
Chapter 217 Velzarʼs intentions? (R-18)

Chapter 217 Velzar?s intentions? (R-18)

(POV: Akashic Records)

Velzar gently guided Esta to sit on a sturdy wooden chair, her eyes darting around the room in a desperate attempt to find an escape. From his small bag, he produced a thick rope, its fibers entwined tightly and ready to bind. As he swiftly secured the struggling Esta, her body writhing, Velzar\'s hands brushed against the curve of her trembling breast. The unexpected contact elicited a gasp from Esta\'s quivering lips, followed by a helpless moan.

"Ahhnnn~~ Ahnnn~!"

"Shhhhh... I\'ll only take it easy, if you remain a good girl."

Tears welled up in Esta\'s eyes as she pleaded, "Just stop already, pl— ahnnn~~"

But Velzar, undeterred by her pleas and passionate moans, applied gentle pressure to her sensitive nipple. The sensation ignited a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within Esta, causing her to squirm even more fiercely.


Velzar grinned, "Now will you be a good girl?"

Clenching her trembling fists, she conceded defeat, "Alright~~ I... I\'ll keep quiet~~" her agony locked behind gritted teeth.

As saliva seeped out of the corners of her mouth, proof of her arousal, Velzar rewarded her with a smile. "Good girl," he called her.

Esta didn\'t respond.

Gently, Velzar twisted her nipple, and she squirmed. "Y... Yes daddy!"

"Perfect," Velzar clapped. "Just like we practiced."

Watching the scene unfold before her, Genevieve discreetly leaned in towards Fanatio, her whispering voice activated. "Is he always like this?" she asked.

Genevieve was more concerned than curious.

Fanatio, her gaze trailing Velzar\'s every move, sighed softly. "Unfortunately, yes," she sighed.

Velzar, adjusting his flowing silver hair with a hint of arrogance, overheard their exchange and turned his attention to Genevieve. A sly smile graced his lips as he approached her.

"I\'m sure my inferior sister has said many bad things about me," he stated.

In Velzar language, little sister could synonymously be used with inferior. Of course, that wasn\'t how English worked, but for Velzar, it was.

Fanatio, not one to mince words, chimed in.

"Bad things? In other words, I\'ve been telling the truth," she retorted.

Velzar chuckled lightly. "Enough of your childish bickering," he declared, authoritative as always. "I won\'t indulge you anymore."

At that moment, as the air in the room shifted, Ress and Garret emerged through the door, balancing a multitude of bags carrying precious medical supplies.

Velzar, his interest piqued, arched an eyebrow and turned to face the newcomers, slightly excited. "More women?" he quipped.

However, he soon realized that it wasn\'t a gaggle of Maidens that had entered, but rather two men - Ress and Garret.

Disappointment ghosted across Velzar\'s features as he redirected his gaze back towards the three ladies.

Noticing the change in atmosphere, Genevieve addressed Garret. "Well, that was quick," she remarked, her gaze locked with his.

Garret, caught off-guard by the sudden attention, froze in place, his face flushing with some surprise. There were hints of excitement on his face as well.

Meanwhile, Fanatio, ever the composed one, turned her attention to Ress, her expression expectant.

"Did you manage to procure the mithril I requested?" she asked.

Fanatio always sounded authoritative even when she wasn\'t trying to be. The only time she showed some informality was around Black or Genevieve.

However, Ress, his eyes fixed on Velzar, stood frozen in awe, unable to muster a response.

"Garret?" Genevieve called out with concern, breaking the silence.

"Ress?" Fanatio echoed, not as concerned.

But there was no response from either man, their attention entirely captivated by the silver-haired figure before them.

Esta, her body bound and unable to see the spectacle unfolding, interjected. "Wait, what\'s happening? What\'s going on?"

Nothing but silence.

In a sudden burst of movement, both Ress and Garret catapulted themselves into the air, the bags of medical supplies slipping from their grasp, spinning gracefully before crashing onto the floor. Landing with a flourish, they bowed before Velzar, their voices melding into a chorus of excitement.


They exclaimed in unison, their voices brimming with reverence.

Velzar, scratching his head in mild confusion, regarded the two men with bemusement.

"Huh, how\'d you guys know that...?"

Garret couldn\'t contain himself any longer.

He raised his voice and proclaimed, "Your image is an inspiration to countless knights, aspiring to become holy knights like you, Lord Velzar!"

Ress, caught up in the moment, couldn\'t help but shout his own admiration, even though he was just an adventurer.

"I may not be a knight, but I envy the sword skills that the rumors say you possess!" his head faced down.

Velzar, startled by the sudden outpouring of adoration, scratched his head in mild confusion. "Funny, I didn\'t think people would know much about that," he remarked, smirking playfully.

Fanatio rolled her eyes at her their antics.

From her point of view, they never did like this when they were around her, and yet they comfortably praised Velzar.

Once more, she was still in his shadow.

"You\'re definitely enjoying this, aren\'t you?" Fanatio remarked dryly.

Velzar shrugged nonchalantly. "Why not? It\'s not every day I get praised by such fine individuals," he retorted, laughing slightly.

Fanatio easily let out an exasperated sigh. "You\'re such an ass," she muttered.

A warm chuckle escaped Velzar\'s lips as he teased, "Don\'t be jealous, my dear Fanatio. Maybe someday you\'ll get your own time in the spotlight."

Fanatio narrowed her eyes at him, a scowl gracing her features. "You\'re insufferable," she quipped.

Velzar, still grinning, turned his attention back to Garret and Ress.

"So, gentlemen, what more do the legends say about me?"

Garret, his eyes shining with excitement, adjusted himself on the floor.

"I heard rumors that you once defeated an entire army with a single swing of your sword."

"True," Velzar stroked his chin.

Ress followed up, "You once split an entire ocean in half with a single stroke of your sword."

"Eh... that\'s a bit true," Velzar shrugged.

"WHAT?! REALLY?!" Ress was flabbergasted.

Velzar nodded gently. "Pretty much, but I did it with a stick, not a sword."

Genevieve leaned in towards Fanatio, "Is he sayi—"

"Yes," Fanatio interjected, annoyed.

"I also heard that you wield the Holy Sword, Excalibur!" Ress\' hands were already vibrating with excitement.

The silver-haired fellow shook his head, "Now that\'s a lie, Excalibur belongs to the Hero King, my father."

Garret and Ress? eyes sparkled in admiration. "Ohhhhhh," they said.

Despite Esta\'s futile attempts to turn the conversation towards her, she couldn\'t capture their attention. Frustrated, she finally spoke up. "But what about me?" She interjected. "I\'m a battle god too, you know!"

Fanatio and Genevieve exchanged incredulous glances, their uncertainty shining through their expressions.

"You\'re joking right?" Genevieve asked.

Esta shook her head.

"What? No! I may not have the same level of experience as Velzar, but I\'ve trained tirelessly to attain the esteemed rank of battle god."

Velzar nonchalantly brushed off Esta\'s words, his gaze fixated on Garret and Ress before giving them a nod, allowing them to rise from their bowing positions.

"Ah, Velzar, not that I\'m not glad to see you," Fanatio\'s saccharine-sweet tone was juxtaposed by the sharpness in her eyes. "But what the hell are you doing here? Surely you should\'ve returned to the Shield Kingdom by now?"

Velzar quirked an eyebrow. "Huh?"

Fanatio\'s patience waned, her frustration seeping into her voice.

"You know you heard me."

Velzar clapped his hands together with feigned enthusiasm, relishing the attention

"Well, I need you guys help getting to the Efistes Viscounty."

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