
Chapter 110.2

Chapter 110.2

Chapter 110.2. Summer Vacation Begins!

“I always wonder, what is the meaning of that dance?”

“It’s like radio exercises! Miu’s special technique!”

It’s a dance that restores 8 MP in one turn; it lasts for 5 turns, so you can recover what you just spent with the recovery magic. I have no intention of teaching this to others, though.

When fully recovered, it recovers more MP than it uses, so it’s a gift of recovery magic to the maids who take care of Mii-chan’s appearance.

[Area Minor Heal II]


“It’s recovery magic!”

“Thank you, young lady.”

The maids cackle with delight. I’ll chalk it up to my imagination that there’s always a different maid every time.

It’s already July. I heard that as the head of the Count, I have to wear a uniform called a dress, but since I said I’m going to exercise my FA rights, Mii-chan wears short sleeves and pants.

Still, I always think that since it’s not a dress, I don’t need help changing. But I would feel sorry for the maids if they lost their jobs.

The 3 sons and four daughters of nobles with little magic power, and some of those who don’t want to become adventurers and cross dangerous bridges, get jobs as servants.

They can use magical tools that people can’t use without a little mana, and by employing children of other families, they can get loans, ties, and connections.

Therefore, rich high-ranking nobles employ many servants and don’t fire them easily. They don’t fire them easily but fire them if they cause problems.

They have good salaries, paid benefits, and retirement benefits. In this modern fantasy world, it seems to be a good job opportunity. Especially, working for the head family of 36 families is a dream come true. That’s just the way it’s supposed to be. I think it’s just a matter of appearances.

It’s a lot of work to hire a servant.

After completing the preparations, we headed for breakfast. I’m on a long, narrow table in a spacious room. The dining room is too far away to talk face to face.

When it’s just the family, it’s a tiny room that gets converted from one of the rooms. It’s, however, a large room compared to the previous house, which was 20 tatami mats in size.

“Good morning, mama and papa.

“Good morning, Mii-chan.

“It’s a beautiful day today, too.”

My mom and dad greeted me with smiles. They both seem to be in good spirits. Dad is supposed to be a hard worker as the head of the family, but he doesn’t let his hardship show on his face at all. He’s a good dad.

A hologram is projected on the air, and today’s news is on. It will be sunny all day, the announcer said with a smile.

Today’s breakfast consisted of pickles, an omelet, grilled fish, miso soup with tofu and wakame seaweed, and white rice. You’re pretty good at that, Cook-san.

I’d like to make my mom’s homemade breakfast, but I’m a patient girl. I don’t want her to overwork herself. But be careful not to be overweight. She needs to exercise moderately.

“You’re great for getting up early even during summer vacation, Mii-chan.”

“Yes! I woke up early because I’ll do my summer vacation homework with Yamiyo and Tamamo!”

I reply with a nip and a smile as my dad praises me.

In this world, wonderfully, there are no radio exercises. So even at this hour, I get up early. Maybe the original author didn’t like radio exercises. I thought radio exercises during summer vacation were a pain in the ass as a kid, too.

“That’s great, even though summer vacation has just started.”

“Yeah, we’ll do everything, and then play! I’ve already finished my math homework, free study, and picture diary. The free study is [What happens to the surgeon when he uses recovery magic?] That’s it.”

“What happens to the magician when you use it?”

“They’re a little tired.”

That’s all. It’s the end of my free study. I’ll use recovery magic on the teacher who refutes me. It’s just for verification.

Saying, “Itadakimasu,” I take the bowl and throw the white rice into my small mouth. The rice tastes faintly sweet when I chew it, fluffy, well-cooked, and very tasty. It’s rice from the Garde farm.

I could eat several bowls of white rice alone. The miso soup also has a rich flavor with a dashi broth. The omelet isn’t too sweet, and the grilled fish is cooked just right.

After I had another second and finished eating breakfast, I was going out to play.

I heard my mom calls me to stop me from behind, saying that the picture diary was over, but it must have been an auditory hallucination. The picture diary is based on the gal game strategy site, so it’s okay.

So, I headed for Yamiyo’s house, but.

I visited the Teijo family’s mansion and opened my mouth wide open in front of the entrance.

Because there was a character standing there that I had seen before.

She was wearing a triangular hat with the tip broken off and an overstuffed black robe. She was holding a broom in one hand and had a tough, hard look in her eyes. Behind her stands Yamiyo, looking uncomfortable.

“Are you Takano Miu, the best recovery magician in Japan?”

She puts her hands on her hips and sticks her chin up haughty.

“Huh. …… Um, who are you?”

I know her, though. I know her, though she’s a little smaller.

“I’m Ambrose Ninny, ancestor of the great magician Ambrose Merlin! I hope you like her!”

“Ancestor? Aren’t you the descendant?”

“No, Japanese is so hard to understand!”

Ninny turns her head in the wrong direction, her cheeks reddening. No, there are no foreigners like that nowadays.

Wait, this is the scene when she first meets with Shin.

Mii-chan, a mob character, made it happen. It’s very touching.

By the way, why is this girl here?

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