
Chapter 141 - 137 | Namor Come Out, I Know Youre Home.

Chapter 141 - 137 Namor Come Out, I Know You\'re Home.

"Major General Cavill, I have received orders from General Nimitz. Now, the fleet is all yours."

The helicopter landed on the empty deck, and Captain Bullock of the Second Fleet walked up against the strong winds from the propellers.

The Navy\'s chief of operations didn\'t disrespect Superman.

Even if the other party belonged to the Army Department, it was an excellent opportunity to make trouble.

\'Show respect … can be my mantra from now on. \'

Luke took off his sunglasses and was satisfied with his relationships.

This is also a manifestation of charisma.

"The two carriers raided by the Atlanteans yesterday were the USS Lincoln and the USS Stennis."

After receiving the order, Captain Bullock cooperated with Luke\'s inquiry.

"According to the sailor\'s report, it was at 4:20 pm. The weather on the sea suddenly became terrible. Lightning and thunder, dark clouds swept over, raising tens of meters of waves."

Luke narrowed his eyes. This kind of appearance that creates a wave of ambiance and builds up the effect could be very \'Namor.\'

This is similar to the scene when Magneto shows up. He can lose in a fight, but the momentum wasn\'t destructive.

They all belong to the expensive special effects category.

"Then a man came on deck, claiming to be the King of Atlantis, and said a bunch of nonsense that … he didn\'t hear clearly."

Captain Bullock scratched his head. "At that time, the wind was blowing, and the sailors were busy taking the aircraft on the deck back to the hangar, so they ignored it."

"Then, the man got angry, and a group of tall soldiers with blue skin appeared from underwater. Their weapons were more advanced than ours. They could emit light and freeze people into ice."

"And our carbine bullets couldn\'t penetrate their armor."

Luke nodded. Atlantis is ahead of the current earth in science and technology, at least for this era.

However, although it is a high-tech civilization, the government system is almost as backward as Wakanda\'s, with a clear-cut hierarchy.

The criteria for choosing a King are, first of all, pedigree, followed by strength.

If not for the small number of royalty in Atlantis and even fewer direct bloodlines, it might not have been Namor\'s turn, as he is a half-blood.

"The Atlanteans quickly took control of the two aircraft carriers. Many sailors tried to resist but to no avail. The first man who went on deck, his name was Namor McKenzie. He was simply like a super-soldier; he had immense strength!"

Captain Bullock thought back to the sailors\' horrified expressions and couldn\'t help but glance at Luke. The young Major General was a super soldier and the best one at that.

He paused and continued, "The man threw a bomber into the sea with his bare hands and destroyed the rest of the aircraft and the engines of the two aircraft carriers with a trident."

"As a result, the USS Lincoln and USS Stennis are still stranded on the surface and can\'t return to the shipyard for repairs."

Luke waved his hand, indicating that it was a trivial matter, and lightly said, "Captain Bullock, I will bring back the two carriers later."

An aircraft carrier is about tens of thousands of tons, so it may be a little challenging to carry it, but it wasn\'t a big problem to push it back as a human tugboat.

Luke\'s current peak strength is about 500 tons.

With full efforts, it can reach 1,000 tons.

And, this wasn\'t the limit.

Theoretically speaking, he grows every day.

The incredible physical data once broke Howard, who tested him. He couldn\'t imagine that human beings could evolve to such an extent.

Luke always remembered the shocked look in Iron Man\'s father\'s eyes. He then said to him, "You must have lived a tough life, doing everything carefully for fear of damaging those concrete walls and buildings supported by reinforced concrete."

However, he quickly broke Howard\'s imagination and replied, "No. The bio force field covers everything."

Then the conversation was over.

"Thank you very much, Major General Cavill."

Captain Bullock\'s eyebrows were knitted together. He was a little confused.

Does the young Major General standing in front of him know how to fix aircraft carrier engines?

Or is the other party prepared to fly directly to the dockyard and bring back a repair team for them?

Even if he broke his brain from thinking, this Captain wouldn\'t be able to guess that Luke was taking a more simple and straightforward approach.

"Captain, how many carriers are still available in the Second Fleet?"

Luke stood on the deck and instantly became the center of attention.

Sailors and pilots who heard the news stared at him with admiration and awe.

"There are three ships that can be put into service immediately."

Captain Bullock said hesitantly.

He didn\'t know what Luke wanted to do, but easily giving the aircraft carrier combat power to an Army Major General would always feel too risky.

If Chester Nimitz, who is the leader of the Navy Department, hadn\'t called the Captain, who is known for his reliability, he wouldn\'t have handed over the command.

"That\'s good. Then you ordered them to drop torpedoes on the target, the sea in the Strait of Gibraltar."

Luke\'s eyes flashed, determined to give Namor a good payback.

Bombing with torpedoes is probably igniting detonators in front of Atlantis\' door.

Maybe it won\'t hurt the huge city located at the bottom of the sea, but it will undoubtedly disturb Namor, who had a bit of a temper.


Captain Bullock was a little confused.

"Would this be effective? Don\'t those Atlanteans live on that sea\'s floor? So, torpedoes shouldn\'t be a threat to them."

Luke didn\'t say much but smiled confidently, "The plan has to be implemented to determine whether it would work or not."

Atlantis, Poseidonia.

This is the center of the four oceans, the most sacred place for marine life.

The magnificent city stands at the bottom of the sea, retaining the mysterious aura of an ancient civilization.

The magnificent square dome is supported by large stone pillars standing tall.

Many blue-skinned Atlanteans, riding on seahorses or shuttles, form a gorgeous ribbon of light around the capital.

Under the deep sea, it wasn\'t as dark and cold as people thought.

Those colorful algae, or giant jellyfish, exude charming light and reflected dreamy colors.

All these things remained unseen by humans.

Through the vast film of water that enveloped Poseidonia, one enters the center of the city.

You can see a magnificent palace and many armed guards patrolling back and forth.

Powerful high-pressure water cannons were set up at various posts.

Once an outsider breaks in, he will be met with the fiercest possible firepower.

In the council chamber of the palace, Namor, holding a trident, leaned back on his throne.

His eyebrows were tightly twisted into a frown; his face revealed negative emotions such as irritability and impatience.

The many robed nobles standing at the bottom are none other than the elders of Atlantis.

They repeated the same boring rules repeatedly, and Namor, on the throne, could almost smell the rotten stench.

It was ridiculous that an ancient civilization that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years still held on to the rules and regulations set by its ancestors.

Thinking about the evolution that Mr. Shaw spoke of, Namor looked at the Council of Elders with an even more annoyed look.

"Your Majesty, we shouldn\'t communicate with the land world! Not to mention in a terrible way that might start a war!"

An elderly Atlantean nobleman in robes looked distressed as if Namor had done something treacherous.

"Atlantis has long adhered to the tradition of seclusion and closure! Only in this way could we better preserve ourselves and avoid unnecessary troubles."

"But! Your Majesty, you took the initiative to expose the existence of Atlantis to some mutants!"

"Even threatening war! Do you want to get your people involved in a war for a bunch of outsiders who have nothing to do with Atlantis, Your Majesty?"

Namor grunted heavily and loudly said, "Will Atlantis loses to the land world? We have far more technological power than they do and occupy 70 percent of the planet\'s territory!"

"Why are the Atlanteans hiding? We are more powerful than the land people, and it is they who should be afraid and bow down to us!"

There was an outcry from the robed nobles, who began to accuse Namor of being a madman without regard for the etiquette between monarchs and subjects.

Since Atlantis sank into the Atlantic Ocean, they rarely set foot on land.

On the one hand, being out of the water for too long can make Atlanteans feel very sick and even show symptoms of fainting;

On the other hand, the great disaster of the continental plate shift left a deep psychological fear in them.

"We don\'t need to plunder the land\'s territory and resources at all! War is pointless, Your Majesty!"

The robed nobleman admonished.

"Of course, it has a point. Let the people of the land know we exist, understand our strength, and worship Atlantis as a nation of gods! Isn\'t that enough?"

Namor\'s mouth picked up a cruel smile; he thought Mr. Shaw was right; the process of evolving was always accompanied by slaughter and annihilation.

Survival of the fittest, this is the law of nature!

"Your Majesty …"

The robed nobleman wanted to say something else, but he heard a continuous explosion.

Namor, who had better hearing, frowned, and with a slight push of his legs, like a sharp arrow, rushed straight out of the palace.

He didn\'t want to listen to a bunch of old guys for a long time, so he just took the opportunity to leave.

Breaking through the vast film of water that protects and hides the city, Namor made his way up.

The explosion became more apparent, and the turbulent water flow formed tiny swirls of different sizes.

"Damn land people!"

Namor\'s anger surged up as he saw fish carcasses floating on the surface.


Swinging his leg, he accelerated in an instant!

Namor, holding a trident, broke the surface of the water and stood in mid-air like a god!

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