
Chapter 317 - Mermaid

Chapter 317 Mermaid


The ocean roiled and the sea wind blew harshly. It was not until the sandy beach beneath his butt overflowed did Ding Ning come back to his senses. The tide had risen.

Standing uncomfortably, Ding Ning suddenly realized that Luoxue had been gone for a long time. His heart pulled tight; nothing could have gone wrong, right?

Just as he was about to summon Air Force Wing No.1 to see what had happened, an overwhelming white mist quickly filled the island. Shrouding the entire island in mist, it seemed to resemble a dreamland.

To his shock, Ding Ning found that as the white mist enveloped him, the spiritual connection that represented the bond he shared with Luoxue and intelligent pets suddenly broke. It flashed a few times then disappeared.

This was a great surprise. There was something wrong with this white mist.

Before he could react, a song faded in and out of his heart as if it came from the skies. The song made one feel intoxicated.

Ding Ning’s pupils were blown wide. His eyes were empty and carried a sense of drunkenness. He had completely forgotten himself, and there was only the beautiful song in his head. Without his direction, his feet moved in the direction of the song.

If he could wake up at this moment, he would discover that all life on the island was acting the same way as him. All eyes were empty and everyone moved in the direction of the song.

Even the fish, crabs, turtles, shrimps, and other sea creatures in the ocean leaped out of the water without fear of death and crawled in the direction of the song.

Ding Ning walked like a zombie. He had forgotten everything, and there was only the beautiful song in his head.

By his side, poisonous bugs, mice, and ants were clearly defined as they marched toward the center of the island as if on a pilgrimage.

If Ding Ning had spoken to Secretary Xu earlier about buying this deserted island, Secretary Xu would have advised him not to go near it.

In the upper echelons of Ninghai, this deserted island, named Ghost Island, was not much of a secret. And that the development had been put on hold was not because this deserted island had no source of freshwater.

It was because a hundred years ago when Fuso invaded Shenzhou, a squadron of soldiers had camped on this island but had disappeared without a trace after the tide rose and a white mist appeared.

Unable to communicate with them, the Fuso general thought this squadron of soldiers had been ambushed by Shenzhou soldiers so he sent two more squadrons to investigate this matter.

But in the end, they did not find a single person even after searching the entire island. However, the pitched tents and weapons were all there and there were no signs of a battle.

The soldiers reported to the general that an entire squadron of soldiers had mysteriously disappeared. The general did not believe him and ordered them to stay where they were. They were to await further orders and to search the island carefully again.

But the next day, these two squadrons of soldiers also mysteriously disappeared. The general flew into a rage and personally led a squadron to check. After searching the entire island, he didn’t find any clues.

The general refused to believe this. He ordered his soldiers to camp on the island while he and his trusted aide watched from the military ship.

Consequently, the fog rolled in that night and after it dissipated, all of the soldiers once again disappeared. The general was terrified and believed there were spirits on the island and it would not be easily conquered. He did not dare to step another foot on the island again.

After Shenzhou country was established, there had been fishermen who used this island to carry out aquaculture. Without exception, they all disappeared mysteriously.

Even so, the upper echelons of the government did not think much of it. They believed the fishermen ran into difficulties at sea.

It was not until a group of geologists, who came to survey and investigate the volcanic rock on this island, disappeared, did it draw the attention of the nation.

In the end, people were sent to search the island and they would mysteriously disappear after the fog rolled in. Afterward, special forces were sent in, accompanied by aerial surveillance. But after the fog rose, the special forces still disappeared and the surveillance only captured white fog. It was of no use at all. Furthermore, all electronics that came near the white fog would stop working.

This became a matter of great importance to the nation. Countless talented people came to investigate this island, even those with superpowers, but the result was always the same. They would all mysteriously disappear.

The final conclusion was that once the fog rolled in on the island, all living creatures on the island would disappear mysteriously. Before the fog rolled in, nothing strange could be found anywhere on the island. After a long time, no one dared to come to this mysterious deserted island.

Having discovered such a strange thing, the upper echelons of the government put all information on lockdown to prevent panic among the public. They named the island Ghost Island and set up police warning signs around the perimeter of the island, forbidding anyone from coming near. They announced to the public that there was no source of freshwater on the island and was not suitable for human habitation.

The two times Ding Ning came here had been by Air Force Wing No.1 and had not seen the police warnings, otherwise, he would not have been so careless.

The island was very big, with green mountains and clear waters. There were valleys, clear springs, and lush vegetation. It seemed like a utopia.

However, at this moment, the island was enveloped by fog and one could not see more than a meter ahead. All living creatures seemed to be sleep-walking toward the valley in the center of the island.

Even flying creatures could no longer fly. They landed on the ground and drunkenly followed the army of insects and animals.

Predators and prey interacted harmoniously and formed clearly defined lines as they moved in the direction of where the song was coming from.

Ding Ning and Luoxue were the only two humans among the animal army and stood out greatly among the insects and beasts. But at this moment, both of their eyes were blank. Even if they passed by shoulder to shoulder, they seemed to be unknown strangers.

On the ground of the valley, like a giant’s open mouth, was a seemingly bottomless black hole. The song came from the black hole.

Countless insects, beasts, flying animals, and sea creatures entered into the black hole. Ding Ning and Ding Luoxue were no exception.

Ding Ning’s foot stepped into empty air and he felt a powerful sense of weightlessness. The stone man in his chest suddenly flashed with red light, abruptly rousing him from the song.

Where was this? Ding Ning felt like he was endlessly falling very quickly. A large pulling force made him feel a powerful sense of danger. Opening his bone wings, he slightly reduced his falling speed.

This was not good, where was Luoxue? Ding Ning’s hair stood on end and he felt cold sweat break out over his body. Flapping his wings desperately, he fought against the unstoppable downward force.

The song, of seemingly natural sounds, continued to play. But its enticement power was much weaker here and he was also on guard. He continuously circulated Sutra of Cultivating Spirit to fight against the enticement of the song, so naturally, he would not be easily charmed again.

As Ding Ning fought against the pulling force, he quickly searched the surrounding area. He discovered that all creatures, whether they were bugs, mice, snakes, birds or otherwise, their gazes were all blank and allowed themselves to fall down.


From the corner of his eye, he saw a slight white shadow. Ding Ning was overjoyed and flapped his wings desperately toward the blank-eyed Luoxue. He snagged her waist and let out a sigh of relief.

But unexpectedly, Luoxue struggled desperately against him. She seemed very set against him preventing her from “following the song”.

Ding Ning was already fighting hard against the powerful pulling force with Luoxue’s struggle, Ding Ning was immediately unable to oppose the force and he quickly fell, with Luoxue in his arms, like a shooting star.

With no other choice, Ding Ning could only knock Luoxue unconscious. But as the terrifying and powerful pulling force grew stronger, Ding Ning, holding Luoxue, was unable to oppose it at all. He could only follow fate and fall, conserving his strength to soften their landing when they reached the bottom.

As they fell, Ding Ning also saw the rigid bodies of Air Force Wing No.1, 2, and 3 and sorrow rose in his heart. Right now, he could not even protect himself so he had no time to think about them.

Thunk! Thunk!

As the ground came closer and closer, the pulling force grew more and more powerful. Ding Ning roused his spirits and desperately flapped his wings, slowing their fall.

Ding Ning could see a strange black earth beneath. It appeared like loose soil but it was actually as hard as iron. Any creature, regardless of size, that fell onto it splattered blood and flesh in all directions.

Not far in the distance, there was a figure in the dark lake. It was a beautiful woman with hair rippling down her back like a waterfall and naked from the waist up. However, her lower half was not that of a human’s, it was the inky black tail of a large fish. She was holding an ancient harp and a wondrous sound came from her mouth.

What terrified Ding Ning the most was that a transparent shadow would rise above the creatures that had smashed to smithereens and they would fly into the mermaid’s mouth.

Was it a sea cow or a mermaid? Although Ding Ning had seen many dramas about mermaids, meeting such an unknown creature face to face made his hair stand on end.

Particularly as this mermaid used music to attract living creatures here and devoured their souls for food. Yes, they were souls. Although Ding Ning did not know why he could suddenly see souls, he was sure that what the mermaid was swallowing were souls.

Ding Ning flapped his wings with great difficulty. He felt his feet sink and they finally landed on the ground. Before he could let out a sigh of relief, he discovered that the pulling force beneath his feet was unexpectedly powerful.

This was gravity. Ding Ning’s expression changed abruptly. Before he could stand steady, a dark cloud pressed down and a massive figure crashed into him, making him fall against the ground without any power to retaliate. Spots of light flashed in front of his eyes and waves of sweetness washed over his throat. It was as if a massive mountain was pushing down against his body. Fortunately, nothing happened to Luoxue. At the crucial moment, he put his arms against the ground and protected her under his body.

The beautiful singing abruptly stopped. The pet bond in Ding Ning’s mind suddenly lit up. Looking at the two spots that represented Luoxue and Air Force Wing No.2, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The figure that had sent him sprawling had been Air Force Wing No.2. It was fortunate that he had become a meat shield, he had lessened his downward impact and also, unexpectedly, saved his life.

“Master, where is this place?”

After the singing stopped, Air Force Wing No.1 and 3 immediately woke up. Although they were unable to resist the pressure of gravity, they managed to flap their wings and safely landed on the ground.

“I don’t know either. Be careful of the mermaid, all of this is its fault.”

Air Force Wing No.2 climbed up with difficulty. This let Ding Ning finally take a deep breath. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and climbed up, keeping a close eye on the mermaid.

The mermaid had a head of beautiful black hair that splayed over her chest, just covering the perky breasts her human blood gave her. At this moment, her head was tilted and she considered him with a pair of innocent sea-blue eyes. It was as if she had not thought that there could be survivors of her song.

If not for her inky black fishtail, if not for the fact he had personally see her devour the souls of animals, if not for the densely packed bodies on the ground, Ding Ning thought he could fall in love with her because she was too beautiful. She was like a fallen angel, untouched by the taint of humanity. No wonder she was a mermaid.


The mermaid opened her mouth and a series of strange sounds poured out. Ding Ning swore he had never heard such a language before but, strangely, he could understand.

She was asking, “Who are you?”

Ding Ning opened his mouth only to realize that he couldn’t speak the mermaid’s language. He tried speaking Shenzhou speech, “Who are you?”

“Who am I? I also don’t know?”

A flash of confusion appeared in the mermaid’s beautiful eyes. As if knowing that Ding Ning could not communicate with her, this sentence rang in his head through spiritual strength.

They could communicate with spiritual strength. Ding Ning’s expression was delighted and he said, also using spiritual strength, “What is this place? Why are you here?”

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