
Chapter 182 - A New Product: Bang Bang Robot

Chapter 182: A New Product: Bang Bang Robot

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The intelligent learning machine, the virtual factory, and the work assistant were derivatives stemming from the “intelligent learning program.” Each of these products was extremely powerful and they were transforming the world. In other words, once a robot could learn independently, many fields would not need human involvement any longer. Of course, this did not mean that humans did not have anything to do now and they could all be laid off. Robots could not do everything. In addition, they did not possess the imagination and creativity of humans.

For example, robots could never replace humans in creating art and design. Even the best AI could not conceive an image that has never existed in real life before. The best that they could do was to rework existing materials. However, humans could come up with something original purely from imagination. Another example was creating the best framework design for AI software. If AIs had this ability to design, they could evolve independently. However, such a framework could typically only be designed by the top human geniuses... This kind of design work also required a huge amount of imagination and an ability for logical inference. It was extremely difficult for AIs to transcend their current capabilities independently. One reason was the limitations placed by the hardware abstraction layer. The other reason was the need for a new framework to accommodate and support the upgraded software. This was similar to how a 32-bit operating system was incompatible with a 64-bit system. The 64-bit system would require a more powerful framework, which had to be designed and made into reality by humans.

This was also why Chen Jin predicted that future prospects in the liberal arts would be very good. Other than a few select fields, work in the engineering sector and other related industries would become simplified. Thus, there would be a greater requirement for creativity and imagination. The heyday for students from the liberal arts and fine arts to showcase their abilities would soon arrive. After all, outstanding engineers could now be mass-produced. However, since the “artists” could not be mass-produced, the price for their skills would naturally increase.


In mid-December, after nearly a year of development, Xing Hai Technologies had finalized a new major product. It was a product that utilized multiple cutting-edge technologies and was a must-have for every family. It was a product that would transform the world.

It was a robot.

It was a somewhat different robot. Unlike Wa-wah, which only focused on cleaning the floor, it focused on... areas above the floor. Just how different was it from Wa-wah? Chen Jin brought a prototype back home to test the product personally.


At the Court of Happiness, He Li came home from work and saw a big cardboard box in the living room. A pile of bubble wrap and plastic film laid beside the box, creating a scene of chaos in the living room. She shook her head. “It was so clean before. They should throw this outside instead of making this mess.” He Li put her office bag on the cabinet beside her. She was about to bend down to clean up the mess when she saw Chen Jin walking out from the second bedroom. He was leading a white machine unit that followed behind him in an adorable fashion. They went into the opposite bedroom. He Li’s eyes brightened and she took a few steps over. Looking inside the room, she asked Chen Jin, “Son, what is this?” She glanced at the robot again with curiosity. She thought, A round head and a naive look; so cute. She really wanted to go over and touch it.

“This is my company’s new product: the Bang Bang Robot. You can call it ‘Little Bang.’ I’m bringing it around so it can scan our living environment.”

Bang Bang robot? Little Bang?

He Li blinked as she felt her curiosity grow. After five minutes, the entire apartment had been scanned. He Li had been sitting on the sofa in the living room, and she could not suppress her excitement any longer. She asked a series of questions enthusiastically. “Son, your company has come up with a new product again? What can this Bang Bang Robot do? Is it better than Wa-wah? Haha, my son is so awesome, he has created another amazing product. Haha!” He Li was extremely delighted and felt a great sense of self-satisfaction. Her son was making her more proud with each passing day. With this Bang Bang Robot, she would have something to show off to others this year and could enjoy their subsequent envy. She laughed heartily.

Chen Jin was somewhat exasperated and confused. He had to explain, “Mom, it’s too early to be happy. I’m not too certain of this product. This robot’s functions are not worse than Wa-wah 2.0, but its market performance may not necessarily be as good as Wa-wah 2.0.”

He Li was instantly puzzled. “How can it perform badly in the market when its functions are not less than Wa-wah? If the price is right, each household will buy at least one.”

Chen Jin shook his head. “This product can be considered to be successful if 10 million units can be sold.”

“This is impossible! Son, tell me what this robot can do. I’ll evaluate how many units can be sold.” He Li folded her arms and put on a professional expression. Although she was an accountant, it did not mean that she had no taste or foresight. She may not know the specific functions of the Bang Bang robot, but simply based on its cute appearance, she thought that at least 10 million units of the robot would be sold.

Chen Jin nodded. “Ok, I’ll do a demo with Bang Bang.” He proceeded to do a series of demonstrations for his mom.

“Bang Bang, get two glasses of water.”

“Yes, master.” In a few moments, Bang Bang came carrying a tray with two glasses of water from the water dispenser.

He Li took a glass and drank a small sip of water. She said, “It can fetch drinks; this is good.”

“Bang Bang, clean the dining table.”

“Yes, master.” Bang Bang took a piece of cleaning rag and wiped the dining table.

He Li’s eyes brightened. “It can wipe the table; this is even more awesome.”

Besides this, Bang Bang could also carry objects that were less than 20 kilograms and present it to the one who needed the object. Of course, the object’s greatest dimension should ideally be less than one meter. It should not be stuck to the floor or placed too high up... Bang Bang only had a height of 1.6 meters and its fingers were not as nimble as human fingers, so there were many things that it could not do. For example, it was unable to hang the laundry. Also, it could not cook. Bang Bang was unable to grasp the changes in heat control. It could help housewives to wash dishes... But it had to wear a pair of waterproof gloves. Washing and chopping food ingredients... Bang Bang could not do those either. One reason was that the Bang Bang was unable to hold or control knives. Another reason was that robots could not be allowed to hold or control knives. This would only cause fear and anxiety for humans.

In summary, Bang Bang robot could do all these: fetch drinks, wipe the furniture, carry objects less than 20 kilograms, wash dishes, switch on or off the lights, switch on the TV (a TV remote control function was integrated in Bang Bang’s body), start the washing machine, and other easy tasks.

Besides washing, chopping food ingredients and then cooking them, the Bang Bang robot could do 80% of all household chores.

He Li slapped her leg, “50 million units. Son, Mom can guarantee that you’ll sell at least 50 million of this robot! You wouldn’t sell less than this number!”

At that moment, Chen Gang arrived home from work. He had heard the introduction to the various functions of the Bang Bang robot. After thinking deeply for some time, he pointed out the fatal flaw of this product. “Frankly speaking, this robot is not any worse than the Wa-wah robot. Its functions are better too, but there is no need for it in the market because it can’t replace human efforts. Or should I say, there is nothing about its functions that would attract humans to use it as a replacement. The things that it can do are not anything particularly troublesome. Humans know how to do all of that and they will do it. Unless this robot can cook, it would be hard for sales volume to exceed 10 million units.”

“Chen! Gang!” With an ugly expression, He Li reached for him in an attempt to start a fight.

“Dad, you’re totally right.” On the contrary, Chen Jin nodded in agreement. “Our neighbor, Japan, already created a similar kind of household robot way back in the days. Their robots can fetch drinks and do many tasks too, but it never spread. It’s because some household tasks are so simple that it does not make sense to buy an expensive robot to do it. Us humans have to do something; we can’t be idle all the time. In this case, the functions of the household robots would overlap with the humans’ household activities, making it completely extra, perhaps even to the point that it becomes better to use a Wa-wah robot. Hence, under normal conditions, the sales volume of the Bang Bang robot will be poor. However, in order to turn this situation around, we’ve installed three killer functions on the Bang Bang robot. The addition of these three functions should be able to increase its sales volume.”

Oh? Chen Gang was immediately interested and asked, “Tell us, what’s the three functions?”

He Li stopped trying to intimidate her husband, as she became curious too.

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