
Chapter 428 – Military Training

Year One was over. But for Beijing University’s students, it was not over yet. This was because Beijing University has a tradition. All the year one student need to go to the military for a stay-in 2 weeks military training.

This training does not only include marching. It includes survival in the wilderness, shooting, etc. training. No one can skip this training without special reasons!

Feng Yu was also interested in this training, and he did not make up any excuse to skip it.


“I know everyone here is smart and higher educated than me. But this is not the reason for all of you to be so laidback! You must know that all of you are reservist soldiers. If a war is to break out, all of you will have to go to war! Even now, there is a small-scale war going on in the southwest. A country without a strong army will not be a powerful country! Now we shall start your first training. Regardless of your gender, everyone has to do 100 push-ups!”


All the students were stunned. 100 push-ups? This is military training? Do our soldiers all train this way?

Feng Yu knew that the officer was only scaring them. The officer will not force all of them to finish 100 push-ups. He just wanted the students to follow his orders. Furthermore, China was not involved in any major wars and had reduced the number of soldiers in his previous life.

Everybody got down onto the ground and start to push-ups. Feng Yu also noticed the officer was doing push-ups with the students!

“1, 2, 3…… 98, 99, 100!”

The officer stood up sweating. But some of the students were already sitting on the ground, and some were lying flat. All of them could not feel their arms!

Feng Yu was considered quite fit. But after 50 push-ups, he also laid on the ground to rest. Damn, why this officer did not ask them to stop? Could it be that he really wanted everybody to finish 100 push-ups?

“All of you must complete. The ones who had finish can rest for a while. We will be doing squat jumps in a while. This training will end once everyone completed the jumps. If anyone cannot finish this training by noon, then there will be no lunch for all of you! Continue!”

Wtf? We are also not professional soldiers. Is there a need to train us so hard?

Feng Yu clenched his teeth and continued. He was the second person in the cohort to finish. The first person was a guy from the farms. His arms were thicker than many girls’ thighs. Feng Yu was full of respect for this guy. He was farming and studying at the same time, and he still managed to get a place in Beijing University!

For the next few days, the training was tough. Feng Yu had regretted his decision to join this training. He should have used some medical excuses to skip these training. He should get some medical conditions that allow him to skip the training for the next 4 years! How can a multi-billionaire be training under the sun?!

It was July, and the skies were clear. Feng Yu felt that he had become darker these few days. Ahhhh……. My beautiful complexion……

Feng Yu also noticed that the officer was giving him weird looks.

Damn, in this era, there should not be those “special activities” happening in an army camp.


“Today the training will be firearms shooting. We will be shooting rifles and pistols. Who thinks he can shoot well and want to try first?”

Some of the students raised their hands. Feng Yu’s eyes sparkled. Hmph, I had even driven a tank in the Soviet Union. I am surely better than the other students.

Furthermore, the first ones to will get to shoot more rounds than the rest.

“Fine, the few of you come forward! Have you ever fired a gun before?”

All of them nodded. Feng Yu was feeling proud in his heart. These people should have only fired hunting rifles. I had shot the Soviet army’s weapons. Those weapons were total on another scale!

Type 81 assault rifle, China’s most classic gun. Feng Yu held the rifle in his hands and check the magazine. It was all blanks. This was the only practice and was afraid that the students will get hurt.

When all of them got into the prone shooting position, the officer was staring at Feng Yu. This student’s movements were precise. He still knows how to check the magazine. Could any of his family members were in the military and had taught him? Or could he have received training in the military before?

China at this time had the most soldiers in the world. Even at Beijing University, many of the students’ parents are full-time soldiers.

There was a benefit growing up in a military family. Kids could learn to shoot with firearms since young.

Bang, bang, bang……

The students took turns to shoot. The target was close, and all of Feng Yu’s rounds hit the target. One of the bullets even hit the bullseye!

When the results were announced, Feng Yu found out that out of the 7 students who had shot, he was only in fourth place. 39 points. Feng Yu was quite satisfied with this result. What type of monsters are those top 3 places?

Those 2 of the 3 students had grown up in the military camps, and the other was from a hunter family. All of them had been playing with firearms since young. Even the ones that scored lower than Feng Yu had fired a lot of rounds in their life.

Feng Yu had only hunted a few times and had played with guns in the Soviet Union once. He was able to get this score because of luck.

“Good! Li Yong, Zhao Gang, Wang Qiang, and Feng Yu’s movements are very accurate. The other 3 students had made many mistakes. Now, I will demonstrate the precise movements. Pay attention. You will have to do 10 squat jumps with the rifle over your head for any rounds that did not hit the target. You will be given 3 rounds each later. I do not want to see any of you doing squat jumps later!”

Although someone was teaching the students, this was the first time for most of the students. Half an hour later, the area outside the range was full of jumping frogs!

Feng Yu and the remaining few were looking at the others doing jumps.

“The 7 of you will fire 3 rounds each. If you get lesser than 24 points, for every point, it will be 10 jumps!”

Damn, the officer was obviously targeting them!

As such, Feng Yu also became a frog. He was not as lucky as the first time.


The 2 weeks training was over in no time. On the last day, Feng Yu and some students were called to the officer’s office.

Feng Yu looked around, and those that were called to the office were the ones that had performed well during this training. Could the officer want to give them medals for their performances? If he had gotten some commendations from the army, his parents would be thrilled.

“The few of you are the scholars from Beijing University. In the future, all of you will be making significant contributions to our nation. But there are also many ways to contribute to the country. Have all of you ever consider joining the army?

Huh? Join the military?

Feng Yu immediately shook his head. If he had wanted to join, he would have joined when he graduated from high school. He could still receive special treatment. Now, he had already entered Beijing University. Who would be so stupid to join?

“Sir, are you serious? But I have not even graduated yet. How can I join?”

Damn, there was indeed someone that was willing to join! Feng Yu looked around and saw that it was the student whose arms were thicker than a girl’s thigh who had asked.

“There are two ways for you to join. First, you can transfer to the military university. You will be at least a Second lieutenant platoon leader when you graduate! The second way is to disrupt your current studies and enter the army for 3 years. After 3 years, you can return choose to remain in the army or return to school. You will also have the opportunity to be promoted to the Second lieutenant! Who wants to be a soldier? Brotherhood! You will never get to experience this elsewhere. If you are a soldier,, not only you can get to play with guns, you can still drive tanks, fly planes, fire cannons, etc.”

Feng Yu was cursing in his heart. Carry on bragging……. Some of the soldiers were rearing pigs for years!

The officer was very disappointed when he saw only 2 people hesitating. The rest rejected him flatly. He was very disappointed when he saw Feng Yu turning down his offer without even considering. Most of the graduates from Beijing University will be government officials, and they were not interested in becoming soldiers. Why was it so hard to recruit some educated soldiers?

When Feng Yu left the training camp, he felt that he was returned. He had finally completed the training!

Feng Yu was wondering about his company. Was the VCD players introduced into the market? How were the sales?

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