
Chapter 316 Bait For Rex

316 Bait for Rex

But don\'t worry, when I got better I will make up for the inconvenience.

Happy reading!


"He\'s terrifying...", Jane mumbles as she saw Rex\'s sharp eyes staring at her.

With Devo\'s pressure still there pressuring her to the floor, Jane can\'t do anything except kneeling on the ground at the mercy of Rex\'s eyes.

After pressuring Jane, Rex looks down at his chest in surprise,

\'The Bonecrypt Kavis is very useful, to think I can even block her attack with just my body\', Rex thought as he didn\'t expect his defense raises this high.

Not his skin, but also the sharp edge of the blade should rattle his bones.

But to his surprise, Rex doesn\'t feel anything from the bones inside his chest area. Jane\'s attack leaves not even a scratch on Rex\'s chest.

That just shows how durable his body has become,

Realizing this, Rex taps his chest a couple of times with a devious smile.

Jane gritted her teeth in fright as she didn\'t expect their meeting to go like this, she thought that she can scare Rex into telling her.

But who would\'ve thought that even Hans can\'t get it out of him.

"Now, What should I do to you?", Rex said while looking at her mockingly.

The one that attacked him first is Jane when he\'s just taking a night stroll thinking about what to do with Adhara, so he doesn\'t have to be polite to the ones that attacked him.

Rex squat in front of Jane as he pulls her hair to make her look into his eyes.

"I really don\'t want to fight against the Atkins, but your family has gone too far", Rex said lightly making Jane gulp harshly.

This all started since Kyran took the wrong crate, so Rex prefers to not have any beef with the Atkins but it seems unlikely to be true now.

After Rex shakes his head, he sends a punch right on Jane\'s stomach.

"Huaakkh!", Jane grunted as she holds her stomach in pain.

Since she just realized now Rex is in the same realm as her, the punch still caught her off guard since it force her to vomit blood.

The frustration that Rex has, he wants to pour all of them to Jane since she\'s the one that searches for trouble in the first place especially since Hans just makes Adhara like that.

But he didn\'t blame Jane thought, she probably doesn\'t know her father\'s move.

​ Rex looks around when he saw a couple of people starting looking at them, he\'s in the middle of the street after all so people got attracted to him since he summoned Devo.

"Since I don\'t want to make our problem bigger, I\'ll let you off the hook this time", Rex said.

Although he sounds merciful that even Jane was surprised upon hearing Rex say that, Rex is holding back his anger quite powerfully since looking at the Atkins makes him angry.

"Piece of advice, Don\'t do this again", Rex said before he turns his body and left.

Jane is still on the ground holding her stomach since Rex puts a bit of his power to it, she kept spitting blood even after Rex left the place.

She needs about ten minutes before she can recover,

After recovering from the punch, Jane looks at where Rex just left to as her body felt goosebumps, "Just how did he become so strong this fast, he\'s not normal", she mumbles with a frown.

The speed of Rex\'s power increasing terrified Jane, It was as if he was born to become powerful.

For any Awakened, they need years of intense training just to reach the sixth rank but Rex on the other hand reaches the sixth rank in a matter of months.

What else should she call Rex besides terrifying,

Jane shakes her head before she left, she put a mental note to not mess with Rex without her father as she wipes the blood on her mouth and walks away slowly while still holding her stomach.

After his meeting with Jane Atkins,

Rex got back to his room and sigh when he saw that Adhara and Edward haven\'t come back yet, but he already guessed that they were dealing with Daniel Burton although Adhara didn\'t tell him where she and Edward went.

With steady steps, Rex walks into his room.

Since Edward and Adhara haven\'t come back yet, Kyran staying at his place near Ochyra University. Rex\'s room felt empty as he and Ryze are the only ones inside here.

Rex lies on the bed with heavy breaths since he just holds back his anger.


He hits the bed a couple of times making a muffled sound trying to let out some steam off, Rex also makes sure to not use his actual strength lest he wanted to break the bed in two.

On the contrary to his expectation, this makes him even more frustrated.

Imagine needing to hold back just to let out some steam, that\'s exactly what Rex is feeling right now as he laid on the bed roughly.

\'I wonder how\'s Rosie right now\', Rex finally thought after a couple of minutes of calming down.


The Vampire Kingdom, Inside an underground room with tight spaces.

Rosie is chained up having no power to resist at all, her face looks pale as there\'s a bite mark on her neck showing that there\'s a Vampire that tasted her blood before.

It makes her feel weak,

She can\'t break out from this place, aside from her body being weak there\'s also a couple of Royal Vampire guarding her room making it impossible to think about leaving.

While Rosie is breathing heavily, the door to this room opened.

Queen Nezera walks into the room with a playful smile as she looks at Rosie, this makes Rosie raises her gaze weakly while gritting her teeth, "What are you doing? Just sacrifice me already"

"Why so hasty? I\'m starting to have second thoughts after tasting your blood", Nezera replied while licking her lips.

Rosie spat upon hearing this which makes Nezera chuckle,

"Don\'t worry, you\'ll be sacrificed soon enough but not now. It seems you have quite a relationship with the Werewolf, and we\'re going to use you as bait"

Hearing this, Rosie struggles to break free to no avail, "I won\'t let you do that!" For more chapters, 

But seeing Rosie struggle makes Nezera\'s smile widen, it was very amusing for her to see such a weak human struggle under her mercy.

"How humans have fallen from grace", she mumbles lightly.

After saying that, Nezera bares her fangs as she bites Rosie\'s neck again making her vision start to turn blurry from the bite.

The blood that should flow naturally through her body got disrupted,

Nezera\'s fangs are like magnets that pull Rosie\'s blood, Rosie can\'t do anything as Nezera savor her blood as if it was the tastiest thing she ever tasted.

"Keep your blood abundant, will you? I\'m starting to get addicted", Nezera said with a laugh.

Her laughs reverberated in the room as Rosie started to lose consciousness, the only thing she can see is Nezera leaving while still laughing before she passes out.


Back to Rex,

Rex looks out of the window where the moonlight shines directly towards him completely oblivious about what Rosie is going through right now.

\'Hope tomorrow will go by smoothly\', he thought with a sigh.

Although he already prepared the others for the full moon tomorrow, he somehow felt something is off even though there should be nothing off will happen tomorrow.

While he\'s trying to close his eyes to sleep,

Rex opened his eyes when he saw a flapping sound can be heard from the side, he looks to the side and find the crow the Green Messenger left is looking at him.

Seeing this, Rex got up from bed and stretches his arm.

The crow flaps its wings and lands on Rex\'s arm before the crow\'s eyes suddenly glow green as it said, "We manage to take down the first target"

Rex\'s eyes widen upon hearing this great news.

"When will you attack the next one?", Rex asks towards the crow.

The crow is certainly linked to the Green Messenger as it said, "It\'s already night, we can\'t fight the Supernatural at night where they\'re stronger so we\'ll attack tomorrow"

"Okay, keep me updated", Rex said before the crow flaps its wings away.

Rex really needed that great news to know at least something is going smoothly, \'We almost banded the SCO and UWO together\', Rex thought before he tries to sleep.

Although he wanted to wait for Adhara to come back, he decided to rest.

There\'s a big event waiting for him tomorrow, and he needs to be ready to face it.


Meanwhile, on the Green Messenger\'s side.

The sky already turned dark as the sun got engulfed by the blanket of the night, the black hands are sweeping through the battlefields as the black castle got destroyed.

Since the Vampires were caught off guard, they falls to the attack easily.

Many of the black hands are rescuing the surviving humans that just became the Vampire\'s food stock, the humans are frightened when they saw the black hands have pointy ears.

But John Webster explained it to them making them thank god for their savior.

With the Vampires caged inside the black castle, the Green Messenger and the other Messenger manage to destroy the castle in one big swoop killing the Vampires inside instantly.

Even so, the black hands still went to the black castle searching for any surviving Vampires.

"Sir, The Vampires have strengthened the defense on the next target", Liliya said with an expression filled with concern, the Vampires caught up to their plan and prepares a defense against them.

Hearing this, the Green Messenger then replied, "It\'s as expected"

"We don\'t really need to destroy the next target, we only need to make them think the elves are attacking them out of nowhere", he continues making Liliya nod her head.

Meanwhile, John Webster is looking at the place in awe.

There\'s no mistake that the Green Messenger is very strong, to think he can take down a castle filled with Vampire clearly shows about his might.

It even felt surreal for a moment since John can\'t believe what he was seeing,

To think that there\'s another organization besides the UWO that is able to do this completely blew his mind, they\'re not even Awakened but they reach this level of power.

John gives the SCO newfound respect that makes them fight fate to become strong.

But when he\'s looking at the Green Messenger in awe,



Two powerful explosions of energy suddenly appear making the black hands stop what they\'re doing, they all went to formation anticipating an attack from the Vampire.

A black hand then runs towards the Green Messenger and said, "Sir! We have a problem!"

"What is it? Speak clearly", the Green Messenger said with a frown, he can feel the overwhelming blood energy coming from the explosions.

The black hand then continues, "Two Royal Vampires have been spotted in the east!"

"They\'re heading towards us as we speak! and they seem to be coming with the intent to kill", the black hand added making the Green Messenger frown.

Hearing this, the Green Messenger then shouted, "Prepare for a fight!"

Upon getting their commands, the black hands immediately went to their position just like when they attack the black castle before.

They all are ready with their bows facing the direction of the explosions,

After waiting for a moment, the two Royal Vampires appeared with bloodthirsty smiles on their faces, "I can\'t believe what I\'m seeing"

"Turns out it really is the elves", the other Royal Vampires said as they saw the black hands.

With the pointy ears thanks to the Green Messenger invention, the Vampires are fooled to think that they\'re from the elves rather than humans.

At least they accomplished their objectives,

"Now then, I want you guys to explain why are you doing this", the Royal Vampire finally said demandingly with a crazed expression.

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