
Chapter 370 - 336

Chapter 370: Chapter 336

I did find a library! Or the equivalent of whatever they would call it here.

Tons of books.

I may have taken a few.

But the best I could find was some vague mentions of it and how if someone wanted to learn after mastering basic Kidō, they would apply for the Fourth Division after graduation. So my current hypothesis was that it was something like Medical School after basic College Education. Something that requires specialized learning be it hands on or just academic knowledge that they weren\'t really able to teach in this kind of environment.

It made sense, I suppose. I think the students here spend like six years, and that involves learning how to kill soul eating monsters effectively. Which would be their main priority in every circumstance. Those predisposed to the healing arts would be small in number and not something they\'d want to spend too many resources and time teaching if 99% of the graduates aren\'t going to properly learn it.

Or I could be wrong, that happens sometimes.

But finding a few books that would give me some context for several things I was wondering about would be helpful. And Jinn is always thrilled when I bring things of this nature back for her. If nothing else, seeing her happy would make it more than worth it.

Besides that though, I finally have my own Zanpakutō!

It\'s hard to find the correct words to describe the feeling of getting a treasure I\'ve been yearning for. I allowed myself to indulge in it, making sure I replaced that other guy\'s Zanpakutō and putting my own at my side.

My hand never left the hilt for as long as I had been walking through the Seireitei. Which, hadn\'t been long, but I was still happy after gaining it that I was still in high spirits after leaving the Academy.

I continued to feed a strand of my Aura into it, letting that be a bridge for my Reiatsu to also envelop the sword.

It wasn\'t hard to imprint on it, actually it was very easy. But beyond the very basics, it didn\'t seem to change in any noticeable manner. I wasn\'t in a hurry, but it was worth noting that it would take awhile to achieve any sort of progress that I was looking forward to.

Do you feel anything strange, Ddraig?

[Since we\'ve come here, I can sort of feel your soul better. I think as you\'ve been taking in this stuff, it\'s been affecting me, but not enough to see how yet.]

Interesting, very interesting.

Since you\'re not panicking, I assume it\'s probably good?

[I don\'t panic. And yeah, it doesn\'t feel bad, so I haven\'t really been fighting it. As for your Sword, I think there\'s the tiniest bit of a resonance forming, but it\'s still miniscule.]

Hmm, that\'s about what I thought.

Keep an eye on it, please?

[No problem, it\'s more interesting than just sleeping.]

There is the thought about what would happen if you started taking in Reiryoku as well. Would you be able to exist outside of the Sacred Gear if you got enough? The nature of your existence sort of requires a physical body as you\'re a clump of Magical Energy at your basic. Soul notwithstanding, obviously. But you\'re not a spiritual being, thus, being only a soul is hazardous if you wanted to continue existing normally.

[For all my power, I wouldn\'t be able to live without my body from before. This thing is as much a prison as it is life support.] Ddraig sighed. [You\'re right, I\'m a physical being. I can\'t just live with only a soul. But maybe you\'re on to something. That bastard in the spear is sucking the stuff in at every opportunity, maybe I should take a page out of his book.]

I don\'t mind sharing some with you, see how it goes.

[...thanks, I appreciate it.] He grumbled. [And are we going to keep ignoring that you\'re being followed?]

Eh....I was letting it go for now. Kinda wanted to see how this would play out. I don\'t mind bailing at the drop of a pen if things go sideways.

[Sure, this isn\'t like that situation with the Demon. I doubt anything here can actually interfere with your Magic. I wouldn\'t mind seeing some more stuff here myself, so stick around as much as possible.]

Well, if you\'re interested too, yeah, I really don\'t mind investigating a little more. I wanna check out the Healing, as was obvious, but other than that, I had no objective.

[Their Healing has to be soul based, you don\'t really have anything good like that.]

True, very true.

That was one of my thoughts as well. Nearly all of my healing is based on the physical body. Spiritual Healing is....rare, not something I\'ve come across in my own travels. Maybe Gramps knows something, but I haven\'t asked him. The closest I\'ve had access to is Avalon, and that doesn\'t actually heal souls. The situation with Kunou was only that the energy that invaded her soul and such was antithetical to Avalon, so it was able to safely remove and purify her.

I guess it isn\'t wrong to say that Avalon has a spiritual component by virtue of its elevated existence, but that is not its intended purpose.

[After receiving a shock from that Demon\'s attack, I\'d say that anything would help.]

You said you\'re doing fine now, right?

[Yeah, just some aftershock, not really a big deal. Trust me, you would know if something was actually wrong cause the Boosted Gear would probably break apart. Prison and Life Support, as I said.]


[....can you just confront him? I\'m getting second hand embarrassment at his attempts to tail you.]

Don\'t be mean, Ddraig, he\'s clearly trying his best.

I pretended not to notice a rather large body peering around the corner.

....but I guess I shouldn\'t try to sneak into another Division Headquarters while someone is obviously on my ass.

The fact that a Captain would be by was enough to make me cautious, I didn\'t need this happening.

I looked around, and found a nice little place out of the way. I let out a grunt, pushing off the ground and landing atop a building that was a little off the beaten path.

Y\'know, it was actually a nice view. Despite some of the many complaints I\'ve had about this place so far, the Seiretei was actually kind of beautiful.

Though, the mood was ruined when I felt a presence looming behind me. It was accompanied by a displacement of air, like a loud one. Yoruichi in comparison was like a little squeak, while this one was like thunderclap.

Skimming that book on movement, I could guess that it was pretty standard for Shinigami.

And Like....a big shadow was blocking the light and I think he was breathing out of his mouth. If the other signs before weren\'t very obvious.

Honestly, I just had to tilt my head back to see him looming there.

"So you finally noticed me." The big guy announced, sounding all too pleased with himself.

"Yeah....sure." I turned around to actually face him.

I admit, my first reaction was to introduce him to my lovely brick. However, I was curious about something and was going to see if I could prod him into showing me it.

"How unfortunate for you to appear before me, Ryoka." He looked at me and it was unnerving.

Not because his strength was....threatening, no.

I don\'t think I\'m one to usually insult another\'s looks in earnest, but in this case....I am a little speechless. He had a very large body, and perhaps a bigger head than he should for his size. Combined with oversized lips, oversized nose, and eyes that looked comically small on his face....yeah, I was having trouble finding the words.

"Growing up must have been hard on you." I said with full sincerity.

He blinked and it just made it worse.

And that just makes an awkward silence between us. Honestly, I think he was going to do some postulating, but now he seemed confused.

"How unfortunate for you to appear before me, Ryoka." He seemed to just reiterate.

"....didn\'t you appear before me?" I questioned.

"An unfortunate twist of fate." He continued.

"...alright, just ignore me."

"I am not without Mercy, Ryoka." He said arrogantly. "I will count to ten, so you have some time to properly regret running into me."

[....Get the brick.]

"I have the brick." I affirmed, taking it out of my ring.

"....Why do you have a brick?" He looked at me, blinking again.

"Probably to finish the job someone already started on you." I gave it a few swings.

He quickly shifted into a scowl. "My generosity is misplaced. Then I will defeat you swiftly and receive my due praise after turning you in."

He took a step backwards instead of actually doing anything. Except as soon as he moved he disappeared with that same sound of air being forcibly displaced. He was now several yards away from me with a cocky grin on his face.

He took another step forward and disappeared again, appearing at my side, then the other side. Switching around a few times. It wasn\'t like I couldn\'t keep up with him, but if he wanted to give me a first hand look at his movement technique, I wouldn\'t say no.

"As expected, a mere Ryoku cannot keep up with my Shunpo. You probably cannot even see me, your eyes unable to grasp me as my mastery of Shunpo is beyond your comprehension."

[Fuck it, brick him. Brick him hard.]

Patience, Ddraig.

"Enough playing around." He stated, using his burst of speed to appear behind me, his sword drawn. "I will end this in one strike." He swung down his sword in such an obvious manner.

All it took was a side step, but he demolished the building as his blade collided with it.

I didn\'t get caught up in the ensuing collapse, opting to slip off and land safely on the ground.

Admittedly, that was impressive strength. In that, I didn\'t think he could do that if I were to be honest. My spiritual senses when it comes to Reiatsu isn\'t as refined as I would like it to be. He seemed weak, and well, he was weak comparatively to the Captain I encountered.

Yeah...Shunsui was significantly stronger, and it even felt like he was holding himself back substantially.

"Impressive." He declared, pushing away rubble from the small building, climbing out of the remains. "Was it fear of death that allowed you to transcend your limitations to avoid my sure-kill strike? I will applaud your survival instincts."

[Oh my god...]

I was a little distracted because the spear reacted when Ddraig said that.

"I will allow you to know my name." He puffed up, really sounding proud of himself. "I am Jirōbō Ikkanzaka. I am known as Kamaitachi Jirōbō!"

Oh, he has an epithet. I mean...It isn\'t super edgy....but kinda flat. Kamaitachi is a type of Youkai, a sort of weasel if I recall correctly. I think they have something to do with wind manipulation?

"Kurosaki Ichigo." I introduced myself as well.

[Yeah, you sure introduced yourself.] Ddraig said dryly.

"Hey." I leveled my brick to him, ignoring Ddraig. "I heard Shinigami have positions in their divisions. Where do you stand?" I wouldn\'t mind getting an idea of their general power level based on position.

"I am the fourth seat of the Seventh Division." His pride shined brightly.


"And I also heard that Shinigami can –" What word do I use to sound like I\'m ignorant? "—Transform their swords? Can you do that?"

"You wish to see my Shikai." He grinned. "Very well, I will allow you the privilege to see why I am known as the master of projectiles and am called Kamaitachi."

Well, I thought it would take more goading, but he seemed....eager.

He placed one hand at the very tip of his blade, palm pressing down. "Flap away – Tsunzakigarasu." The words left his mouth and I felt a shift in the air. I felt something odd spread through and my Soul sort of....heard the name as well. It had weight to it, strangely enough.

His hand atop his blade slammed down. It reminded me of those false blades that collapsed into themselves. However, he pushed fully down until his palm pressed against the hilt of his now bladeless weapon.

Immediately, they appeared. Little dual blade flying objects all around him. They spun in the air and I could imagine that they were razor sharp.

I could also feel him more predominantly as well. His Reiatsu spiked up a couple times, I could easily tell that he was at least two times stronger than he was previously.

Was this the supposed Shikai?

It had that kind of strength increase by just releasing it? Then what about Bankai? What kind of monstrous strength would someone gain by using that?

Obviously, I didn\'t consider him much of a threat, but if that kind of build up transferred the same to someone of more stature – like Shunsui, then I can\'t really take Captains lightly.

This made me even more excited for my own Zanpakutō.

"No one who has seen this has even lived to talk about it. You may rejoice for falling victim to it as well."

And my rampant thoughts were pulled back at his arrogant tone once more.

I inspected his blades and counted thirteen of them spinning around.

Well, I think I\'ve seen everything I\'ve needed to. "I have a question, if you don\'t mind."

"Oh? Very well, I will answer your last request."

"How did you know I was the – Ryoka?" As they seemed to be calling me.

"Your description was given to every Division, along with knowledge of your strange Reiatsu." He replied. "Are you satisfied? Allow me to send you on your way."

"Apologies –"

"You have sullied the Honor of the Court Guards; no apologies will suffice.""

"You misunderstand. I\'m apologizing because I lied to you before. About the reason I had a brick, that is." I held it up for him to see. "The real answer is that I thought it would be easier to sneak into the fourth division if I brought a patient with me in dire need of treatment."

He did sound rather proud of his supposed \'mastery of projectiles\' or whatever other nonsense he spouted a moment ago.

Well, allow me to reciprocate.

My swords shot out of my ring. His own little blades flew towards me, like little propellers that sliced through the air. However, my swords were not normal by any means, and honestly, his blades looked a little fragile in comparison.

Mirage, Dawnbreaker, Whisper, Ascalon, Sword of Destruction. They collided with them quickly, shattering the flying blades like they were made of cheap materials. They continued to swing out, slicing through others, and smashing the rest.

It didn\'t take much, merely the blink of an eye before it began raining little pieces of his Zanpakutō.

However, there was one left as it came towards me. That was kind of intentional.

I drew my own Zanpakutō and swung it forward, encasing it with my own Reiatsu to the best of my ability. It collided in a ringing of steel, sending his little flying blade to the ground, shattered.

I turned my attention back to him. He stood there, stiff, visible sweat dripping down his forehead and mouth hanging slightly ajar.

My swords floating next to me a little protectively as I took a step forward. He followed suit, taking a hesitant step backwards.

"Hey, thanks for the information. But I have one more question for you."

"....what do you want?" I could see him glance around as if he was about to bolt.

"What\'s that on your face?"

"What –"

"My Brick!" I shot forward with a burst of speed. It wasn\'t a movement technique like he had, just pure physical prowess on my end that allowed me to catch his face with my brick, slapping his body to the ground with a loud thump.


Indeed. Now, why don\'t we –


"Huh, I guess you are tougher than that other lot." I looked down at him, still conscious. "Oh well." I slapped him with my brick again.


[Do you really need to lug him aground?]

"He was helpful." I replied, grunted as I adjusted the massive man I was holding over my shoulder. "I got to see a Shikai being released, which was extremely beneficial. And, I can use him to sneak into the Fourth Division without trouble."

And seeing his movement technique was interesting, as was his use of Reiatsu in combat. Honestly, I got a lot of good data from that exchange. Which is why I let him prattle off as I did, otherwise he would have gotten a brick to the face much sooner.

Admittedly, I\'m happy I got to swing my Zanpakutō, even once.

[You\'re lucky they had a map at the Academy. This place is so confusing.]

"It\'s probably intentional. Even in the olden days, the construction of old Castles were made confusing on purpose for invaders to get lost and to better defend."

But, the Fourth Division should just be up ahead. It\'s close to the center, for the obvious reason that everywhere else is equally close to the healers if needed. It would be kind of weird if they shoved it in a far corner.

[How do you expect this to work? That guy even said that your description is basically everywhere now. Not to mention your Reiatsu Sticks out like a sore thumb.]

"Listen Ddraig, you need to have confidence. Just act like you belong, and everything else will follow."

[Right, cause this will definitely work this time.]

"It might." I shrugged. "Worse case, I run away cause I\'m pretty much done here."


Speaking of, that should be it again. The big \'Fourth Division\' sign on the building and what looked like ... were those nurse uniforms?


No one spared me a second glance as I walked past the archway and into the large courtyard. Hell, I saw several eyes on me, or rather the body I carried over my shoulder and there was more of an eye roll to accompany it than anything else before focusing on their own tasks.

Maybe my Reiatsu was obscure due to how many people were probably here?

I walked up, about to pull open the door before someone else slammed it open.

A bald-headed Shinigami walked out in a huff before he paused, looking at me blankly. "IT\'S YOU!"

[Well done.]

Fuck off, Ddraig.

"Can I help you?" I looked at him in confusion, trying to play it off.

"Haha, Came here to ask those idiots about you, and here you are! Great!" He looked...excited.

"Ikkaku, what are you yelling about?" Another Shinigami walked over, looking a little bit more flamboyant with some interesting hair extension on his right eyebrow and eyelash. He then turned to look at me with surprise. "Oh...."

"I think you have me confused with someone else...."

"Red Hair, weird Reiatsu." He snorted.

"Do you think there aren\'t other red-heads here?" Actually, were there?

"The description is spot on. It did portray the Ryoka as rather handsome." The flamboyant one stated.

"Wait, really?" I maybe preened a little as he said that. "...It\'s nice to be complimented then."

[Wow, just.....admit it to their faces with a few honeyed words.]

Listen.....I\'m a sucker for compliments.

"They didn\'t say how well taken care of your hair was. What product do you use? I might get some the next time I\'m in the human world."

"That\'s kind of you to say. I put a lot of effort into making my hair this full and healthy. It\'s nice to get some recognition. If you want, I can write down what I use." I offered. "Oh right, the name is Kurosaki Ichigo."

"That was also written in the description." The Flamboyant man chuckled. "You can call me Yumichika Ayasegawa. Fifth Seat for Division Eleven."

"Well, it\'s a pleasure to meet someone who shares my same interests in hair care products."

"Unfortunately, I have to deal with this." He gestured to his companion who looked to be steaming in annoyance. "No one else in my division cares about their appearance like I do. It really is unfortunate."

"Are you done!?" The Bald headed one shouted at his companion. "I\'ve been itching for a fight since the walls dropped down. Let\'s get started."

....huh, he seemed pretty intent on fighting me.

"...Did I beat up one of your friends? Is that why you\'re wanting to fight me?"

"Nah, I just wanna have a go at someone with the balls to invade." He grinned. "Only came here cause I thought some of the weaklings would know something so I could find you."

I blinked, then turned towards Yumichika. "A battle maniac?" I questioned.

"We all are." He confessed easily. "Division Eleven is where the ones who like fighting go to."

"Oh...interesting." I\'ll just file that away for now. "You don\'t seem to be biting at the heels for the chance."

"I already gave up my chance. Though if you manage to beat Ikkaku here, I don\'t mind taking my turn. I\'d hate to cut up that handsome face, but it can\'t be helped." There was a sharp edge to his tone.

"Enough talking, lets fight!" The bald-head named Ikkaku shouted again, his Reiatsu erupting around him. "Ikkaku Madarame, Third Seat, Eleventh Division!"

I tossed my little companion to the side, his big body rolling across the ground a few feet as I was about to ready myself to engage him. I didn\'t mind having some more data from a competent looking Shinigami. And this one felt much stronger than the big idiot.

However, a very cold presence washed over the surroundings, making not just me, but everyone else freeze.

"Excuse me." A soft voice muttered, and a figure appeared behind them and I hadn\'t even noticed until she had spoken. "I believe you just said you\'re going to fight in my healing barracks?"

I saw their eyes widen in horror as they turned around.

There was a woman standing there, black hair done up in a braid that went down her chest instead of behind her. She wore the standard Shinigami uniform, but had a white Haori covering it.....like Shinsui did under his flowery one.

"Uh...we were..."

"You were leaving, yes?" She smiled gently, however, it seemed to contain a bite of bloodlust.

"The Ryoka, we were—"

"You were leaving." Her eyes narrowed slightly; her gentle tone betrayed the very cold air that she exuded that seemed to prick my skin.

"We were just leaving, Captain Unohana." Yumichika smiled forcibly, grabbing Ikkaku who had sweat streaming down his face.

The flamboyant Shinigami practically dragged his bald-headed friend away and out of the courtyard, leaving me with an apparent Captain within arm\'s reach.

"Now, you." She turned to me with that sharp tone. It was gentle and pleasant to hear, but I felt a little shiver as her eyes landed on me. "Are you here to cause problems in my healing Barracks?"

However, that smile of hers, it reminded me of Scáthach. One that promised excruciating pain, and enough power to back it up.

"....cute." I unintentionally blurted out.

She looked at me, that cold chill and hint of bloodlust dissipated quickly, replaced by one of bewilderment and possibly a hint of...embarrassment?

I coughed awkwardly, clearing my throat. "Sorry, I didn\'t mean to just blurt that out. You just have a beautiful smile, and I couldn\'t help it."

....was it my imagination, or was she looking slightly bashful?

[Wow, it\'s just completely unintentional for you, isn\'t it?]


[Just....forget it.]

What did I do?!


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