
Chapter 121 A Poisoned Pawn

“I hope you don’t regret serving your king. Even if the two of us are enemies, that doesn’t stop me from respecting your loyalty and devotion towards your king.”

The black knight spoke in admiration as he praised the white pawn for his loyalty toward the white king.


“I… won’t…”

Coughing out blood, the white pawn mustered all of his strength to let out his reply to the black knight.

With that, only 3 white pawns were left on the battlefield.

“Fear not, my pawn. For I shall not forget your sacrifice. Your death will bring the white army one step closer to victory!”

Not only did Allen praise the white pawn’s sacrifice, but he also motivated and hyped his white army which worked as all of the members in his white army were now showing a fearless glint in their eyes..

Allen’s white army no longer feared death as all of them were now motivated to serve their white king and show him that the white empire will reign supreme!

“Knight to e2”

“Yes, my king!”

Allen commanded his white knight to arrive at his front to defend him from potential attacks from the black army. Showing off his loyalty, the white knight listened to his white king’s command and obediently went to his front to defend him from any potential attacks.

“What are you going to do now, Carrion? From start to finish, you never had an advantage against me. Even now, you no longer have any hope of defeating me since you don’t even have at least a pawn to promote while I have three.”

“At most, you can only hope that I will blunder a move but even then, you still have no chance of defeating me. You can only hope that this game will lead to a draw but I sure as hell know that it is impossible for me to stalemate you.”

Allen asked Carrion since he knew that if he switched sides with Carrion, he wouldn’t be able to win with the black army and at most, Allen could only stall the game a lot longer.

Allen knew that Carrion had no chance of defeating him and even if he did blunder a move, at most, the game would end because of a draw by insufficient material. Allen knew he wasn’t dumb enough to end the game in a draw by stalemate.

“Sigh, as you have already known, it is impossible for me to win this chess match. But even so, I do now want to resign as I want to enjoy our chess match a lot longer. Chess isn’t all about winning, after all.”

Sighing at his inevitable defeat, Carrion focused his attention back on the chess match as he thought of ways to keep his word in making the chess match between him and Allen lasting longer than usual.

“Rook to a2.”

Carrion commanded his black rook to move to the a2 square after he had formulated his battle plan and strategy in stalling the game.

“Pawn to h5.”

Seeing that his white pawn was a passed pawn or in other words a pawn that didn’t have any obstructions in its path, he commanded his white pawn to advance one square forward to the h5 square.

“I won’t allow that pawn to promote! Knight to f5!”

Wanting to prevent Allen’s pawn from its path towards promotion, Carrion commanded his black knight to gallop to the f5 square which not only prevented Allen’s pawn from advancing to the h6 square but his black knight also threatened to attack Allen’s white rook that was on the g7 square.

Allen wasn’t an idiot so he didn’t forget to command his white rook to move out from the attack as he didn’t want to blunder any of his pieces.

“Rook to g5.”

The white rook slid towards the g5 square after it heard Allen’s command as it not only moved away from the attack of the black knight but was now attacking the black knight.

“I might as well defend my knight. King to e6.”

The black throne that Carrion was currently sitting on had moved to the e6 square after he commanded it to move. He could have moved his black rook to defend the black knight but he wasn’t dumb enough to make such a mistake.

After all, if he did move his black rook to the a5 square to defend his black knight, it would pin his black knight to his black rook. If Allen would move his white pawn to the g4 square, Carrion would be left with no choice but to sacrifice his black knight since if he had moved his black knight when it was pinned by Allen’s white rook, Allen’s white rook would be able to capture his black rook.

That was why Carrion didn’t move his black rook to defend his black knight as it would be a mistake.

“It seems you are quite adamant in stalling this game. Pawn to g4.”

Allen commented after noticing Carrion’s move as he commanded his white pawn to move to g4 to not only defend the pawn on h5 but also kick out Carrion’s black knight on f5.

Even if Carrion didn’t pin his black rook to his black knight, Allen would still move his white pawn to g4 as currently, it was the best move that Allen could use.

Carrion could only play passively if he wanted to stall the game while Allen could move his pieces aggressively and Carrion couldn’t even do anything about it.

Seeing Allen’s move, Carrion decided to just go the hell with it and since he had no chances of winning, he might as well go out with a bang.

“Knight to e3.”

The black knight immediately moved to the e3 square after hearing his black king’s order as the black knight threatened to take the white pawn on g2.

Carrion expected Allen to defend his white pawn with himself but he didn’t expect Allen to sacrifice his white pawn.

“Pawn to h6.”

Despite there having a free pawn that Carrion could take, he couldn’t since the white pawn was a poisoned pawn. Even if that pawn was hanging, taking it would lead to Allen having his pawn closer to promotion.

“Carrion, what would your move be?”

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