
Chapter 210 I’m exploring potential sites? (I)

Chapter 210 I\'m exploring potential sites? (I)

(POV: Lumiere)

We stood before the daunting challenge of efficiently exploring each site.

Lucilia, her delicate cheeks tinted with a faint blush, adamantly refused my offer to carry her.

"Absolutely not... there\'s no way I\'m letting you carry me," she replied rather calmly.

I sighed. "But why—? You know what? Never mind..."

"Huh?" Lucilia uttered.

If I carried her again, I might just touch her butt again. And the last time that happened— it was awkward enough.

I furrowed my brows and absentmindedly scratched my chin, racking my brain for an alternative approach.

To my surprise, Fasit emerged behind me.

The sight of her graceful form sent a surge of warmth through my body.

The moment Fasit enveloped me in her embrace, her slender fingers caressed my cheek. Her meaty breasts, soft and weighty, pressed against the crown of my head, a delightful tease.

"Is there any problem? Fasit?" I asked, trying to redirect my focus.

Her gentle smile intensified. "Surely, my lord didn\'t forget I\'m unable to fly as well.."

Fasit\'s slender fingers traced a delicate pattern on my cheek.

But honestly, I didn\'t forget— I just thought we\'d already decided that a while ago.

"I was honestly just gonna let Umbra carry you," I pointed at the dark spirit.

Umbra hesitated before bowing his head deferentially.

"I fear I won\'t be able to, Master."

I raised an eyebrow. "But, why?"

"It would be unprincipled of me to touch Lady Fasit so casually."


Fasit, her arms still around me, and her breasts well perched atop my head answered. "Well, all my body belongs to you, Great Lumiere," her mild submissive smile came out for a moment. "I wouldn\'t want anyone to touch me— other than you."

"That\'s sweet n? all," I rubbed my chin. "But it doesn\'t really solve our problem."

Lucilia cleared her throat.

"Is there no other way for us to travel?" she inquired.

I smiled just before replying, "No worries. I have an alternative method in mind, one that may prove to be more efficient."

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Why didn\'t you suggest this earlier?" she questioned, her voice carried a hint of reproach.

I chuckled softly, but given the awkward silence, my chuckles evaporated easily.

"Eh, I just wanted to... never mind..."

Lucilia sighed exasperatedly.

It was simply a playful gesture, but given her seriousness in the matter, I really needed to up my game. Maybe I was taking the Viscounty development a little too casually— then again, I wasn\'t overly serious when building the Silva Citadel.

To me, prioritizing opinions of everyone was better than focusing on a fixed point of view.

More opinions meant a flexible array of decisions that could positively influence one?s view of developing a domain.

But... I do have massive luck... so should I really be talking...?

"Well, then, don\'t keep me waiting any longer. Show me your alternative," Lucilia insisted, her eyes fixed on the paper holding the location of our potential sites.

I nodded and then extended my hand, channeling my magic into a powerful spell.

「Magic Barrier」

A transparent sphere engulfed us, creating a barrier that shimmered with an ethereal glow.

The sphere solidified around us, sealing us within its protective confines.

"I think I see what you\'re doing here," Umbra calmly spoke.

Fasit, who stood behind me smiled, "I\'m guessing wind magic is next?" she knowingly asked.

Naturally, beautiful and smart woman— Fasit?s awesome.

"I\'ve employed wind magic to repurpose the barrier spell. It\'ll act as a means of transportation, allowing us to hover above the ground and travel swiftly."

"Oh," Lucilia stroked her soft, smooth chin. "I see, that makes sense. Kind of like an airship?"

"I guess you could call it that."

My focus, completely embedded into making this unique form of transport work.

Soon, wind surged beneath the sphere, propelling us skyward, Lucilia\'s luminous eyes met mine.

"It\'s working," she marveled, seemingly in awe of the soaring heights we achieved.

"Pretty much," I responded. "It\'s not as good as teleportation... Stellaria, honestly.."

"Well, she deserves her beauty sleep, Great Lumiere."

"I know, Fasit, but a beauty sleep shouldn\'t be that long."

"I wholeheartedly agree," Umbra placed a hand on his chest.

Fasit smiled at Umbra, "You\'re only saying that because it\'s Lord Lumiere\'s opinion... if anything— a woman deserves her rest.."

"Of course, but serving Master is worth more than rest."

"I... I didn\'t say it wasn\'t," Fasit gently folded her arms beneath her chunky breasts.

It was honestly the first time I\'d seen Fasit stammer in a normal conversation. In a way, I felt like there was some sort of rivalry between the two of them that I couldn\'t put my finger on. My best guess was that— since Fasit and Umbra had pretty much the same work of being my personal assistant, they wanted to modestly prove who was better.

Given their calm demeanors, it was hard to tell if they were arguing or having a simple conversation.

"Ahem," Lucilia cleared her throat.

"Oh yeah," I faced her. "Where to?"

We were at a height of 2,000 meters, so we had a good sight of the observable Viscounty. Matching it with a map in one hand and the paper of potential sites in the other, she decided on which was the closest.

"Okay, we\'re heading to the Willow Grove."

"Willow Grove?" I repeated.

She gently tapped the paper. "Well... it\'s ocated on the outskirts of the western forest."

"Alright, Willow Grove, here we come.."

I deftly guided our transparent vessel in that direction, a perfect balance between speed and caution.

After eight arduous hours of traversing the skies in our enchanted vessel, the strain on my trembling hands became almost unbearable.

"Lucilia," I panted, my voice strained, "let\'s rest for a bit."

Lucilia\'s glanced over towards me, her radiant face energized.

"We\'ve only surveyed eighteen sites so far," she replied resiliently.

"Only?" I exclaimed.

She was saying it like eighteen wasn\'t a big number.

Given the distance from one site to another, it was a nightmare. This woman deceived me— she made me think she was some sort of angel, but underneath all that, she\'s an ogre.

No one has this sort of drive.

"There\'re still two left? You can endure till then."

Endure?! The means she knows I\'m suffering!!

It was until Fasit intervened that I knew I was safe.

"Lady Lucilia, if I may?"

"Is anything the matter?"

"While it\'s important to find the perfect site, I don\'t wish for Lord Lumiere to suffer from severe mana exhaustion. His well-being is paramount."

Umbra chimed in with his signature gentle smile.

"Indeed, Lady Lucilia. While his mana reserves are plentiful, it\'s best not to tax the regeneration process too heavily."

Lucilia\'s gaze softened as she turned her attention back to me.

"Very well," she relented. "Let\'s settle down and rest for some time. We\'ve pushed ourselves far enough."


Still, I forced a grateful smile, my weariness momentarily forgotten.

With a delicate motion, I eased the pressure of the hovering wind beneath our vessel, guiding us downwards.

As we touched the ground, I gradually dissipated the wind and collapsed the magic barrier that protected us throughout the journey.

Finally, a sense of tranquility washed over me.

I descended to the ground, my body quivering with exhaustion, I collapsed slowly, feeling the warm embrace of the earth beneath me.

My chest heaved as I panted heavily, every breath a laborious effort.

Fasit approached me, concerned.

"You seem more exhausted than I anticipated," she commented softly.

I nodded, a weary smile following.

"Having both variations of magic active for eight strenuous hours, it becomes mentally taxing, even with ample mana and physical strength."

Mental strength occasionally determined how well one could use their mana without overdoing it. Hence, a higher mental fortitude meant that one could mange their mana reserves frugally.

Still, Lucilia... she\'s one hell of a woman.

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