
Chapter 115: Declaration (4)

Chapter 115: Declaration (4)

The first sergeant’s stomach looked like it was protruding out more because he was wearing individual load bearing equipment, but what stood out more than his stomach was his masterful non-stop chattering.

“It may not look like it, but our base is overflowing with history and tradition. Even during the Korean War, this base and its soldiers bravely defended this base to the very end. To go into detail about what happened at the time...”

The first sergeant’s briefing, which had been expected to go no more than an hour, had gone well past one hour and was approaching two. It was more appropriate to call it regular chatter than a briefing. Lieutenant Kim was getting more and more restless as the first sergeant’s chattering continued. The lieutenant wasn’t the only one.

“Lieutenant,” Director Joo said while shooting the lieutenant a gaze.

He was telling him to do something. The lieutenant lightly nodded.

“Ahem! Um... First Sergeant?”

Lieutenant Kim got the first sergeant’s attention while coughing.

“Yes, lieutenant?”

“It’s time to resume the training. Why don’t we have the trainees go back down?”

In other words, they were about to go for a second round of individual combat. The trainees unconsciously trembled. Their knees and elbows were still numb; they couldn’t handle yet another hellish crawl.

At that moment, the first sergeant and Kang Ra-Eun exchanged glances again. Ra-Eun shook his head.

‘Fat chance.’

Ra-Eun still wanted to rest more. They quickly exchanged opinions with just their eyes.

“I’ll go on for just ten more minutes,” the first sergeant remarked.

“Huh? Ten minutes?”

“I haven’t gotten to the highlight yet. You know me, lieutenant. I won’t be able to sleep at night if I stop here.”


The first sergeant had a nickname: Chatterman. He had to see the end of it once he started rolling. The lieutenant sighed deeply. If the battalion commander were here... even just the company commander would be able to put an end to the first sergeant’s chatter. However, Lieutenant Kim had been helped by the first sergeant countless times.

If the first sergeant hadn’t looked out for him when he was first transferred to this battalion, he would have been slaved to no end by the battalion and company commanders. His army life had been more or less without problems thanks to the first sergeant. Because of this debt, the lieutenant couldn’t refuse the first sergeant’s request; it was far easier to persuade the production team than the first sergeant.

“Understood. You won’t be given any more than exactly ten minutes.”

Ra-Eun snickered in her head as she watched Lieutenant Kim turn back.


Ra-Eun had safely completed the hellish individual combat training and went to the shower room with the other female participants. She had gotten more or less used to showering naked with other women since she had been a woman for four years.

Ra-Eun let herself be enveloped by the warm water from the shower head and closed her eyes to enjoy this small form of joy. One of the most enjoyable things for Ra-Eun was taking a shower immediately after breaking a sweat, because it felt like the warm water washed away her fatigue along with her sweat.

Han Ga-Ae said in astonishment during their shower, “I never thought there’d be a women’s shower room in the army. Isn’t it fascinating?”

“Come to think of it, I guess so,” the others agreed.

Most people would think only men joined the army, but that was no longer the case.

“There are tons of female soldiers now, so women’s bathrooms are being made all around military bases,” the army expert Ra-Eun explained.

She had been doubtful of the need for women’s shower rooms back when she was doing her military service, but now she had completely changed her mind.

‘Of course there should be.’

She wouldn’t be able to enjoy such small forms of joy if they didn’t exist. During their shower, the women chatted about things that they couldn’t in front of the instructor and assistant instructors. Jang Yu-Ha seemed to have more things to say about Ra-Eun than anything else.

“That aside, we’d have been in huge trouble if it weren’t for Ra-Eun today. Right?”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

“I heard the first sergeant bought us time to rest because Ra-Eun agreed to give him an autograph during her night watch.”

“Oh my, really?”

“No wonder he did something like that when he couldn’t wait to put us through hell just yesterday... I knew something was up.”

If there was one thing Ra-Eun realized during her service, it was that their true enemy wasn’t the North Korean forces, but the officers. However, if they could bring the officers to their side...

‘Army life will be a lot easier.’

Because Ra-Eun had already experienced such things in her past life, she was able to create opportunities like this without needing to be told to.

‘Maybe I should’ve let Yi-Jun know about stuff like this.’

She was suddenly feeling regretful.


It had now been three days since she had enlisted in the army. Morning roll call began like any other day, but the women were far brighter than yesterday. Even during military morning calisthenics or running while singing the war song that they hated so much, their smiles did not leave their faces.

Lieutenant Kim, who was leading the run, couldn’t help but smile as he saw their faces. They were obviously happy since today was the discharge day that they had been dreaming of. The women finished the morning routine and went to the cafeteria to have their final army breakfast.

“I’m gonna go straight to a fast food restaurant as soon as I get out of here,” Yu-Ha declared.

The younger women also stepped up to declare that they would follow the eldest. Ra-Eun also decided to join them. She wanted to purify her digestive system that had been contaminated with army food with a hamburger and coke.

They finished their breakfast and went back to their barracks. They organized all the supplies they were provided to use for the last three days, and neatened the army locker and beds they had used.


The long-awaited discharge ceremony came at last! Ra-Eun, who had been the leader of this squad for the last three days, once again acted as the representative to declare that they had received orders to be discharged to the battalion commander.

The battalion commander nodded in satisfaction.

“I, the company commander, the instructor and assistant instructors were honestly shocked by how well you had handled army life. I’m very happy to see that you have received better training than even the soldiers currently deployed in this base.”

Even the battalion and company commanders, commonly known as master killjoys, did not reserve their compliments toward the female participants. The discharge ceremony went by without a hitch, and the women took time to say their goodbyes to the instructors and assistant instructors who had taken care of them for the last three days.

It was their first time seeing the merciless Lieutenant Kim Yeong-Dae, who had been called the fearsome instructor by the cast, with a smile on his face.

“You have all worked so hard for the past three days. And I’d like for you all to know that all the suffering that I’d put you through was not personal in any way whatsoever.”

Yu-Ha and Jo In-Hye cried as they witnessed his warm heart for the very first time. The shame of parting, and all the suffering and sorrow that they had faced until now had manifested into tears.

Contrary to the two eldest women, Ga-Ae asked Lieutenant Kim teasingly with a bright expression, “In that case, instructor. Is there someone among us that you like?”

Lieutenant Kim’s mouth twitched. It looked like he was wondering whether or not to say it. Certain that he would cave with just a little bit more, the cast pressured him.

“Instructor! You may never see us again after we’re discharged today!”

“Exactly, exactly.”

“If there’s anyone you like among us, you’d better ask them for a hug while you still can.”

The chance to hug a female celebrity was by no means a common occurrence. As long as Lieutenant Kim was a man, he definitely had a type of woman that he liked. His gaze slid over in order from Yu-Ha, In-Hye, Seo Tae-Yeon, Min Bo-Yeon, Choi Hye-Yun, and then stopped at Ga-Ae. However, the one he chose was not Ga-Ae, but Ra-Eun standing right next to her.

“I’m Trainee Kang Ra-Eun’s fan.”

Lieutenant Kim was one of Ra-Eun’s biggest fans. He had been her fan ever since her debut in The Devil’s Touch, and was even a member of Club Allegiance, Ra-Eun’s fan club. He also had a badge that signified he was a member.

Ra-Eun had thought that Lieutenant Kim was her enemy ever since she first enlisted, but she was feeling slightly charitable now that he was naming himself as one of her fans.

Ra-Eun spread her arms out. Seeing that, Lieutenant Kim’s eyes shook so much that it was clearly visible despite him wearing sunglasses. The instructor and trainee gently hugged each other. The lieutenant showed a nervous side of him that he had never shown to Ra-Eun.

“Th-Thank you very much, Trainee Kang Ra-Eun! As your fan, I will continue to root for you to continue on your prosperous career.”

“Thank you, Instructor. Let’s meet again if our paths ever cross.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Their roles had reversed now that she had been discharged.


Ra-Eun ate all kinds of food that she wasn’t able to eat during her shoot for On Duty, All Clear! Female Soldier Special as soon as she safely came back home. She was nagged to no end by her personal trainer who had been in charge of her diet.

After the hellish filming in the army had come to an end, Ra-Eun was contacted by the production team that the female soldier special would be released in a week. Ra-Eun decided to watch it along with Seo Yi-Seo. Yi-Seo felt some familiarity for some reason as she watched Ra-Eun being put through the wringer in a military uniform.

“Aren’t you looking a bit too professional compared to everyone else?”

Someone who had experienced it before was obviously better at it. There was no trainee more experienced than Ra-Eun, who had been honorably discharged as a sergeant. Bo-Yeon did well enough to be her rival, but Ra-Eun had far more solo screen time.

Various online communities were filled with discussions about Ra-Eun as soon as the special aired. Seeing how she was getting all the attention, it felt like she had been rewarded for the three days in hell.

Chief Jung called her as she was in relief.

“Yes, Chief Jung?”

- Hey, Ra-Eun. I got a call from Director Joo.

Ra-Eun wondered if the director had called to express his gratitude for carrying the special, but...

- He’s gonna be making a part two of the female soldier special because it did so well, and he requested me to ask you if you’d be willing to appear on it. Do you want to?

Her answer was already decided.

“I’d rather die.”

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