
Chapter 173 Series Of Transformations


*Damn! Damn! Damn!*

With popped eyes and bulging veins, Elric kept cursing in his mind just trying to remain sane

"Master, please calm down!"

"If you don\'t hold it in, then your life could be in danger!"

Sensing Elric\'s dropping vitality, Ava couldn\'t help but feel worried

Unfortunately, given Elric\'s current state, she couldn\'t do anything apart from watch


Luckily, perhaps it was because Elric\'s willpower had become stronger over his time in Elias, but slowly he began to calm down

And with his sudden change, the transformation process began to enter its last stages.

"Ha~ Ha~ Ha~"

Gasping for breath, Elric claimed down as he began checking the changes in his body

"This strength!"


Waving his fist, a loud boom sounded as his right arm whizzed through the air.

However, an increase in strength could be said to be the least of Elric\'s changes

First of all, his height after transformation could be said to have gone through the roof at a staggering two and a half metres tall

Adding a pair of intertwined goat horns which looked like a crown on his head, wings, and a long arrow-headed tail

Just one look at Elric was enough to put hundreds of lives in fear as his aura fluttered wantonly.

"Amazing! Is this what Alvin feels like after every transformation?"

"And the source of the extraordinary, that thing is more powerful than I thought!"

Thinking of the \'source of the extraordinary\' Elric\'s face gradually became dignified.

The source of the extraordinary, although just using it now had saved his life

However, it still left Elric with a lot of questions.

A few minutes ago right before he started the transformation, Elric thought that it would just allow him to temporarily use Alvin\'s power

In the same way he could borrow mana from the others, meaning it would be a permanent change

However, he was wrong.

During the pain, Elric realised what was changing in him was actually his core fundamentals.

The process of Alvin\'s transformation over the period of one year had been somehow analysed by the source

Replicated, then implemented him in just over the course of a few minutes.

"Sigh… no wonder it was so painful, thankfully it\'s only once"

"Not only that, after this I guess I can officially be called an abyss mage now"

Rubbing his sharp goat horns, Elric was slightly lost In thought

Although going through the transformation just now he had permanently acquired the Abilities of an abyss mage

However, after thinking for a bit, another question popped up in his mind

"Would this pain happen again when I try the other powers?"

Thinking of George\'s vampire ability, and Davis\'s circle magic, Elric couldn\'t wait to have them

However thinking of the transformation process, Elric wasn\'t in the mood to receive such pain anymore


"Snap out of it Elric, since when did a little pain stop you from moving forward!"

Slapping himself hard on the cheek, Elric quickly snapped out of it

Yes, when has a little pain stopped he Elric from moving forward!

Thinking of this, Elric\'s face became serious.

Currently, he was trapped in the abyss, and who knows if more bullheaded people were falling from the sky soon

Right now, he needed strength in order to improve his survival rate.

Unfortunately, while a method for gaining strength had presented itself in front of him, the process wasn\'t easy.

"Sigh … Alright let\'s do this"

"Ava, I\'ll be leaving my back to you, if anything approaches me be sure to give me a warning"

Speaking to Ava, Elric gradually reverted back to his human form

However this time, unlike the former feeling of being constantly eroded

This time, Elric Felt full of energy.

It turns out that although not as strong as being in full-on abyss demon mode, but being even in human form had increased Elric\'s strength exponentially

"Amazing, this is all the more reason I need to go through this now" said Elric as he felt his newfound strength

"Alright master, you can leave it to me!"

"As long as Ava is Ava, then nothing can come close to the master!"

Saying this, although worried about Elric, Ava still agreed to help him

As someone who was part of him, Ava could sense a bit of Elric\'s thoughts

And considering his current situation, she knew that going through this process was Elric\'s best chance of survival

Sighing in frustration, Ava could only hope that the pain wouldn\'t be too much and everything went successfully.

"Alright Ava, since you agree let\'s start!"

"This time, it\'s George\'s vampire ability I\'m going fire before Davis\'s circles"

Thinking of this, Elric couldn\'t help but look forward to it

After all, it wasn\'t that George\'s abilities were stronger than Davis, however it had one characteristic that made Elric envy


Although conditional immortality where one had to drink blood in order to live forever and heal serious wounds, Elric was still satisfied.

Coupled with the level of unknown dangers lurking in this abyss, having this ability was almost the same as doubling his survival rate.

Thinking of this, Elric nodded it satisfaction

"Alright Ava, I\'m starting!"

Making up his mind, Elric focused on the \'source of the extraordinary\' and picked George\'s ability


And just like before, a familiar pain drilled through his body.

His skin became pale, his black eyes turned blood red and his white hair became waist length


"Damn! Why does it still hurt so much when it\'s the second time!"

Cursing slightly, Elric could help but howl in pain as his fingers dug into his hands resulting in some bleeding

Thankfully, it seemed that this transformation was going to be a bit quicker than the former as the speed of changes was starting to reduce

With a shadow under him that seemed to be alive, And drops of his blood from his injury floating around him

Howling to the sky, Elric looked like a series of weird phenomena waiting to explode

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