
Chapter 297 Running Out Of Options, Komodo Chew Toy

"If you are looking for weapons, then you should head north, but I don\'t know how Chez will act. He is normally shot first and then doesn\'t ask questions later. I don\'t know if it is a good idea to go to him, but it doesn\'t matter if we go to Karn, Micha, Harve, or any of the other brothers; they are all crazy and will try to kill you," Howl explained and we started to angle north more.

This was expected from what the goblins had said, but I didn\'t really have much of a choice at this point, so I kept going. I was starting to think that this wasn\'t going to help me out either right now.

I had to try; I might not be good with a bow, but it would be good for me to have some kind of advantage against this guy. Carnage could read my moves, but I was much faster than he was; I just needed some kind of edge.

That was also before he had gotten serious, making me feel less confident about fighting him. I usually could shrug off fear, but something told me this guy was much different than everything I had faced.

[Regardless of how you feel, killing him is the only way out of here. I don\'t know what we are going to do, but staying in this ring doesn\'t seem like an excellent place to find a decent weapon. I really don\'t think a bow would work on someone like this.] Harold explained, and I sighed in agreement.

[The last ring is the final cityscape, and it is filled with all the bugs that live out endless lives until Carnage decides to take one. It seems fine, but we are going to be here until the end of this world if you don\'t do something to get us out like you said.] Libra told me in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Zack, slow down; something is tracking us," Howl growled from beside me, and we both slowed down dramatically.

Whatever he had noticed was out of my sight, but I could feel the tension in the air as I slowed down. Something was getting closer to us, but it was moving much too fast for it to be Carnage.

"What is it?" I asked, and I turned to face a new threat as I felt the ground start to shake.

"Giant lizard that tastes pretty good, but it will more than likely kill us before we get the chance! It doesn\'t need light to see to find us, and now that it has our scents, it won\'t let up. It acts like a big snake, licking out its tongue to taste the air!" Howl growled, but he sounded worried as the enormous creature came into sight.

The grass where we were was much shorter here, but even tall grass wouldn\'t have hidden the massive grey lizard with green spots. It looked similar to a giant Komodo dragon, and it also looked starving as it stared open mouth and slobbering at me.

"I don\'t think that this is a good idea. How far is Chez from us? Shouldn\'t we be getting close?" I asked Howl as the creature slowly crept towards us, looking like it was about to pounce.

"Yes, he should be very close!" Howl said, and I nodded, keeping my eyes on the massive lizard.

"Then go get him! I am sure you can draw his attention without getting shot, right?" I asked as the massive lizard started to shift his head back and forth to me like a dog hearing a strange noise.

"I don\'t think that it is a good idea to leave you here with this thing! You will be dead by the time that I get back!" Howl growled, but I waved for him to go.

"If you stay, then we are both dead. At least this way, there is a chance that we might be able to do something. If you slowed down, then that means you can\'t outrun this thing, so I will have to be the one to distract it; now go!" I yelled, and Howl took off without another word.

Something about the big blue wolf said that I could trust him, but I had to put all thoughts of the world out of my head. I was going to have to figure out some way to deal with this creature.

[Be careful. If that thing bites you, it will liquify your inside in about five minutes. Giant Monitor Lizards are very thick-skinned but have soft undersides. Your best bet is to attack there, but you have nothing to use as a weapon.] Libra explained to me, and then the creature charged at me.

The thing was almost fifteen feet long and moved fast like a whip, so I ran straight sideways, forcing the creature to turn, which did slow down its explosive forward motion. The moment it was done, the motion for its turn, the lizard, burst towards me again at full speed.

This would give me a slight advantage, but I had always been running since I had gotten here. Even if Howl didn\'t make it back in time, it was only a matter of time before Carnage caught up, and I could pawn the monster off.

The problem was going to be staying alive during that time. Not only was the creature large, fast and deadly, but after the second time that I turned at the last moment, the Giant Monitor Lizard turned with me.

I punched down on the top of the creature, snapping the round head shut, and was able to narrowly avoid the bite that nearly got me on my hip. I had seen on Animal Planet what a Komodo Dragon could do to a creature it got a hold of.

I did not want to become a dog\'s chew toy, so I would have to think of something quick. Either that or all more work on this would have been for nothing, and that just wasn\'t going to work for me.

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