
Chapter 191 Mellow

Chapter 191 Mellow

Frey open the fridge and pick up eggs. He grab a bowl and break the eggs into it, he sprinkle some salt and started mixing it with a fork.

Then he place a pan in the stove to let it heat up before adding oil. When it is ready, he proceeded with cooking the omellete.

It did not take long for him to finish cooking. He grab a plate and put rice on it, then he pick up the omellete with the spatula and with a \'flick\' he drop the omellete above the rice.

He open a cabinet for condiments and grab the ketchup. He added some ketchup in a zigzag pattern above the egg and


He finish cooking one omellete, then he proceeded with cooking another one.

After a while, two omellete is now ready to be serve. Frey then carry the plates with his two hands and place it on the table before calling out to his Mom.

"Mom, it\'s finish." he said, "Come here and eat now."

Then he sit on one of the chairs. He waited for his Mom to also sit down before eating.

Rose, who is watching some drama on TV heard Frey calling her, so she rise from the sofa and walk to the dining area.

She also sit down and close her eyes. When Frey saw that, he also close his eyes. Rose voice then can be heard, she is praying and thanking for the food before saying "Amen!" in the end.

They then open their eyes and grab their utensils and started eating. The food is not that overly delicious but it is still above average in taste and looks. The reason for this is beacuse, Frey is the one that always cook in this house as his Mother is always working.

Rose work as a mangaka, she is a famous mangaka and have a quite a huge fanbase. Because of that, she is always just at home almost never going out.

She is also not just a normal mangaka, but a super powered-mangaka, she is a "Psychic". Her power is useful in her work as a mangaka because she can just use her mind and and imagine what she want to draw, then her power will kick in. It draw faster, less mistakes, resulting in her having a lot of time for herself, which she use to watch Dramas. Of course that is not only use of her power, she is a level 8.

People with super power is classified by level that is based on the mana that they have. Level 1 have 1000 mana, Level 2 have 2000, Level 3 have 3000 mana and it goes on and on. This is because every 1000 mana, there will appear a qualitative change in your power, it will either make it powerful or you will gain a perk from that power.

An example is a man who have a skill to make fire, a fire magician. They will only have a power to conjure fire but they can still be hurt using fire. Now if they gain a perk from their skill it will like a \'Fire resistance skill\' or something that is connected to his power.

The highest Level in the world currently is only Level 13. Don\'t think that it is low, because gathering mana is hard that is 13 is only the highest currently.

After they finish eating, Frey washed the dishes. Then he grab a mango from the frigde, the one that is almost like a gold in color and cut the cheeks with a knife.Then he put some salt in a saucer, he dab his index finger in ther salt and rub it on the mango, and he took a bite.


It is so delicious that it have nothing that it can be compared to in this world.

Frey can\'t help but savoring it on his mouth before he gulp it down, bringing him a cooling feeling that spread through his whole body.


He felt the coolnest that came from his stomach that is spreading on his body and thought what is causing it. But he did not think much on it and conitnued eating his mango.

"Frey, bring me some mango here~"

Rosaw saw that Frey is eating mango and want to also eat some so she called out.


Frey reluctantly stop eating and stand up. He grab another mango from the fridge and cut it and place it on a plate. Before bringing it to the living room where Rose is watching TV.

"Here" Frey give it to Rose and immediately want to go back to eating, but before he even walk away, Rose voice was heard again,

"No, spoon?" she ask, tilting her to the side a bit. She is so cute for her age!

"You can just eat it with your hands, I already slice it" he said, he slich the inside of the cheeks ealier before giving it to her so she can just puch the bottom for the mango to pop up.

"But it will dirty my hands." said Rose with disgust at the thought of getting her hands dirty. The juice of the fruit is also a bit sticky and feel disgusting when you got it on your hands.

Frey just sigh and grab a spoon on the kitchen for her.

"Thank you" Rose said happily before she started eating.

Frey finally sat back down on the table and ate his mango(?), full of happiness.

He finish eating mango(?) and he felt the cooling sensation inside becoming stronger. The coolnest is not the type that will froze you, but the type that brings you comfort on a very hot day in a desert.

The coolnest move from his stomach then going through his body and then gather inside his heart!

Frey close his eyes to feel it more and understand what hell is going on. He first put his attention on his stomach, for unknown reason, the mango that he ate is releasing a massive amount of mana that is the source of coolnest that is from his stomach.

Frey have shock face as he open his eyes. What the hell is happening!? He is clueless as to why a mango will suddenly have that amount of mana!

He force himself to calm down, before closing his eyes again. This time he followed where the mana is flowing, is goes on his body and he saw it go inside his heart and for a reason unknown to him, he can feel that its as if creating a round object inside his heart. He panic for a bit, but not feeling anything wrong on his body, on the contrary he is feeling more powerful, he just let it be. He can\'t do anything to it anyway. What will he do, open his chest and grab his heart?

After the round object was finish, the mana stop flowing there but instead started going down into his navel, which is where the mana pool is!

It enter his mana pool and it became his! His mana started elevating through the roof!

He originally only have 12 mana points, which is negligible and useless amount of mana. A person who have powers will have a 100 mana points when they gain their powers. Compared to his 12 mana points it is almost 10 times more!

It have always been his sore spot, what\'s more is that, he can\'t increase his mana. Or maybe he actually can, but so what? he meditated for 2 years with his mana not increasing even just 1 point!

But now he can feel his mana increasing rapidly as if a waterfall going down at fast speed.

50 mana points...

100 mana points...

200 mana points...

500 mana points...

1000 mana points...

2500 mana points...

And it only stop when it reach 3621 mana points.

Frey froze... then he started laughing,

"hahaha...HaHaHa... HAHAHAHABA!"

It started from a soft laugh, then his voice became louder and louder. Until he heard Rose voice,

"FREY! SHUT UP, I\'M WATCHING TV!" Her voice sounds irritated at him.

Frey immediately stop laughing. But a smile can\'t help but appear on his face, a very HAPPY smile.

Frey and Sylvia talk for a bit and decided to walk outside to breathe some cold night air and to feel the cold breeze.

It is 9 o\'clock in the evening so there is not much people right now on the streets, the people is either having a night life at the downtown or sleeping inside their own houses.

After walking for a while they arrive on a park. There is no other people in the park, so it is a good place to talk. They walk and see a swing for the both of them to sit on.

Frey is the one that spoke first. He look at her for a second then put his attention to the sky, then said to her.

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