
Chapter 271 Executor (Pt 1)

“We’ll use ‘him’…” The Supreme ones decided.


Why, it was the very person the singularity —Jeremy Lewis—had struck down using the System’s loophole. If they could use that person, then it would be easier to obtain the desired effect.

Daniel, the Gifted who possessed a Lawful Good Alignment, one of the best an individual could possess, and was the epitome of righteousness… such a personality was in correct sync with the divine abilities of the Gods.

Unknown to most, a human was more adept at receiving special privileges the closer their Alignments were to the Absolute Good area. In contrast, Penalties were bestowed upon those who were closer to the Absolute Evil region as well.

Thanks to Daniel’s Alignment, he was the perfect vessel the Gods required to pour out a tiny fraction of power to. Using a bit of the (G) Essence flowing within them, they infiltrated the boy’s dissipating soul and granted him enough power to temporarily revive and fight.

Of course, thanks to their limited jurisdiction, the Supreme ones couldn’t maintain their tool’s resurrection for very long without affecting the causality of several elements. However, since their purpose wasn’t exactly linked to Daniel’s survival, it was of little consequence..

They didn’t expect the Gifted to succeed in killing Jeremy Lewis. No, it was the opposite, actually. They wanted the anomaly to extinguish the little life they had bestowed upon Daniel. Once that was done… the System would have no choice but to completely label their target as… an Evil entity!

Just as foreseen, their plans went exactly as they desired and Jeremy ended up with the Neutral Evil Alignment.

Watching how the boy was so flustered and frustrated by his ‘mistake’ seemed to amuse the Supreme Ones as they took their time to revel in his impending doom. With his fate already sealed, the only thing left was to select the Executioner they would employ for the job.

“We’ll use one of the Archangels.” The Supreme Beings spoke in unison, nodding unanimously.

As a general rule, Executioners were distinct to each sector. That meant that no Executioner of a particular Sector could invade another. They didn’t possess any (G) essence that allowed them to interfere with causalities and concepts beyond their sectors.

That meant that the Archangel being decided upon belonged to Sector A-64! All the Supreme Beings looked at each other in the infinite Corridor and decided on their choice.

Each Sector had distinct qualities, but Archangels were beings that remained constant no matter the world. As a result, each God knew of their identities and the one who would be most suited for the job.

“Sariel… we will choose Sariel.”

Once the choice had been made, the Gods used their joint authority, relying on the Sacred Statute that they all followed, and summoned the desired Executioner.

In a flash, a brilliant glow of silver and white light enveloped the center of the Assembly. It was the exact spot where the Supreme Being A-67 had just been Integrated.

“Archangel Sariel, making her appearance before the Order.” The Executioner’s feminine voice rang out in the silent expanse.

This being had the form of an angel and, unlike the completely white Supreme Beings, had a definite form. She possessed pure white wings, silver armor with golden designs on them, and a crown jeweled with various ornaments.

Her otherworldly beauty would make mortals tremble, but before the Gods, they could only view her as one would see an exquisite tool. Upon appearing before the council, the Archangel knelt even while floating showing her submission to the ones who called her.

All the Supreme Beings watched as she bowed her head to offer her respect and absolute reverence. Compared to their absolute powers, she greatly fell short!

“Sariel, you have been bestowed the honor of cleansing a mess brought about by the Supreme Being of your Sector. The now Integrated one.”

Sariel remained silent.

She knew fully well what Integration meant. She would never get to see her Supreme Being any longer. Executioners were completely loyal to the one governing their Sector, and she was no exception. She felt extreme loss over the utter removal of her ‘everything’.

An empty void awoke inside the Archangel and her brimming eyes slowly turned dead.

Even if she was extremely, undeniably loyal to Supreme Being A-67, she was even more loyal to the Sacred Statute that bound all of existence. In the event that her creator had been Integrated, jurisdiction regarding the control of her and the entire resources of the Sector fell into the hands of those who had already received her Creator’s (G) Essence—the Gods.

Sariel was completely at their mercy!

“You will be exterminating an anomaly designated so by the System. A Singularity that was born as a result of an intentional subversive action caused by Supreme Being A-67. This singularity possesses the Evil Alignment and is a threat to the ensuing scenarios to occur in Armageddon…”

Sariel understood what was required of her.

“You will be responsible for fulfilling your role as an Executioner, and one of the four most powerful of your kind… completely eliminating the target known as Jeremy Lewis!”

The sliver-armored Archangel nodded mechanically, and her fallen eyes lit up a tiny bit after receiving a purpose. Once it was achieved, she would most likely be completely dead inside. Still, just as she was created to, Sariel intended to fulfill her mission completely.

“Appear at exactly this juncture in the timestream.” The Supreme Ones commanded, pointing toward a screen that was now frozen and void of activity.

In the Corridor, time was irrelevant. They could observe all the world’s activities in whatever manner they wished.

Having paused a scene that was going on Earth, Sector A-64, they charged their hunting dog to extinguish the prey.

“Understood. I, Sariel, Archangel of Sector A-64, shall fulfill my divine duty and eradicate the Evil Singularity known as Jeremy Lewis—a threat deemed so by the System!”

With her final words indicating farewell, Sariel departed and made way for the screen, once again transforming into glorious light with her departure.

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