
Chapter 389 - A Stretch (1)

Chapter 389: A Stretch (1)

An article named ‘The former Kingdom of Serbia had opened a new history in the name of the Grand Duchy of Arirang in Kazakhstan of Central Asia’ was issued by a prominent newspaper company after the coronation ceremony. It brought broadcasters from all over the world to the autonomous state. Most of them were yellow journalism companies that focused on gossips, but the state could not refuse their visits. It was because many people liked to read tabloid magazines with pictures all over the place.

Naturally, applicants who wanted to visit the state increased, and the light airplanes that carried tourists and reporters came in and out of the state several times a day. Since there were only two hotels with only 140 rooms combined together, visitors of the state had to go through inconvenience. Thus, the state came up with an idea of hosting.

For the majority of backpackers who visited the state, hotel fees could be overwhelming. Since most of the houses of the autonomous state had plenty of rooms because many farming and ranching families preferred to have many children for their labor. There were usually one or two empty rooms in their houses. The state decided to offer those empty rooms at a cheap cost for the travelers’ convenience. It sounded like a good idea since travelers would get to experience lives in the autonomous state more closely. Moreover, hosting could be also used to protect the state since residents would be guided to report visitors’ suspicious activities to the Intelligence Department or to the authorities of the state.

“Prince consort, we should find a cheap accommodation option too. Some visitors might not feel comfortable staying in a resident’s house.”

“That’s a great idea, Mr. Commissioner. We can probably take advantage of the sites around the airport.”

Kim Chun did not call Youngho ‘boss’ anymore but called him ‘prince consort’ after the coronation ceremony. It was because he was given the title of ‘baron,’ and it was not plausible for a baron to call Youngho a boss. It was the same with the follower couple. The only person who still called Youngho ‘boss’ was Kim Il-kwon.

“Now there will be quite a crowd of tourists in the state. Some might be curious about the Grand Palace, and there may be an attempt to infiltrate the palace to see the Archduchess.”

“So, I arranged the place for the descendants of the knights from Azerbaijan near her. And I’m going to place the Serbian women soldiers who recently joined the Countryside Force close to Fatima for her security.”

“Well, that’s great. If only the men are around, the Archduchess will be uncomfortable.”

After the coronation, Youngho and his family now had to stay in the palace at all times. The only people who liked to stay in the giant Grand Palace were Youngho’s children and the follower couple. The palace, with plenty of rooms to hide, was like a playground tailored to the children.

It was quite daunting at first to stay in the giant yet empty palace, but since people including the follower couple; Vaso, who now was the Grand Chamberlain, and other workers lived there together, it was not so lonely. Also, now that the descendants of the knights from Baku and other women soldiers were going to stay in the palace too.

The view from the palace was quite nice and open, and Youngho was getting used to living in there. The river was stretched to the north of the state and the central square and residential area were seen in the south. Because the palace was on the highest hill of the state, it looked quite authoritative. The trees around the palace, which had been planted by Niksic and Kim Chun, had grown to shade people who passed by.

The two insisted to make a magnificent palace, which came with a high cost, but it was worth it since the palace represented the status of the Archduke family. Although the Serbian royal family was not recognized by many now, one day it would be a great palace that everyone would recognize.


Among those who attended the coronation was Yaniv. He was staying in the state without returning to Volgograd, even after the event.

It was to meet Kim Joo-hyuk from Korea’s H Corporation. A Mafia boss was better than a clumsy politician, and since Yaniv had a close connection with Putin, the most powerful man of Russia, Kim Joo-hyuk was eager to make a connection with him.

Since Yaniv had been getting rid of small businesses, he also wanted to participate in a bigger business. Rather than playing the role of an agency, he wanted to be a shareholder of H Corporation. Both parties seemed to be interested in the benefits of doing business together.

For H Corporation, having Yaniv as a business partner was like the establishment of H Corporation’s train car business in Russia was guaranteed. Although a foreign company, locally produced electric trains were considered to be domestic products because it was a good opportunity for Russia to create jobs for people as well as to receive technology transfers.

When Youngho provided an opportunity for a good joint venture, Yaniv was very happy. Foreign companies and joint ventures with high technology would also strengthen Yaniv’s position as a businessman in Russia.

He kept on paying Youngho a commission.

“Lee, I can’t face you like this. I’m sorry that I came here empty-handed, but people would point fingers if I don’t pay you for what you deserve.”

“Oh, Mr. Yaniv. I appreciate your visit to the state. What can I ask for more? Also, if it weren’t for your help, I couldn’t have even dared to start doing business in Russia. You’ve been taking care of me for so long. There’s nothing I’ll ask of you.”

“Hmmm. Well, let’s do this then. Why don’t I give you some share of the H Corporation’s Russian joint venture?”

“I don`t want to get a share without making an investment. If you let me, I’ll make a fair investment too.”

“You seem to be running quite an amount of cash these days.”

” I have some spare because I don’t have to pour more money into the autonomous state.”

“Then I’ll adjust my share with the company for you. Alright, now that you’ve made a debut to the world, start your aggressive moves, I’ll help you, Lee.”

“We’ve been quiet, but now the Kazakh government is actively supporting us. The reason for inviting media companies to the ceremony was to promote Kazakhstan to the world. The president also wants to support the state to improve the country’s image.”

“That’s very good. Now, put on your wings and soar into the sky. If you need funds, I’ll lend you a hand. Your autonomous state is a real deal. I’ll be glad to support it.”

Yaniv had been doubting about spending money on the wilderness, but now, seeing how it turned out to be, he said that he was jealous of the state. He felt a sense of hope as everyone of the state worked together to improve the state.

“I’m so flattered since you say that, Mr. Yaniv.”

“Work with Sergey about the H Corporation business from now on. I’m always worried about him because he’s not so bold.”

Since Sergey was a son of his old, deceased friend, Yaniv cared a lot about Sergey. As Yaniv was getting older, he was becoming more worried about Sergey. He trusted Sergey and had been relying on him for a long time. So he was asking Youngho to look after him even after he was gone.

Once a brave tiger who commanded Southern Russia was sitting in front of Youngho looking old and weak. Although he was once the most powerful person in Southern Russia, time was fair to everyone.

“Brother Sergey is already my family. No matter what happens, our relationship will never change.”

“Well, that’s what I want to hear. He doesn’t fit in with the mafias, and when I retire, my organization will be attacked from every side. I’ve already distributed my businesses to my closed henchmen to secure my security, but I’m always worried. Mafias are not as loyal as they used to be.”

“Mr. Yaniv, have you seen the armed forces of our state? If that kind of force is behind him, nothing will happen to Sergey.”

“Hahaha... Now, the mafia is asking for protection from a civilian. By the way, I’ve always wondered why you’re trying to grow an armed force for yourself. Who on earth are you planning to attack?”

Youngho was momentarily embarrassed by the sudden question. He had no particular enemy. He was only building the military power of the state for protection. Nobody was really hostile to the autonomous state, and it was unnecessary to use money to build up its armed forces.

“May I say it’s for the sake of peace? I just want to create an awareness that the state is a place you can easily cross.”

“Do you mean war deterrence?”

“Of course. In the case of Switzerland, its neighboring countries didn’t bother to invade it, not because it was great but because they feared that only their power would be weakened to fight against Switzerland when there was not much to take anyway.”

“No, I know Switzerland is strong, but what about the Arirang State?”

“What about Arirang? We do have our hidden forces.”

“Ha! Is that so? Like disguised cargo ships?”

“That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Assume that the whole state is a warrior just like Switzerland. You’re going to shudder.”

“Hahaha... That’s right, Switzerland is always perceived as an armed country, and I liked to see its imposing character without begging for peace.”

Peace without power to protect oneself was nothing but a vain attempt. It was an accumulated experience of world history. Arms—was an essential element of a nation because peace would not last without power.

Switzerland never begged for peace to the neighboring countries because it already knew that there was no charity in protecting one’s territory.

History of the Korean Peninsula also represented that too.

Knowing that the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War happened to take over the Korean Peninsula regardless of Korean people’s will, Youngho did not want to repeat that humiliating history in the foreign land of Kazakhstan again.

When he explained the history of the Korean Peninsula as an example, Yaniv nodded.

“You know there are many weapons available in Russia too, right? Do you want me to bring some for you?”

“Maybe it’s not an atomic bomb, is it?”

“It’s not totally impossible to get that if you really want it.”

“Oh, Mr. Yaniv. Please don’t run into dangerous things.”

“There’s no dangerous work for the mafia. Anyway, I’ll try to get you a strong one.”

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