
Chapter 395 - Don’t Make Irresponsible Remarks In The Presence Of A Child (Update Two)

Chapter 395: Don’t Make Irresponsible Remarks In The Presence Of A Child (Update Two)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xiao Yang brought Qi Youxuan and fetched Ruan Danchen off work at night. Most of her male colleagues in the design department had their own transportation, and those without were too embarrassed to sit in Qi Chenglin’s Mercedes-Benz.

Even though the general manager was not present himself, but they would still feel stressed since his son was sitting inside too.

Thus, those male colleagues with their own transportation fetched those without any while Ruan Danchen sat alone with Qi Youxuan at the back of the Mercedes-Benz. They would gather at the entrance of Shengyue once they arrived.

Ruan Danchen and Qi Youxuan were not the last to arrive, so they accompanied her colleagues who arrived first and waited for the rest.

The staff were pleasantly surprised when they finally witnessed the legendary eldest grandson of the Qi family, and each and every one of them greeted Qi Youxuan happily. Moreover, the kid still appeared chubby and especially cute despite the fact that his weight had decreased slightly.

Furthermore, Qi Youxuan was not arrogant and proud when he saw them, and even greeted them politely, “Hi uncles and aunties.”

Ruan Danchen’s colleagues felt happy and honored instantly. The mysterious eldest grandson of the Qi family who had never appeared even once in public was greeting them adorably now!

They could not help but sighed, only one word could describe the family education by the great families – good!

Ruan Danchen brought Qi Youxuan into Shengyue first, which their presence was welcomed by the lobby manager immediately. He had reserved the biggest dining room in Shengyue as Qi Chenglin called Shengyue personally for the reservation when he was on his way to the airport.

Manager Zou was the only leader who came along with them for the dinner. Ruan Danchen normally would not act haughty and would perform her job well and honestly. She would complete her job without using her identity to demand others for assistance.

The only problem was that she did not work overtime at all, but that was due to Qi Chenglin’s persistence, so she normally would bring all her unfinished work back home.

This was exactly why they felt unpressured and even made jokes happily during dinner tonight. To be honest, Zhang Jitong was not being sincere with his suggestion on asking Qi Chenglin to join the dinner tonight. This was the most perfect outcome for them to enjoy the dinner tonight while the general manager paid for them.

None of them would dare to make a sound if the general manager himself was present tonight.

The dishes were served one by one on the table. One of Qi Youxuan’s favourite dishes, Blueberry Yam, was served opposite him, and he fixed his gaze on that particular food, no matter where it was turned.

Qi Youxuan acted a little restrained since he was surrounded by many unfamiliar uncles and aunties.

He would not act over familiar with everyone. He merely felt that since these were all staff from his father’s company, he could not abashed his father and destroyed his reputation.

Chen Siyu’s heart softened upon seeing Qi Youxuan trying desperately to remain calm despite the strong temptation. She thought deep down, how did such a stern man like Qi Chenglin had such a cute son like Qi Youxuan?

“You want to eat Blueberry Yam, right?” Chen Siyu asked. Qi Youxuan moved slightly closer to Ruan Danchen stealthily as her overwhelming enthusiasm nearly made him think that he met with some strange auntie.

However, Qi Youxuan appeared especially innocent now and made Chen Siyu felt that he was getting cuter and thus acted more enthusiastic towards him.

Chen Siyu turned the Blueberry Yam to Qi Youxuan straight away. Qi Youxuan had no choice but to show his appreciation. “Thank you, auntie.”

They would turn the food to Qi Youxuan’s front as long as desserts were served.

Qi Youxuan felt extremely stressed when Chen Siyu kept staring at him with intense enthusiasm.

“Mom, I want to go to the toilet,” Qi Youxuan dragged Ruan Danchen’s arm suddenly. He desperately needed to go out and get some air from these uncles’ and aunties’ abnormally fond gazes.

To be honest, he did not have much desire to pass urine, but he could squeeze a little pee out if he put in some effort.

Thus, he seized the opportunity to voice out when he noticed Zhang Jitong entered the washroom in the room.

However, as soon as Qi Youxuan blurted out his request, the initial hectic environment became an eerie pin drop silence as everyone shifted their gazes which were full of surprises on Ruan Danchen and Qi Youxuan.

Ruan Danchen feared that her son may suffer from holding the urine for too long so she ignored their reactions and brought Qi Youxuan to the washroom.

There was a sudden explosion in the room as soon as Ruan Danchen left.

Senior Du inhaled deeply in surprise. “Oh my God, he called her as his mother!”

“It seems like Danchen and the general manager’s son get along very well!” Chen Siyu said.

Life was difficult for a stepmother, but Ruan Danchen seemed to have performed her task quite well.

Zhang Jitong noticed the commotion after exiting the washroom, so he asked them quickly about it since he had no idea what was going on.

Thus, the crowd explained to him again.

Zhang Jitong sat down and gave a thumbs up too.



Ruan Danchen brought Qi Youxuan to the washroom while she waited for him outside the door.

She took out her phone and glanced at the time—it was half past seven o’clock now, and she was unsure if Qi Chenglin had his dinner on time or not. Qi Chenglin brought a few subordinates from the sales department for business discussion this time, and they were probably having the discussion right now, so even though Ruan Danchen was concerned for his man, she would not dare to disturb him abruptly. Thus, she put her phone down.

Her phone rang just when she put her hand down.

She lifted her phone again and noticed that the call was from Qi Chenglin whom she missed just now.

Ruan Danchen could not help but smile as Qi Chenglin seemed to read her mind like a Vulcan mind meld.

She accepted the call immediately, and before she could mutter a word, Qi Chenglin asked, “Still at Shengyue?”

“Yes. What are you doing?” Ruan Danchen answered.

“Having dinner with my clients,” Qi Chenglin sounded happy due to joy whenever he chatted with Ruan Danchen.

Ruan Danchen noticed that his voice sounded sober and clear, as if he was not drunk.

“Didn’t drink much alcohol?” Ruan Danchen asked with a smile on her face.

“Drank a few glasses as a token of respect, my subordinates will handle the rest,” Qi Chenglin reported honestly.

“You’re not done with your business discussion, right? Why are you calling me now?” Ruan Danchen took a glance at the time and figured that normally client entertainment started at this hour.

“Well, I miss you. That’s why I’m giving you a call now,” Qi Chenglin leaned against the wall, the pair of his long legs extended forward pleasantly. His head was slightly lowered with a smile hanging on his face.

His long eyelashes buried the joy that shone brightly in his eyes, but occasionally a gentle ray which slipped through his eyes blinded the passers-by.

Thus, Qi Chenglin chatted with Ruan Danchen on the phone with his especially soft tone.

His chat prolonged until the subordinates he brought from the sales department were struggling to handle all the binge drinking, and now it was the manager from the sales department’s turn to step onto the battlefield personally. One of his subordinates exited the room with an unsteady gait to check on Qi Chenglin who went to the washroom for far too long.

Then, he saw the general manager chatting on the phone with his wife upon exiting the room, so he returned again with an unsteady gait.

Even though Qi Chenglin was chatting with Ruan Danchen, he noticed his subordinate who came out and reentered the room silently just now. Thus, he chatted with Ruan Danchen for a while more, exhorted her to let Xiao Yang brought them home instead of taking a cab, then only hang up the call after Ruan Danchen agreed with him.

Ruan Danchen hang up the call and noticed that Qi Youxuan had not exited the washroom after chatting with Qi Chenglin for so long.

She was not worried about Qi Youxuan getting abducted since she was staring at the washroom door during her chat with Qi Chenglin just now.

Then, she gave Qi Youxuan a call which he picked up almost immediately.

“You’re not done yet? What took you so long?” Ruan Danchen asked.

“I’m passing motion, but still not done yet. My legs are getting numb now,” Qi Youxuan was helpless too. His legs were almost paralyzed from the prolonged kneeling but he could not exit the washroom when he had not empty his bowels.

“...” Ruan Danchen felt relieved after realizing that Qi Youxuan was alright, and as for the numbness due to lack of blood supply, stamping his feet repeatedly after standing up would do just fine.

Approximately five minutes later, Ruan Danchen saw Qi Youxuan gritting his teeth while resting his hand on the wall for support as he exited the washroom. It was obvious that the numbness from his lower limbs was quite agonizing for him.

Ruan Danchen carried him quickly upon noticing his suffering. He would be fine since the numbness would subside after recirculation of blood supply.

When they were on their way back to their own reserved dining room, one of the other dining rooms opened and three people exited from it.

Chen Libai, Chang Jingqiu and Xia Zishan.

The trio and Ruan Danchen were stunned. She was hoping that the trio had not noticed her at all.

Ruan Danchen disliked Chang Jingqiu for some reasons. She was not close to Chang Jingqiu when they were studying in senior high, but Chang Jingqiu had built a good rapport with some of the boys with decent family conditions and would always play with them. One of the boys was Chen Libai.

Moreover, Xia Zishan’s gaze on Ruan Danchen was a bit strange, and as for Chen Libai, Ruan Danchen did not want to involve any further in his matter any longer.

However, the trio noticed Ruan Danchen’s presence, and even Chen Libai called out to her.

Ruan Danchen had no choice but to come to a halt. Chen Libai felt awkward staring at Ruan Danchen right now since he just contacted her on WeChat here yesterday night, even though he had no idea that the person he was chatting with was actually Qi Chenglin all along.

Ruan Danchen had forgotten about the WeChat issue, but now she could only put on a smile and greeted, “What a coincidence, did you guys just had your dinner?”

“Yes, you’re having dinner with your family?” Chen Libai nodded. His initial gaze which was fixed on Ruan Danchen shifted involuntarily to Qi Youxuan who was in Ruan Danchen’s embosom.

“I’m having dinner with my colleagues tonight. I brought my son along too since there was no one left at home,” Ruan Danchen gave them a simple explanation.

Initially, Chang Jingqiu figured that the boyfriend Ruan Danchen had did not have much capability, and after hearing Ruan Danchen’s explanation, she confirmed on her guesswork.

If Ruan Danchen’s boyfriend had any capability, why did he not hire a babysitter to take care of the child at home?

It was embarrassing to bring a child along to a gathering with her colleagues.

Chang Jingqiu and Xia Zishan had been working for a long time. Even though Chen Libai just started to be an entrepreneur, he owned a company and naturally, he gained more experience in the art of dealing with people. They felt Ruan Danchen’s actions were unwise and would induce repugnance from others.

“Mom, my legs aren’t numb anymore,” Qi Youxuan did not care about the twists and turns from the trio and voiced out straight away.

Qi Youxuan was unable to understand the thoughts that went through the trio’s minds at his current age, and even if he understood, he was a child who only did things his own way. He dared to court Wei Muran even in Wei Ziqi’s presence, would he fear the trio in front of him now?

Ruan Danchen knew what went across their minds by looking at their expressions, but she did not care as there was no way she could prevent these thoughts from arising in their brains. Since this trio did not have a close relationship with her, she would not lose a muscle or even made her life miserable just because of them.

However, the corner of her lips curled upwards involuntarily. If Qi Chenglin was here and no matter what she did, he would not feel abashed at all and would stand beside her firmly instead to face all the embarrassment together with her. Then, he would consider the embarrassing action as logical and reasonable with a calm expression as if the action he performed was not embarrassing at all.

Ruan Danchen put Qi Youxuan down as a response to his request. Then, she held his hand and let him stand on her side.

“Is this your son?” Xia Zishan, who did not have much conversation with Ruan Danchen during the gathering on the fifth day of the lunar month, asked suddenly with a smile.

“Yes,” Ruan Danchen then lowered her gaze to Qi Youxuan and said, “Uncle and aunties are my high school classmates.”

Even though Qi Youxuan did not understand the disdainful looks on their faces, he had an intuition on people and his first impression on these trio was bad. Thus, although he greeted them politely, it was obvious that his interest was low, unlike the enthusiasm he conveyed when he greeted Ruan Danchen’s colleagues.

“How long until your gathering ends? It’s not easy to hail a cab at this hour, how about I send you back home later?” Chen Libai asked.

Xia Zishan was not happy about it and Ruan Danchen understood immediately upon noticing her look.

Ruan Danchen did not want Chen Libai to send them back home initially too, so she answered, “No need, we’re not done with our gathering yet.”

“Then when will you guys leave? The child needs to sleep early too, right? He should be tired by now,” Chen Libai asked again with persistence.

The probability of meeting Ruan Danchen coincidentally was so low and now Chen Libai had a legitimate reason to get along with her, or else she would not agree to him if he asked her out abruptly on normal times.

“Thank you, I appreciate it. Someone will fetch us back home when the gathering is over. We’ll head back to the room now,” Ruan Danchen rejected lightly.

“Let us go. We shouldn’t intervene since someone else will send them back home,” Chang Jingqiu said.

Ruan Danchen nodded with a smile on her face and said, “Be careful on your way home.”

Then, she brought Qi Youxuan and left hastily in fear that Chen Libai would bother them further.

Chen Libai followed them immediately and walked alongside Ruan Danchen. “I’ll walk with you guys back to your room.”

“...” Ruan Danchen had no idea how to reject his offer as it was unwise to destroy their friendship because of this.

Thus, Ruan Danchen and Qi Youxuan walked towards their dining room in silence and upon arrival, Ruan Danchen said quickly, “We have arrived.”

Chen Libai’s gaze dimmed when he noticed Ruan Danchen sighing in relief. “You seem eager to shake me off.”

Ruan Danchen frowned slightly. “Don’t make irresponsible remarks in the presence of a child.”

Chen Libai was stunned and replied awkwardly, “Sorry.”

Ruan Danchen smiled before entering the room with Qi Youxuan.

Chang Jingqiu and Xia Zishan walked over and saw Chen Libai staring blankly at the dining room door which was now closed. Xia Zishan gritted her teeth with recalcitrance.

“Let’s go,” Chang Jingqiu walked over and reminded him.

Chen Libai then nodded in response. When they were walking towards the exit, Xia Zishan dragged Chang Jingqiu’s arm stealthily.

Chang Jingqiu was slightly unhappy as she thought Xia Zishan was using her, so she pretended to not notice it and remained silent.

Xia Zishan noticed Chang Jingqiu’s silence. She had no choice but to say, “I think Ruan Danchen’s boyfriend isn’t reliable at all. I guess he isn’t born in this city. Even if there’s no babysitter at home, Ruan Danchen can just send her son to his grandparents and let them take care of him temporarily while she attends the company’s gathering, but now Ruan Danchen had to bring his son here. I think both Ruan Danchen and her boyfriend are working in B City alone. Their life will be difficult with such living conditions.”

Chang Jingqiu remained silent and nodded her head slightly in agreement.

Xia Zishan took a peek at Chen Libai again and noticed that his expression was not good. She was unsure if he was angry due to her statement just now or at Ruan Danchen for not giving him a chance.

“In that case, God knows where the Mercedes-Benz came from when her boyfriend came to fetch her last time,” Chang Jingqiu said lightly.

“That’s enough. No matter what, it’s immoral to talk behind their backs,” Chen Libai said coldly.

Xia Zishan’s expression paled with annoyance but she kept quiet nonetheless.

Chang Jingqiu then said after exiting Shengyue, “I was afraid that I would drink today, so I didn’t drive tonight. How about–“

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