
Chapter 143 Time, Destiny And History

"Who am I?"

"Haha, who am I?"

Hearing Elric\'s question, the figure suddenly burst into laughter as if it had heard the funniest joke in the world

However, as quickly as its laughter came, it soon turned into anger

With a change of tone in voice, Elric seemed to feel the whole space contract

"Who am I? What a question."

"It seems those bastards really did remove my traces from the river of history"

Talking to himself, Elric could hear different emotions such as frustration, anger, and resentment hidden behind each word

After taking a minute to calm down, the figure continues talking to Elric

"Sigh…., because of some reasons which I\'ll you\'ll know in a bit I can\'t tell you my name"

"However I\'ll tell you a quick story first"

Not giving Elric a chance to object, the figure continues talking

"A human you probably don\'t know this, in this world there are three distinct rivers that run throughout Elias"

"Each possessing a power so noble and majestic, neither God nor man can stop its current.

"Any attempt to do so would result in the person being obliterated by the world itself with no exceptions"

"These rivers are the \'long the river of time\' "

"The unshakable river of destiny"

"And the endless river of history"

"A Long time ago, each of these rivers could be seen flowing throughout Elias no matter where you were from the sky above"

"However as if in another dimension, no one could make contact with it, leaving their true location for all to speculate"

Saying this, the figure paused as he seemed to be reminiscing about the past

"But if that was all, then I would be trapped as I am today."

"Although unwilling, I have to admit it. That existence of that river to the world was both a blessing and a curse"

"For you see, unexpectedly the river\'s true location that not even Ancient Gods and God kings there was unexpectedly discovered by a small goblin then"

"Haha, Ironic right?"

Hearing his laughter, Elric could already guess the identity of the figure before him. But considering the story wasn\'t over, he didn\'t say anything.

"Either fortunate or unfortunate, one day during a hunting session, that little goblin was separated from his tribe"

"Without any food, and unable to hunt due to his weakness, the goblin felt like his end was certainly doomed"

"However, on the fifth day just before it was about to die of starvation, a space crack suddenly appeared sucking in him"

Hearing the figure say this, Elric couldn\'t have a sense of doubt in his heart

Space crack?

What are the chances of that appearing in the form of a dying goblin when it\'s not as if the goblin is a protagonist or something

Without thinking too much, Elric area estimated the existence of some sort of black hands behind the scenes

However, it seemed that the figure could guess what Elric was thinking as he suddenly explained

"Space cracks, those things were a bit common back then during the beginning of the world"

"After kaos opened up the world before it completely stabilised, space cracks appearing could be said to be the norm then"

"And this time, instead of being transported to a nearby position, being crushed by the immense pressure within the crack, or dying from half of your body parts being transported like the usual results"

"This time, the goblin found itself in a dark cave, with three rivers in its front"

"The first one at the extreme right looked a dark blue like the night sky with stars twinkling in it"

"In each star, the goblin saw different people being born up until their old age"

"It watched their life and death process in just a few seconds"

"Somewhere humans, elves, giants, dragons, and even Gods were there!"

"However they all had one thing in common…"

Taking a deep breath, the figure suddenly spoke with its voice deeper


"Death, no matter how powerful the being was, with no exceptions although in a variety of ways they all met death"

"And just when the goblin wanted to take his gaze away, a name suddenly sounded in its mind"


"The river before him told its identity as the unshakable river of destiny"

Hearing that he had discovered that no one had ever discovered, the foolish little goblin wasn\'t excited but rather afraid

If what this river showed him was true, doesn\'t that mean that the end of all things is death

Doesn\'t that mean that the Gods who call themselves immortal beings are liars

Doesn\'t that mean that the so-called \'believe in God and have eternal life is a scam?"

Thinking of all this, the little goblin was a follower of the lord of hunt and goblins at the time Kazakh was lost as he suddenly felt betrayed

Doubting the existence of his lord although wanting to the images he had just seen, but a voice within him kept telling him it was true.

So with a heavy heart, the goblin turned to the two other rivers beside him

If his guess wasn\'t wrong, then those two would be the legendary rivers of history and time

Bracing himself, he turned to the river in the middle ready to see what images he would perceive this time

The river at this time was completely different from destiny\'s which looked like a flowing version of the night sky

This one seemed to be pure silver as every wave it made glistened with a special magical power

Taking one glance at it, the goblin was instantly enthralled


Authors note: Thanks to everyone for all the gifts, subscriptions, and readers all together who have reached this far.

Unfortunately, the Author at the moment isn\'t feeling too well and updates might be delayed.

However, this book will go on so don\'t worry if the update schedule fluctuates.

Once again thank you all, and hopefully, once the author gets better, everything will be back to normal!

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