his dagger.

Just then, two strands of silver threads flew in and stabbed both of his thighs. Unable to hold himself up, Jin-Hyeok partially knelt down on the ground.

‘Paralysing toxin has entered my system.’

His body gradually grew heavy. The Queen Ant, now assured of her victory, began to approach. More strands of silver threads formed, tying Jin-Hyeok’s wrists and ankles and lifting him into the air. The threads dug into his skin. Drops of red blood trickled down the silver threads.

“Red blood is beautiful.”

She looked up at Jin-Hyeok as if admiring a piece of art. A single drop of red blood fell on her finger, flowing from one of the silver threads. She licked the drop of blood and let out a smug smile.

“Your blood is incredibly sweet.”

Then suddenly, the Queen Ant screamed, “No!!!”

She started to fly away.

“What do you mean, no?” Jin-Hyeok muttered.

Jin-Hyeok, who was still connected to the Queen Ant through the silver threads, was pulled along at a swift pace. Grasping the silver threads that had pierced his wrists, he clenched his fist tightly.

‘I’ll die if I let go.’

He focused Broadcaster’s Barrier on his wrists and palms.

‘I need to concentrate. Otherwise, my wrists will be cut off.’

Floating in mid-air, Jin-Hyeok managed to draw out his Greatsword of La’kan that was stuck in the ground. He successfully retrieved it.

‘It’s getting hotter.’

A familiar smell reached his nose. It was the scent of gunpowder from Yu-Ri’s Skill Wrath of Nemesis.

‘She must have carried out my request well.’

Soon, a vast space appeared before him, engulfed in flames and filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder.

‘Her intrinsic setting of cherishing her own eggs hasn’t changed.’

Jin-Hyeok was certain that somewhere here was the Hatching Chamber. He had requested Yu-Ri to destroy the Ant eggs in the Chamber, and it seemed she had done so successfully. Amid the roaring flames, a human figure became visible.

“You wretch!”

The Queen Ant, devoid of rationality, flew toward Yu-Ri. Her hand transformed into a sharp, glimmering silver blade. Just then, Yu-Ri spoke loud enough for Jin-Hyeok to hear as well.

“Activate the Mystery, Iron Dome.”

Instantly, the most powerful mechanical defensive Mystery revealed itself. Hundreds of mana bullets shot out from behind her. This Mystery displayed the most efficiency when used in defense. The Mystery, which had an exceptional compatibility with Yu-Ri and her Job, aimed at the Queen Ant.


Dozens of explosions sounded almost instantaneously. Dozens of mana bullets hit the Queen Ant, while the other dozens of mana bullets were fired behind her to block her retreat. Additionally, another set of mana bullets was fired in a specific location.

As the explosions continued, a vacuum state formed for a brief moment, followed by a fierce wind strong enough to blow away any human.

Jin-Hyeok felt his Mystery, Pure Luck, which had shattered earlier, begin to regenerate.

‘I guess I can use my Pure Luck now.’

[You have activated the Latent Skill 「One With the Sword」.]

The inertia from being tangled by the silver threads, combined with the gusts from the explosions, Jin-Hyeok poured all of that force and his own weight into activating his Level 90 Swordsman-exclusive Skill One With the Sword. The Iron Dome had weakened even the protective barrier around the Queen Ant.


Jin-Hyeok successfully thrust the Greatsword of La’kan into the Queen Ant’s back.


The Queen Ant screamed in agony and swatted with her arm.


Jin-Hyeok was struck and sent flying.

‘I think my cheekbone just caved in.’

Despite the surge of intense pain, Jin-Hyeok was smiling.

‘The direction I’m being sent flying in is perfect.’

At the end of the path previously cleared by Yu-Ri’s Mystery, a green mana rune was glowing.

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