
Chapter 341 I’m at peace?

Chapter 341 I\'m at peace?

Lumiere & Lucretia Arc


(POV: Lumiere)

After what felt like forever, we arrived back on the campus grounds.

The snow-covered landscape stretched out before us, casting an ethereal glow under the moonlight.

On our way here, I used a mana canopy to cover both of us on our way here, so that shielded mostly Lucretia from the cold. Even if I was bare chested, it wouldn\'t necessarily affect me. But to keep my skill level at a limit when around her, the canopy was necessary.

So, she believed the reason the cold wasn\'t harming me was because of the small mana layer around us that repelled the cold.

I glanced over at Lucretia.

"We should be getting in soon..."

"Yeah," she responded.

I had more to say. "Lucretia, I wanted to tell you that the reason I haven\'t made any adv—"

I paused.

It was because there were heavy emotions in her eyes as she spotted Simone and Raxe preparing to leave. Without a moment\'s hesitation, she sprinted towards them, her bare feet barely making a sound on the snow.

"Simone!" Lucretia\'s voice was carried a strong sense of relief and longing as she embraced her friend, catching Simone completely off guard.

I could see the astonishment in Simone\'s eyes, a flicker of disbelief that Lucretia would appear out of nowhere.

"L... Lady..."

Simone was seized of words.

I was happy to see this reaction, and although I didn\'t smile, it didn\'t mean I wasn\'t glad. I absolutely was. If only I knew they\'d react like this, then I\'d have done this sooner.

It was only now I was starting to understand things well.

Maybe punishing myself for Ravenna\'s death wasn\'t the right answer, no, not at all. To make myself get out of my slump, I had to do something good, something that would make me feel better... and no reward could be better than a good deed.

In order to make sure Ravenna rested happily within me, I first had to make sure I was happy.

So, it wouldn\'t bother her...

Raxe immediately bowed down on one knee as a sign of respect. "I\'m glad you\'ve returned, Lady Lucretia," he said, the relief evident in his own voice as well. Lucretia continued to hold onto Simone tightly, tears streaming down her face as she whispered how much she had missed her.

"Oh Simone! I missed you so much! I actually thought I\'d never see you again!"

Simone\'s voice trembled as she spoke with apparent disbelief. "L... Lady Lucretia... What happened? We were just about to go look for you."

It was clear that she couldn\'t fathom the idea that someone had gone to save her before then.


Lucretia, still holding onto Simone, pulled back slightly and looked directly into her eyes, a radiant smile adorning her face. "L... Lumiere came to save me," she said, I could still sense that same appreciative tone from earlier in her voice.

Simone\'s shock was thick as she shifted her gaze from Lucretia to me, who stood there shirtless, four meters away.

Raxe, unable to contain his skepticism, stood up and voiced his doubts. "There\'s no way he actually went out to save you, Lady Lucretia. It... It sounds impossible."

Lucretia\'s eyes flashed with silent anger as she turned her gaze towards Raxe. The authoritative flatness of her voice was something she\'d never spoken to me with, so, seeing this side of her was a little surprising.

"Why would that be impossible?" she retorted with a very sharp tone. "Are you implying that Lumiere wouldn\'t save me?"

Her words hung in the air, challenging Raxe to offer any justification for his disbelief.

Raxe\'s voice trembled as he mustered the courage to speak. "N-No, Lady Lucretia," he started, his gaze fixed on the snow carpeted ground, "it\'s just that earlier, we made a request for Lumiere to come and save you, but he declined. So, seeing him here now, it caught me off guard, that\'s all."

It made me glad that I already cleared this with Lucretia.

Maybe it was the experience of understand how impacful it can really be for someone to hear something bad about you from someone else, rather than with your own words.

If I hadn\'t told Lucretia about that, there and then, there was every chance that it she heard it now from Raxe, we\'d get into another banter.

I didn\'t have the mental strength for that...

No, not today...

Lucretia, ever composed, folded her hands delicately and closed her eyes for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts. When she opened her eyes again, her voice took on a slightly posh tone, tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Raxe, I believe I am not such a horrible person that Lumiere would refuse to save me," she said, her words softened by a gentle smile. "Besides," she paused, turning her gaze back to me, "what matters is that he did come to save me in the end."

Yes, I saved Lucretia, but that was from her perspective. From mine, she was the one who saved me. She gave me the most important thing I could feel in a time where I didn\'t think I could feel anything.


And truly, I was glad for that.

Raxe bowed his head respectfully toward Lady Lucretia.

He looked remorseful and there was sincerity in his voice.

"I apologize, Lady Lucretia," he said, his words laden with regret. "You\'re right as always. I haven\'t been myself lately, and the thought of something happening to you weighed heavily on my mind. It... it stressed me out."

He placed a hand over his chest, his eyes shifting to meet mine.

"I also extend my deepest apologies to you, Lumiere. I should\'ve first thanked you for saving Lady Lucretia, rather than doubting your abilities or willingness to rescue her."

Raxe\'s head bowed once more, his voice filled with gratitude.

"From the depths of my heart, I thank you for your help. The Blue Guards and I will forever remain indebted to you, whether you desire it or not."

Though I felt a pang of discomfort, I offered Raxe a nod of acknowledgment.

My lips curved slightly, though I couldn\'t manage a full smile just yet.

"It\'s... it\'s alright," I replied, I could understand him completely and where he was coming from. "I know how it feels when someone you deeply care about is in danger and how overwhelming it can be, so you don\'t need to say anything more. I\'m just glad that Lady Lucretia is safe."

Simone, still frozen in disbelief, found her voice at last. "Lumiere..." she whispered, her eyes wide as she continued to fix her gaze upon me. It was evident that she, more than anyone else, was struggling to process the reality of it all.

Simone took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest, and then exhaled. Gathering her courage, she strode purposefully towards me, her eyes red and puffy from tears. She reached out her hands and clasped one of mine, her touch warm against my skin.

"Lumiere," she said, her voice slightly choked, "thank you. Thank you for saving Lady Lucretia." Her voice quivered with a hint of emotion, her gratitude pouring out.

I opened my mouth to respond, to assure her that it was unnecessary, but before I could utter a word, Simone\'s sniffles interrupted me.

My heart clenched with surprise.

Why was she crying? I wondered.

It wasn\'t a big deal.

Simone\'s tears flowed freely as she continued, her voice laced with sincerity. "I... I don\'t even know how to begin to thank you. What you\'ve done... it means everything to me. I am truly grateful." Her words touched a deep chord within me, tugging at my own emotions.

With a gentle smile, I reached out and placed a hand on her arm.

"Simone, there\'s no need to thank me. Saving Lady Lucretia... it did more for me than you can imagine. It changed me in ways that are hard to put into words." I paused for a moment, my gaze meeting hers. "In other words, we\'re even."

Confusion flickered in Simone\'s tear-filled eyes as she whispered, "Huh?"

A gentle chuckle escaped my lips as I clarified, "I mean, the debt is repaid. The gratitude is mutual."

Before either of us could say another word, she suddenly threw her arms around me, holding me in a tight embrace. Startled, my face sank into the comforting warmth of her breasts.

"I\'m so glad," Simone murmured.

Lucretia, who was silently watching our exchange, couldn\'t resist but pout and give us side-eyes. "Oh, come on," she said. "You\'re totally seducing Lumiere with those things of yours..."


Simone released her grip and chuckled. "Oh please, Lady Lucretia," she teased, "I\'m not the one who\'s still wearing his shirt."

Lucretia\'s cheeks flushed a delicate shade of red.


And for the first time in a while, I laughed...

I really did, and it felt good.

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