
Chapter 319

Chapter 319

Su Jin shook his head immediately. What was in the food you gave me just now? Sleeping pills?

No, no a large part of my skin was scalded, so I often have trouble sleeping and I added a lot of tranquilizers to my food. Ive always been the only one eating the food, so I totally forgot about that! The man in bandages held up his hand to apologize.

Su Jin was still doubtful. He knew there had to be something wrong with this man, but he needed more time to find out what the problem was. The man then placed a bento box in front of Su Jin.

The nurse came with your dinner just now. Open and see whats inside! The man in bandages had an excited look on his face, as though he were a child waiting to unwrap his present.

Su Jin opened the box and looked inside, then moved aside to let the man in bandages take a look. A dissected frog lay inside and Su Jin even saw one of the frogs legs wiggle.

Oh maaaaan youve definitely offended the nurses. Theres no other reason for them to treat you like this, said the man in bandages.

Su Jin just put the box aside and said with a smile, Its just two more days, I wont starve to death. Ill just take it as Im going on a diet!

The man in bandages nodded, then held out the cob of corn again. Im not eating it, so why dont you eat this to stave off your hunger for the time being?

Su Jin hesitated, then took it from the man. He didnt know what was going to happen next, so it was best to maintain his level of energy as far as possible.

This one doesnt have tranquilizers, right? asked Su Jin cautiously.

He only started eating it after the man in bandages told him confidently that the corn was fine. The corn didnt knock him out this time but for some reason, Su Jin felt hungrier with each bite.

They chatted for a while and the sky outside grew darker and darker. Su Jin lay on the bed and pulled the blanket over him, so he looked like he was asleep. But he didnt actually dare to fall asleep. The Hospital of Horrors couldnt possibly just trap him here for two days, then kill him, right? Since nothing happened during the day, maybe something would happen at night.

Su Jin lay on the bed soundlessly. There was a digital clock hanging on the wall inside the ward, and when it rang at midnight, Su Jin could sense that something had changed.

He opened his eyes with a start and looked around him. He saw that the man in bandages was sitting on his bed and making strange noises.

Su Jin got up and turned the lights on, and the sight before him stunned him. The man in bandages was chewing on one of his arms as he sat on his bed. The man noticed Su Jin once the lights came on and he pounced toward Su Jin like he had just spotted a tasty meal.

Su Jin immediately ducked to the side, and as he did so, one of the mans bandages got caught and unraveled. Under that bandage wasnt scalded skin at all. It was a shiny bone.

I want to eat! Im hungry! I want to eat! The man in bandages was starving and pounced toward Su Jin again. Su Jin did not fight him and just moved toward the door, ready to open the wards door. But his face fell when he turned the knob, because the door had been locked from the outside and he couldnt open it at all.

Damn it! cursed Su Jin. The man in bandages had already come pouncing toward him. He was very strong, so he pinned Su Jin against the wall easily and gulped.

Su Jin noticed the bento boxes beside his bed, so he kicked the man in the chest, causing him to stumble backward. Su Jin immediately leaped onto his bed, then opened one of the boxes. It was the one that contained the rat.

The man in bandages immediately froze when he saw the rat. He stared at the rat and said hungrily, Im hungry give it to me!!

I can give it to you, but you must tell me how to get out of this hospital! The man in bandages didnt seem to have gone completely berserk, which was very strange. If the Challenge wanted to use the man in bandages to create trouble for him, then the man should have lost his mind completely, no?

But since the man still had a shred of rationality left in him, that meant that Su Jin could still gain some information from him. There was no guarantee, so he could only try.

Key fragments. If you have the key, you can get out. The man in bandages really wanted the dead rat, so he gave Su Jin the answer immediately.

Where are the fragments? asked Su Jin.

Theyre here. The man in bandages suddenly pulled out four pieces of metal from under the bandages around his abdomen. Those were four fragments and it did look like they would form a key-like object once they were put together.

Give it to me! Su Jin stretched his arm out while holding up the bento box. Give it to me and Ill give this box to you!

One food item for one fragment! said the man in bandages with great effort.

Su Jin blinked for a moment, then slapped his own forehead. So thats what all that was for! He had received four food items today. Two were from the nurse, which were the dead rat and dead frog, while the other two were from the man in bandages, which were the bun and the corn. If he had kept everything, he would be able to exchange them for all four fragments. But he had eaten the corn.

Can I use something else to exchange for the fragments? asked Su Jin with a bitter smile on his face.

Food, I only want food! Im hungry! said the man in bandages agitatedly.

If you want food, then I have to head to the cafeteria. Su Jin shook his head. Going to the cafeteria at this hour was probably going to be very dangerous, but he didnt have a choice. Snatching it from the man was impossible. The man was much stronger and bigger than him.

Ill take three fragments first! Su Jin handed over the bun, the frog and the rat.

The man in bandages kept his word despite being so desperately hungry and gave three fragments to Su Jin. He then went back to his bed to enjoy his feast.

Su Jin frowned and looked at the main door of his ward again. He had to find a way to get out, but he couldnt open it himself. He had to find some other special way of opening it.

With that in mind, Su Jin looked at the man in bandages again. Opening the door should be no problem for someone as strong as him.

Bro, lets strike a deal. You help me open the door and Ill find you something to eat. Su Jins smile made him look like some suspicious man at the playground tempting children with lollipops.

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