
Chapter 303 How Much Is Your Loyalty?

Chapter 303 How Much Is Your Loyalty?

The first prince felt utterly defeated since the nobles that had their attention on him were now trying to establish connections with the Supreme Mage. He couldn\'t even direct his hatred and anger toward the Supreme Mage since, unlike the Supreme Mage, he didn\'t have the power to destroy a kingdom.

The first prince was just a genius in magic, but not a prodigious monster like the Supreme Mage. The first prince was just a 5th Circle Mage while the Supreme Mage was an 8th Circle Mage.

No matter how much the first prince tried to use his intelligent mind to scheme against the Supreme Mage, he could never find a way to defeat the Supreme Mage. Even if he managed to instigate all of the people in the ballroom to go against the Supreme Mage, they wouldn\'t be able to defeat the Supreme Mage.

The only one that the first prince could ever think of having the possibility to defeat the Supreme Mage was none other than the Ultimate Knight. But for those two to fight, that was impossible.

The Ultimate Knight was loyal to the second prince since the two of them have a master and disciple relationship. And since the first princess and second prince had an alliance, the Supreme Mage and Ultimate Knight couldn\'t fight each other in a life-and-death battle.

The first prince was at his wit\'s end. His schemes were only effective if his enemy didn\'t have a large power gap compared to him.

\'To defeat the Supreme Mage, I need the royal court mage to become an 8th Circle Mage. But according to what he said, it was impossible for him to become an 8th Circle Mage in his lifetime.\'

\'Unless… I managed to obtain the wand of miracles from the Goddess Gaia. But only his father and the duke can communicate with the Goddess in times of emergency. Only when I became a king, could I establish a connection with Goddess Gaia.\'

\'As for becoming a king, it\'s impossible for me now that bitch and bastard allied. The two of them must have agreed to marry each other so that they both could obtain the throne as king and queen.\'

\'Fuck! Not once in my life have I been this cornered! If it wasn\'t for that Supreme Mage\'s sudden appearance, that bitch would have died and the second prince would have slowly been beaten by me.\'

While those thoughts were being simulated in his mind, an idea formed in the first prince\'s mind.

\'Didn\'t the Supreme Mage suddenly appear while still concealing his origin? What if he is a spy from another kingdom or another race? Even if he isn\'t, I can still use that against him to instigate the nobles in this room to go against him.\'

When that plan entered the first prince\'s mind, he immediately put that plan into motion.

"Supreme Mage, you might have earned their support through your speech. But, haven\'t you all forgotten about one thing?"

When the first prince yelled those words, he immediately attracted the attention of all the nobles and royals in the ballroom.

Receiving everyone\'s attention, the first prince proceeded with his plan.

"Didn\'t the Supreme Mage out of nowhere and saved the first princess? What if he is a spy from another kingdom and he was the mastermind behind the first princess\' assassination?"

"The Supreme Mage must have hired those assassins and created an act to save the first princess to earn her trust! We don\'t even know if he is a human or not. He must be a demon sent by those evil gods! Otherwise, how could we not know about the existence of an 8th Circle Mage until he appeared!?"

Hearing those words from the first prince, all of the nobles and royals within the ballroom had a glint of understanding shining within their eyes.

Noticing that, the first prince felt that he had already won.

\'You see, Supreme Mage? Even if you are powerful, you can never be as good as me when it comes to instigating others. In the end, your power had lost to my schemes!\'

While the first prince was celebrating in his mind, the nobles and royals all spoke out their thoughts.

"To think that the first prince had lost his mind."

"No need to speak the obvious. He is the shame of the royal family!"

"Did the first prince think that we didn\'t know about the crimes that he had committed? We only turn a blind eye because he had some use as a candidate for the throne but now, he had already lost his qualification. We don\'t need a mentally unstable bastard as our king."

"First brother even pinned the blame of the assassination on the Supreme Mage. When in reality, he was the one who hired those assassins. How laughable!"

Not only the nobles but even the first prince\'s royal siblings fanned the flames as they criticized and ridiculed the first prince\'s unstable mental health.

But in the first prince\'s mind, it was the exact opposite.

\'Although I admit that I did the assassination as well as those crimes, how can you think of me as someone mentally unstable? Shouldn\'t you be the ones who are mentally unstable?! The Supreme Mage is literally an outsider with unknown origins!\'

But when that thought entered the first prince\'s mind, it was immediately dispelled when he saw the golden-like energy that was released from the Supreme Mage\'s body.

The golden-like energy felt soothing and warm as if it was the symbol of benevolence and purity. As if it was free from the darkness of evil.

"Impossible! Only the apostles of god and the gods themselves possess divinity! How can you have divinity!?"

The first prince was beyond shocked that instead of thinking that within his mind, he had spoken his thoughts out loud.

The nobles and royals only sneered in response to the first prince\'s words.

"Didn\'t you slander that I am a demon?"

The first prince couldn\'t reply to the Supreme Mage\'s words, but that didn\'t go the same for the nobles.

"How can a demon have a divinity as pure as yours, your excellency? You must be the apostle of Goddess Gaia!"

"Don\'t mind him, your excellency. He must have bumped his head when he was born. No need to be offended by a retard\'s words."

The nobles who were formerly from the first prince\'s camp had switched sides and did what they could to flatter the Supreme Mage.

All of the nobles within the first prince\'s camp had switched to the first princess and second prince\'s alliance aside from one person. It was none other than the royal court mage.

No longer paying attention to the first prince, Allen shifted his attention toward the royal court mage.

Although the royal court mage was quite weak compared to him, Allen still found value in the royal court mage becoming Alisceon\'s subordinate. After all, he wouldn\'t stay in this world for long so he needed someone to protect Alisceon.

Even if he had created some guardian beasts in Alisceon\'s mansion, it was better for him to have more subordinates that could protect Alisceon.

"Royal court mage, how much is your loyalty?"

Activating his <Supreme Merchant> talent\'s skill which was <<Conceptual Acquisition>>, Allen spoke those words to the royal court mage.

The <<Conceptual Acquisition>> skill allowed him to purchase anything from his target, even concepts such as love and loyalty. That skill will only activate as long as he paid the target for the item or object that he wanted.

He could even use that skill to obtain the divinity and divine powers of the gods as long as he fulfilled his end of the bargain. Of course, he didn\'t need to go through that hassle since he could just kill those gods and seize their divinity using his <Supreme God Slayer> talent.

"Supreme Mage, you jest. I am the magic teacher of his highness, I am loyal to him."

The royal court mage shook his head and didn\'t accept the Supreme Mage\'s offer to purchase his loyalty.

"I don\'t believe in your loyalty towards a retard. Sign a contract to become Alisceon\'s subordinate."

"Your excellency, even if you are stronger than me, you can\'t humiliate and bull-"

"I\'ll purchase your loyalty with one 8th Circle Magic Spell- Resurrection."

Without allowing the royal court mage to continue his words, Allen interrupted him and offered to give him an 8th Circle Magic Spell.

"That isn\'t enough. I admit that a magic spell that can resurrect anyone is priceless, but what\'s the use of it when I can\'t use it? Since I\'m only a 7th Circle Mage, using an 8th Circle Spell will cost me a lot of mana or even my life force."

The royal court mage didn\'t accept Allen\'s offer but also didn\'t reject it. Because of that, Allen already knew what price he had to pay to purchase the royal court mage\'s loyalty.

"I will give you an item that can allow you to become an 8th Circle Mage. How about that?"

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