
Chapter 137 Peregrine Falcon

More than forty minutes later, when they were more than ten kilometers away from Ninghai toll station, Ding Ning suddenly shouted.

"Ah? Here? It’s highway here."

The taxi driver shivered. Fuck, it was so scary that the passenger intended to get off on the highway in darkness.

This guy stopped in such an unpopulated place. Could he be a murderer or robber? The imaginative driver immediately recalled the horror phrases such as killing people in a dark and moonless night.

"It’s okay. I live in the village down the expressway, and can get home after climbing over here. If I take a taxi to go home after getting the urban area of Ninghai, it will waste a lot of time. So please drop me here."

Ding Ning made up a reason to explain.

It was very reasonable with no problem, and the most important thing was that he did not show any intent of killing and robbing.

The driver felt relieved, and quickly stopped in the emergency lane to let Ding Ning get off. Although no parking was allowed on the highway, no one cared about that as long as they were not under the high-definition camera.

Watching the taillights of the taxi disappear in his sight, Ding Ning held Ling Yun with one hand and grabbed Doudou with the other hand, spread his bone wings and flapped his bone wings to fly to Ninghai.

Fortunately, with a person and a dog in his arms, it took him only a little more energy than flying alone, which was completely tolerable for him.

He had to admit that he flew at a quite fast speed. In only a few minutes, he had been a dozen miles away.

Now nowhere was safe for Ling Yun. After thinking for a long while, Ding Ning decided to temporarily let her stay in the courtyard in the western suburbs and ask Chu Yunna to protect her.

Despite of her low combat effectiveness, Chu Yunna had a crow which could stand guard. When they encountered danger, she could retreat to the underground cavern with Ling Yun at any time. The neurotoxins and numerous worms and rats there could enabled them to protect themselves.

"Master, you are back!"

Before he reached the courtyard in the western suburbs, Chu Yunna had established the spiritual connection with him.

"I am back. By the way, who tracked me in the afternoon?"

Ding Ning flew while asking.

"I’m sorry, master. Xiaohei has lost them. Those people were very cautious. They kept driving around the urban area, entered the underground parking lot of a shopping mall later and didn’t come out again. I asked Xiaohei to follow them inside, but it was discovered by the security guard. He said that it was a bad omen and threw stones on it, so I asked it to retreat."

Chu Yunna said in shame.

"It doesn’t matter. Xiao He is a crow after all, and the security guard will definitely expel it once he saw it."

Ding Ning knew that this he couldn’t blame her for this. After all, crows had always been a bad omen, and no one liked them.

He thought that he had better keep some joyous birds like oriole and lark as his pets with intelligence. After all, it was very convenient to send a bird to follow someone.

After arriving at the small courtyard, Ding Ning learned that Ling Fei had not returned until now, which made both of them a bit worried.

"Uncle Ling is highly-skilled. He might be trapped by something. He will be fine."

Although Ding Ning was also very worried, he could only comfort Chu Yunna in this way.

After learning that Ling Yun turned out to be Ling Fei’s daughter, Chu Yunna did not hesitate to undertake the responsibility of taking care of her.

After taking a bath, Doudou became white and lovely again. It tried to attach itself to Ding Ning, but was kicked away by him.

At the strong request of the considerate little maid, Ding Ning took a shower and enjoyed her gentle massage. After that, he felt refreshed, only wondering why the mysterious man had not called.

As time went by, when Ding Ning was learning how to change the perspective of a pet with intelligence from Chu Yunna, his cell phone rang again.

The guy finally called? Looking at the strange number, Ding Ning could not help but sneer and did not hesitate to press the answer button.

"How are you? Did you have fun in Gusu?" The mysterious man asked in a playful tone.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Where is Ling Yun?" Ding Ning pretended to be angry and asked.

The mysterious man laughed happily, "I can tell you that she is in No. thirteenth, Plum Blossom Lane, Gusu. Are you surprised? Do you think that I am lying to you? Unfortunately, you guess wrong. She is in the place I mentioned indeed, but don’t be happy so soon, because the game has just begun. I really want to know, can you save both of Ling Yun and Shen Muqing?"

Ding Ning’s face changed. He suddenly stood up and said, "What do you want?"

"Ha ha ha, I don’t want to do anything. I just want to see what choice you will make between Ling Yun and Shen Muqing."

The mysterious man burst into extremely mad laughter containing a sort of perverted tease, "It is 9 o’clock now. Half an hour later, it is 10:30 and Shen Muqing will have a heart attack. If you come back immediately now, maybe you still have time to save Shen Muqing. I’m just wondering if you intend to leave Ling Yun there and come back immediately to save Shen Muqing or intend to save Ling Yun. You can only choose one of the two women. I am looking forward to your choice. Hahaha!"

In his laughter, the mysterious man hung up the phone, but Ding Ning showed a scornful sneer.

He thought it was an earth-shattering conspiracy, but it turned out to be a perverted game. In his opinion, this game was really naive, but was very vicious.

According to the calculation of mysterious man, Ninghai was more than 100 kilometers away from Gusu. It would take him around an hour to drive to Gusu, and even four or fifty minutes if he drove faster.

However, don’t forget that the most time-consuming part was not the highway from Ninghai to Gusu, but the urban area of Ninghai City and the urban area of Gusu City.

In the urban area crowded with people and vehicles, he could not drive too fast. Thus, it took more time to drive across the urban area than to drive on the highway.

Therefore, the mysterious man played such a driving-speed game with Ding Ning. He did not tell Ding Ning where Ling Yun was held before and deliberately told Ding Ning now thus to make Ding Ning face the most difficult and painful choice.

If Ding Ning chose to go to No.13, Plum Blossom Lane to save Ling Yun, it was absolutely too late for him to come back to save Shen Muqing.

But if Ding Ning gave up Ling Yun, it would be unknown whether he could come back to save Shen Muqing in an hour and a half.

In order to save them in time, Ding Ning would definitely drive over the speed limit and probably have a car accident. In this way, all three of them would die.

Therefore, Ding Ning considered this mysterious man very vicious. If Ding Ning was just an ordinary person, it was very likely that he should face a dilemma. At that time, should he save Ling Yun or Shen Muqing?

No matter whom he saved, the other woman who died would become Ding Ning’s nightmare in his life.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning was in a cold sweat from fear.

Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person. Fortunately, he had transformed Doudou’s genes according to his fantastic idea so that it found Ling Yun in advance. Fortunately, he had a pair of bone wings enabling him to fly.

The mysterious man’s plan could almost be successful. His only failure was that he didn’t know Ding Ning well enough. Of course, it was also related to Ding Ning’s strict guarding of his secret.

What made Ding Ning curious was that why this mysterious man could be so sure that Shen Muqing would have a heart attack at 10:30?

But since he planned this elaborately, Ding Ning did not doubt that he would lie. Perhaps he could find out the identity of the mysterious man from this.

"Nana, can I use the vision of Xiaohei?"

Ding Ning was not in a hurry to go to Shen Muqing’s house, but was eager to find out the person behind this and tear him to shreds.

"I’m afraid you can’t. Although you are my master, the pet with intelligence accepted by me can only be used by myself."

Chu Yunna said very apologetically.

Ding Ning was somewhat disappointed, but he had expected that. If he had no other way, he could ask Doudou to do that. There should be no problem if he told Shen Muqing in advance and let Doudou hide in her house.

"Master, you can accept a pet with intelligence right away."

Chu Yunna thought of something, and suddenly said with surprise, "A few days ago I found that there is a wounded eagle in a place not far from here. I intended to accept it as a pet with intelligence, but unfortunately did not catch it. I can’t fly, but you can. It will be great if you can catch it and accept it as your pet with intelligence. Eagle has the best vision among the birds."

Ding Ning’s eyes lit up. Although the eagle was not suitable for the action tonight, there was a few chance of accepting an intelligent eagle as his pet with intelligence.

Without further ado, Ding Ning asked Doudou to stay at home and the crow Xiaohei to stand guard, and then went to catch the eagle with Chu Yunna.

In order to save time, Ding Ning held Chu Yunna in his arms and directly flew away under her guidance.

In the woods beside a cropland in the western suburbs, they found the eagle.

Ding Ning smiled when he saw the eagle proudly raising and tilting its head and looking at them.

The eagle had a pair of yellow feather fringes with thick black brown vertical stripes and a blue-gray tail with brown horizontal stripes. It looked like a saker, but in fact, it was a baby peregrine falcon.

A grown falcon weighed a little more than a pound and was more than 40 centimeters long. This baby falcon weighed at most half a pound and was no more than 20 centimeters long. It was almost as big as a parrot, which fully met his requirements.

Putting Chu Yunna who enjoyed the flight a lot on the ground, Ding Ning stretched out the bone wings, flew to the tree and reached for the peregrine falcon.

Unexpectedly, the peregrine falcon reacted instantly. When Ding Ning was about to catch it, it suddenly dodged him with a dive, kept hovering in the air with bristling feathers and cried angrily as if it was questioning Ding Ning why he intended to catch it.

Ding Ning was embarrassed. He forgot that peregrine falcon was the bird with the fastest speed in a short distance in the world, and it was impossible for him to catch up with it in a short distance.

However, it did not take the opportunity to fly away, but obviously wanted to negotiate with him. Well, since it was willing to negotiate, it was easy to handle.

Ding Ning twittered like a bird and talked with the peregrine falcon, making Chu Yunna envy him a lot.

She could only feel the animal’s emotions, convey her goodwill to them and vaguely understand the meaning of their language. But before she accepted them as pets with intelligence, she couldn’t communicate directly with them, which was not comparable to Ding Ning’s convenient way of communicating directly with them and luring them to be his pets with intelligence.

Chu Yunna didn’t know what Ding Ning had said, but soon she could feel that this peregrine falcon slowly relaxed its guard and looked at Ding Ning with desire in its eyes.

After twittering for a long while, Ding Ning extended his hand, the peregrine falcon hesitated, then actually flew over and land on his hand.

Ding Ning grinned. He finally succeeded in accepting a pet with intelligence. Well, it would almost exhaust his superpower to transform the genes, but it was still worthwhile to have a peregrine falcon as a scout.

He had to say that the peregrine falcon was indeed much more intelligent than the stupid dog Doudou. After gene modification, it was as intelligent as a 12-year-old child and could overwhelm Doudou.

"There is a circle of golden feathers around your neck. So I will call you Xiaojin from now on."

Without asking for its opinion, Ding Ning casually named it in a convenient way.

Xiaojin seemed to have no idea of its name. It was happy to stand on Ding Ning’s shoulder and report to him about its changes.

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