
Chapter 21: Experiments Part 1

21 Experiments Part 1

"It seems that you are finally awake, "boss", "An unknown voice came from behind him putting an emphasis on the word, "boss".

Moby got startled by the unknown voice and quickly went to grab his sword finding out that it was not at his waist.

When he noticed that the unknown voice was just Jayden, he calmed down. Only a little.

She was sleeping right next to him on the bed.

\'She might have taken advantage of me while I was unconscious. I don\'t want my first time to be with that whore!\' Moby thought in distress.

"What did you do to me! did you have sex with me while I was asleep!" He screamed at her.

"Of course not! I lost interest in you a while ago, " She said, pretending to scoff at him.

Moby breathed a sigh of relief at the good news. At her not raping him but most of all, her not liking him anymore. It was a huge weight off his conscience.

Due to their mind link, he knew she told the truth because he felt like she was angry at him. The mind link can not tell him if she is lying or not. It only conveys her emotions.

However, that could not be any farther from the truth. She was angry for a completely different reason. She had tried to force herself on him multiple times while he was still unconscious but with no avail.

Every time she attempted to try something on Moby, It was like an unknown force in her head stopped her from doing it. It was like the time she tried to attack him before feeling like she was tied down by invisible chains.

"How long have I been out?" He asked.

"About 2 hours," she replied.

It was shorter than he expected. When he checked his Hp, it was already full again.

\'It seems like I only need 2 hours to naturally regenerate all my health\' Moby thought, taking a mental note of his discovery.

Moby looked around the room noticing that all the damage the room sustained from the fight has already been fixed.

"How is the room already fixed from the fight? If someone told me this room was on the brink of collapse 2 hours ago I would not believe it."

"Well, naturally a bumpkin like you wouldn\'t know. The entire house is embedded with a magic crystal that repairs any damage the house sustained in only an hour, " She said while puffing her chest forward in pride.

Moby ignored her mean comment vowing to teach her a lesson in the future.

"How do you get magic crystals?" Moby asked with eyes of interest.

"How should I know? My dad just installed them in my house for me," she said, scratching her head.

Moby was banking on her high intelligence stat having more significance than raising just her power-level but it seems like he was wrong.

Then a sudden realization popped into his head.

"Well yeah, obviously. My family mansion is at least 20 times bigger than this small dump, my parents just bought this house for me to stay in while I attend military school. There is no way I would stay in that hell hole they call a dorm."

"Oh and before you ask. Since my family is a big donor to the military I have a choice to live in a dorm or not. Unlike you," she laughed while saying the last part.

After that, many things went through Moby\'s head and not one of them was nice. He had never imagined someone could be so spoiled in his entire life.

But then he realized the bright side of this.

"So, that means you must be spoiled rich right!"

"Uggghhhh, I wish!! My parents only send 4000$ a week! They say stuff like I have to try living in moderation! It\'s bullshit! I had to beg them non stop for a year to only end up in a low-end mansion like this with only a few servants!" She said while pouting.

Moby inwardly shuddered when she said that 4000$ a week was only enough for a modest life. That is more than he can make in 5 months of constant work. And, she has to do nothing at all to earn it, no work even necessary.

"Well… do you have any expensive decorations we could sell for money?" Moby said trying to find something positive in this predicament.

"The most expensive decoration in this house is only like 100$. I don\'t waste my money on things like that! I just spend my money on clothing."

"Good! Then we are selling all your expensive clothing!" He said cheerfully.

"Nooo!! I won\'t sell my clothes for anything in the world!" She firmly replied.

\'This bitch is so annoying\' Moby thought, almost popping a blood vessel. His patience can only last so long before snapping.

"Well, I need some way of getting money! I found this hidden website that sells really good magical equipment. They are all really expensive so I need money for that, " He said, trying his best to stay calm.

"Well, it\'s not my problem that you are poor," she scoffed.

"You do understand that I have your life literally between my hands, right?" He said with a large grin and a visually large vein pulsing on his head.

"Uhh fine! I\'ll sell some of my old clothes and some clothes that I don\'t like and I\'ll give you half of my weekly allowance. Is that enough?! My only condition is that you must use some of that money to buy me some equipment from that website of yours every now and then," She said reluctantly.

This was the first good news he heard in a long time. Now he had a steady 2000$ a week for doing absolutely nothing. In less than a month, he would have enough money to buy the basic demon gear.

But, the more expensive gear was still way out of his income bracket. He still needed a way to get more money but that is a problem for his future self to figure out and now is not the time to worry.

"Thank you so much! I promise to make your investment worthwhile!" He said trying to act nice to keep her on his good side.

"It better be worthwhile!" She scoffed.

\'Can\'t she even pretend to act nice just for once. I need some way to keep her under control.\' he inwardly sighed.

The time was already 7 o\'clock so he still had 5 hours before curfew. Moby decided to do a few experiments to pass the time.

"Have you tried using your doppelganger powers yet?"

"No, not yet, I still don\'t know how to properly do it. So, I waited for you to wake up to ask you how. So, how do you do it!" She looked at him with eyes of anticipation.

Moby did not know what to say. He had no knowledge about such things. Today was the first time he ever heard of doppelgangers. Moby could not show his distress on his face in order to not show weakness in front of her.

\'Avilia can you please tell me how to do it?\' He asked in a desperate tone.

\'It\'s really simple actually. The only conditions are that you must have a vivid imagination, you must have met the person or animal you want to transform into, and the person or animal must not be too much stronger than the doppelganger. All you have to do is imagine what to turn into and control the demon energy in your body to shape your body into the transformation,\' Avilia explained.

\'Well damn it looks like I have to teach her how to use demon energy,\' he said in an unhappy tone.

"I\'m gonna teach you something new. You need to know this before learning how to transform, " Moby said.

"Close your eyes,"

"Why should I?"

"Just trust me"

She reluctantly closed her eyes like she was told.

"Ok, now, try focusing and visualizing your inner demon energy,"

"My what?!" She asked in confusion.

"Just focus! You won\'t be able to do this without precise concentration" Moby said to shut her up.

\'I know that she won\'t be able to do it so fast. It took me months to finally discover my demon energy and I was considered a genius for doing so. I will have to waste my time training her every day. I just hope that it wou…\'

"I SEE SOMETHING!!" Jayden screamed in excitement interrupting Moby\'s thought process.

"Wait what! What do you see!" He jumped in surprise.

"I see 2 flows of energy in my body. One is purple and one is blue."

\'Blue?\' He almost blurted out loud.

\'It seems like she still has access to her ability on top of her demon powers. The other flow of energy must be her mana flow\' Avilia explained.

\'Wait, does that mean that I can learn an ability on top of my demon powers!\' He thought in surprise.

\'Well yes naturally, why wouldn\'t you?\' She asked in confusion.

\'That\'s overpowered!\' He inwardly cheered.

Moby now felt so glad that he didn\'t take the basic ability orbs the military offered him. He would never forgive himself if he was stuck with a shitty ability for the rest of his life. Moby wanted to know what ability would best suit his demon powers but he set aside those thoughts to focus on the task at hand.

As he looked at the sudden burst of purple energy around Jayden. He couldn\'t help but be envious of how she learned what took him months to accomplish in only minutes.

\'So much for a genius\', he said disappointed in himself.

\'Hey! Don\'t be like that! Cheer up! She is now a demon so it is obvious that she would be more in tune with her demon energy than when you were a human. It is a miracle for humans to use demon energy at all while it comes naturally to demons,\' Avilia said with a soothing voice.

Moby mentally nodded to her thanking her for cheering him up.

\'Well, I guess I really am a genius then!\' He inwardly laughed regaining his previous confidence.

Moby now focused his attention back on helping Jayden use her doppelganger powers.

"Focus on the purple flow in your body and try to shape it into an animal or person you want to transform into. Let\'s start with a cat for now,"

Jayden nodded.

She tried to imagine the black cat that she saw on her way to school this morning. Then, she formed her demon energy into that shape.

Moby saw Jayden quickly shrink before starting to grow black hair all over her skin.

The process looked a little disturbing but Moby did not shudder at all. Things like that can not scare him after all that he had experienced.

"Look! I\'m a cat now!" She said ecstatically.

"Congratulations!" Moby said with a big smile.

When she tried to move, she automatically fell over. She repeatedly tried to walk but failed miserably every time.

"Fuck! What the hell," She screamed in frustration.

"It seems like you are not used to your new body. You need to learn how to walk on 4 legs before being able to properly move." Mony said with a sigh.

"I guess I have to relearn how to walk," she said with a sad expression.

"Can you use your ability while transformed?" Moby asked with curiosity.

"I don\'t know, let me check," She replied.

Suddenly, a dark shadow emitted from the cat\'s body.

"It seems like it works," She said excitedly.

"THAT\'S BROKEN!" Moby blurted out in surprise.



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