
Chapter 101 Kuzan’s bloodline

Chapter 101 Kuzan\'s bloodline

Little Kuzan was sitting on the enormous eagle back. The eagle was black with yellow wings looking imposing and prideful. It was the favorite pet of his father, Schuze. Not only it was strong, but also fast.

The young one looked before him at his father who was sitting cross-legged. Ever since that day, his father neither hasn\'t said anything or looked at him. Such attitude was really painful to Little Kuzan...

"I can use magic."


"I don\'t have any problems with learning fire techniques."



In the end, Little Kuzan cried. His screams were loud as tears flowed down incessantly. The young man who wanted to be alone for a while, now, had too much of this loneliness. As his young heart was slowly being destroyed...

"You are no longer my son."

Those words made his heart to fully blacken as if withered. Little Kuzan tried to hold back, but he was too young... the journey to his mother\'s househould was full of screams and tears of the child.


Soon, the father and son arrived in the Lange Househould. It was family of his mother which was quite weaker than Feuer Family. After all, Feuer Family was from Higher Worlds...

"He is Kuzan, your sister\'s son."

His father lightly pushed Kuzan forward and turned around as he said those words. No longer caring about his son, he jumped on the eagle and left this lowly family quickly as if staying here would contaminate his magic power.

Little Kuzan was standing motionless as if soul left his body. Looking at the ground thoughtlessly, he could feel someone grabbing his hand. It was nice feeling, the soft and tender hand made the young man to look above.

It was then, he noticed a gorgeous woman looking at him with affection. She had medium length curly hair which was perfect on her. She was tall and her body had perfect curves, but for Little Kuzan all of this didn\'t matter. Because...

She looks like his mother... It made him to remember her words which were the same like his father\'s...

\'You are no longer my son.\'

"I am Sona."

The voice of his aunt blended with his memories making him cry. Sona lightly hugged him as she took him to her home.

"Little Kuzan, you can\'t hate your father... From what I know, it\'s his dream to take Feuer Family back to higher world..."


Aunt brought him to her home as she showed his new room. She herself had good talent, but decided to teach the young ones sharing her experiences and wisdom. Thanks to that, Kuzan was surrounded by magic books...

"I can use magic."

Kuzan said this to himself after he calmed down. Actually, he needed a week to realize that he has been abandoned by his family. That they no longer want him...

For him, the magic, monolith, talent... it no longer had any value. He himself just wanted to live on without those things... But it wasn\'t possible in the world and household filled with magic...

Everyone knew about him... about his situation and talent. For the Lange Family, having their daughter wed with young master from Feuer Family was something big. Not only they got a strong ally, but if everything went good, then they could even become closer with Feuer Family...

Only if Kuzan got accepted by monolith! That\'s why, even in Lange Family, he has been looked down by everyone... except his aunt.

Looked down by everyone... Kuzan didn\'t care about that at all. Rather, he already became accustomed to such eyes and attitudes... But he also wanted to know... what has awakened inside him!

He felt the change inside his body when old ancestor tapped the monolith after all. Taking out the book with fire technique, Kuzan quickly read its content and summoned a little dog.

It was fire dog, a simple fire technique. But Kuzan already noticed its difference! It was moving on its own... When one summons such creature, then one has to control it through mind. It\'s quite hard, but if used properly...

Woof! Woof!

It even began barking as he was looking at it thoroughly. As he took it into his arms, Kuzan went outside. Looking at the house, trees and river that was flowing gently across his aunt\'s househould, little dog had excitement in his eyes.

The little dog eyes were like two little fire balls with paler color. Then, those eyes moved to the river as he jumped out of his embrace.


Kuzan cried! His little dog was going straight into water! One can easily imagine what is going to happen! But the results of this charge were completely different...

The fire dog became water dog...


Kuzan became pertified as his eyes landed on the water dog. The young one knows how magic works and the sight before his eyes was completely abnormal! Too abnormal!

\'How can fire technique became water one?\'

As if knowing what is going on through his master\'s mind, the dog left the river and began digging the ground. During that, his legs became earth attribute while his top body was still that of water attribute.

"What... is this..."

When dog dig enough to completely enter the hole, his whole body became that of earth attribute! Kuzan was so shocked that he didn\'t know what to do! It\'s known that three attributes humans are already prodigies... Then what can be said about his \'living magic\'?

However, Kuzan knew instinctively that\'s not all about his power. He imagined the dog with wind attribute...

\'Did it work?\'

Woof! The dog left his cave with different body! He had silver body as if wind! Then, on his legs, he had little tornadoes! Kuzan mind quickly worked as he imagined the lightning!

Bzzzt! The dog became lightning dog as its tail was like lightning bolt! Tap! Kuzan fell on his butt with sweat all over his body. It was too much for young man...

As Kuzan fell, so Xue Ren awakened from his first reminiscence.

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