
Chapter 172

Chapter 172: 172

“If I remember correctly, in the old phones, the number ‘1’ in it contains all the punctuations and the numbers contains the letters in a partition that would contain three letters except for numbers ‘7’ and ‘9’ since they contain the letter ‘p,q,r,s’ and ‘w,x,y,z’ respectively. The other extra keys is the ‘*’ and the ‘#’ which could change the case in which the letters are in and a few more functions. Don’t forget the ‘0’ key that is for spaces and the underscore.” I thought to myself as I looked at the first line again.

44339991104440260443377733028069990666966022886655337770844280444022666884 4481

“These are only two words since you only have a single space near the last part. Does the number ‘0’ indicate the spaces then? So, why is there a space in the last part? Oh! *laughs* if there is a case of the letters belonging on the same key, you need to pause for a while and wait for the insertion point to blink again. If I got this right, everything would say…” I thought to myself and wrote beneath the numbers on the paper.

“Hey, I am here at my own bunker that I bought.”

“Also, I am safe here and do not worry.”

“My gf is with me and we could live here for a decade.”

“But, I left my number in the pzp.”

“Understand that I hate large groups.”

“Really though, I hope you took all of the games.”

“Good luck on you and your plans.”

“Everything here is good and thanks for thinking of me.”


I checked the numbers again just to be sure and I read his note with a solemn expression. I even brought out my really old ‘No Key Yeah 3210’ phone that I left in a drawer a decade ago with 98% battery left. I made sure to hold it tight in case it breaks the floor when I accidentally dropped it. I typed the numbers in the messaging function of the phone and it says the same thing on what is written on my paper. I even got nostalgia and played Void Impact but I immediately closed it when I looked at the time.

“A decade? What place could guarantee that? Well, he said he’s in a bunker, but where? More importantly, is this the password? Too long if you ask me. It usually is eight to twenty-four characters long with an uppercase letter, a number, and a punctuation mark. This is like a small paragraph…” I thought to myself.

I cracked my knuckles and I placed a folder on its side and I could feel Zeus tapping with his paw on my leg. I looked at Kaley and she’s fast asleep, sprawled on the bed while half-covered with our blanket. The movie seemed to have finished and Zeus is trying to get my attention. He’s wagging his tail and I just looked at him.

*whine* *head tilt*

“What? Oh, the movie is over, want to head down now?” I asked.

“Woof!” he replied.

“Shhh, be a bit quiet. Kaley is sleeping.” I said with a finger on my lips.

“Woof…” he responded but much quieter.

“Good boy, want a treat?” I asked as he zoomed for the door, waiting for me to head down with him.

I opened the jar of treats above the fridge and gave him one then he snuggles comfortably on his bed near the corner. He curled into a ball, hugging his tail and he began to sleep. I went back and decided to sleep but I cleaned up the stack of papers on my table.

“Who would’ve known.” I thought to myself, smiling.

If it wasn’t for my OCD and like for movies, I’d spot the ‘password’ much sooner, or at least I think it was. It happened when I’m lining the folder with the edge of the paper where I’ve written Roi’s message. When it was only showing the first letters of each line.

“H… A… M… B… U… R… G… E… R…” I muttered.

I swallowed my saliva and I brought out my best accent from the movie Rose Panther 2, “The password is hamburger?!”

I gave a small chuckle and facepalmed.

“This f.u.c.ker… of course it was this simple! All that work for a simple password. He could’ve just hummed the tune from that movie and I would get it already. All this trouble… Well, I could sleep easy now after contacting him.” I shouted in my head.

I immediately brought out the Sat Phone and called him. I think he’s sleeping at this time but I tried anyway just to talk to him and find out more about his situation.

“All tries have been expended, please try again the next day-” He said but I cut him off.

“Hamburger.” I said with confidence.

“…” I heard nothing from the other line.

“*clears throat* I apologize but all 3 tries for today has been used. Please try again tomorrow. *chuckle*” I heard from the other line.

“Did he laugh? I must be right and he’s just being a sore loser. This little motherf.u.c.ker.” I thought to myself.

I can’t even explain my frustration as I slammed my head on the table a couple of times to calm myself. Moving the task for another day from his stubbornness, I just went to the bed and scooted over as I grabbed a portion of the blanket. I can’t seem to get myself under the blanket but she snuggled close to me and I saw her sleepy eyes.

“Did I wake you? Sorry.” I said.

“A bit…” she trailed as she lifted my right arm and she snuggled more as she hugged me much tighter.

I felt like a hen tucking its baby chickens since she’s under my arms. Her leg is above my leg and her body is pressed against mine. I closed my eyes and I seemed to notice a few things while I tried to sleep.

She buried her head in my underarm and she starts to take deep breaths. Each time she’s doing it, her body presses more against me. I could feel her soft chest as it acts as a cushion but her hug is tighter. It was quite subtle at first but her head started to press more against my body the more breaths she took. She seems to be trying to take in my scent as she breathes heavily.

“Hmm… that thing then? I noticed that before… Well it’s one more thing we have in common…” I thought to myself.

“Kaley?” I muttered as she seems to be enjoying herself.

“It’s my turn now, just lay down.” she spoke in a commanding tone.

“Well, shit.” I said as she chuckled.

She started on breathing at my neck as she went on top of me. We’re still wearing our clothes but she started on grinding her lower body against mine. She wrapped her hands on my back and she buried her face on my chest area. I wanted to grab something from below but she stopped me before I got the chance to do anything.

“You’ll get your turn later… just let me…” she trailed.

“Yes ma’am.” I replied.

I can barely see anything and I could only hear and feel what she’s doing to me.

I could feel the warmth from her each exhale and the heat forming in our lower bodies. She continued on taking in the scent of my body and specially on some zones. She can’t seem to get enough since she would breath in deep and exhale and would go back even if she’s almost out of air. The constant contact of our lower body made my shaft escape from the side and feel the warm and moist cloth that is the only thing keeping us apart that she’s wearing.

I still did nothing despite that and let her enjoy what she likes.

Her h.i.p.s started to move vigorously as she started on kissing me. He adjusted the position of my shaft by her hands as she continued to grind on it. After a while, I’m about to release it and she stopped. She stood up and went in the opposite direction then she laid on top of me again. We’re facing each other’s lower body and her hands went inside and pulled something out. I thought I was allowed to move but she tucked my hands towards my side and she spoke in commanding tone once more.

“Don’t. F.u.c.k.i.n.g. Move. Remember? Not. A. Muscle.” she said.

She started to move her hands and head up and down and it started to throb again, regaining the same sensation, but she stopped and slowed her movements. It was almost the same thing before but she’s doing it vigorously and stopping at the last second when I’m on the brink of it. The torture of not being able to do anything and wanting to let her continue it is clashing on my head. She did it a few times when I’m about to release and she’ll postpone it. My hands are clumping the blankets in frustration though I’m still enjoying every second of it. One of her hands went inside herself and I could see her underwear bulging due to her hand moving inside it then she started on twitching a few times but she continued on pleasuring herself and making me go crazy.

I felt like one more time she does this I would be able to release it even if she stopped, but what she did next made me lose my mind. She laid next to me and covered herself with a blanket.

“I’m good now. Let’s sleep.” she gave me a peck on the lips and she turned around and started to sleep.

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