
Chapter 159 The Trickster

Okay, now this was just ridiculous!

How was this anything befitting a ‘Thief’? The Skills I got resembled something a Mage or something would have. How could I, as a Thief be getting magic-related Skills?

Still, I couldn’t complain since their effects were pretty decent. Not only did I receive an MP boost, but I also had random effects that were bound to help me in a pinch. The only problem was the unpredictability of the situation.

I didn’t like the fact that I was kept in the dark about things. In any case, I would need to thoroughly research all I had gotten.

The new abilities of [Subspace].

My new Skills, gotten from both the Demon Cores as well as my new Secondary Job.

There was so much to do, so little time.

I saw that my <Thief> Job had also Leveled Up, so that meant an additional Skill I wasn’t aware of.

“Skill Slot.” I voiced out.

The System responded promptly and displayed its golden window, as usual.


* Slot 1 – <Claw Attack>

* Slot 2 – <Spike Attack>

* Slot 3 – <Venomous Spikes>

* Slot 4 – <Steal>

* Slot 5 – <Recall>.

* Slot 6 – <Summon>

* Slot 7 – <Roar>

* Slot 8 – <Rule>

* Slot 9 – <Spike Skin>

* Slot 10 – <Aura>

* Slot 11 – <Mine Alone>

* Slot 12 – <Nimble>

* Slot 13 – <Camouflage>

* Slot 14 – <Coordination>

* Slot 15 – <Iron Skin>

* Slot 16 – <Glare>

* Slot 17 – <Muscularity>

* Slot 18 – <Parlor Tricks>

* Slot 19 – <Magician>

* Slot 20 – <Dirty Play>

* Slot 21 – <Sneak>

* Slot 22 – <Empty>

* Slot 23 – <Empty>

* Slot 25 – <Empty>

* Slot 26 – <Empty>

* Slot 27 – <Empty>

* Slot 28 – <Empty>

* Slot 29 – <Empty>

* Slot 30 – <Empty>

[End Of Information]

My lips curled up in satisfaction as I noticed the last Skill surface under the rest. Determined to find out more about it, I tapped on the Skill for more information.

[Skill Information]


Grade: 3 (Upgradable)

Level:1 (Upgradable)


The hallmark of a Thief is Stealth. The Ability to move unnoticed for a set period of time is guaranteed. As long as the user is in motion, no one will be able to sense his presence!

[Currently Unactivated]

Skill Duration: 30 Minutes

Skill Cooldown: 5 Hours

[End Of Information]

It was an amazing thing, indeed. I was grateful that I didn’t choose <Assasin> or <Ninja> die to the tempting stealth abilities they promised.

Using <Sneak> and <Camouflage> at the same time guaranteed non-detection whether or not I was in motion. It was perfect!

I had 9 Extra Skill Slots, giving me a wide range of choices and opportunities to get stronger. Somehow, I felt a giddy feeling of excitement well up within me. Unrest permeated my body, forcing me to jerk up in a rapid motion.

“Alright! That’s enough of that!” I smiled.

With my feet on the ground, and my body upright, I looked around me and realized that quite a great deal of time had passed. “It’s practically noon now… wow,” I said under my breath.

My mind trailed to the Hobgoblin in their nest, and how many would currently be occupying the fenced territory. Their numbers had drastically fallen, but that didn’t mean they weren’t regaining their numbers.

“I should use this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!”

I would get the chance to test out my new Skills and reduce their numbers even more. However, the first priority would be to figure out [Subspace]’s new feature.

It would be foolish if I didn’t test it out at least once, especially since there were no demerits in doing so.

Unlike my other Skills that had a cooldown, [Subspace] wasn’t restricted. I also had enough Slots and could easily dump out anything I took. Learning more about my new level of power was important in strategizing for the future.

“My current Level is 212 since I leveled up after obtaining a Secondary Skill. I have way more Skills and abilities than I did a few hours ago.”

It was time to see how far I had come.


The colorful plane showed itself once again, and the council of white beings floated in an orderly, endless spiral.

Their eyes, if they had any, were all on a particular one in the middle. Apparently, they had heard all he had to say, and it was time.to render judgment on the one who had chosen to break the rules and betray the code all the Supreme Beings abided by.

“The Celestial Statute has been breached, and as such you must be punished in accordance with the laws written therein.”

They were all supreme, gods in their own worlds. However, as a collective, there was one thing that bound them all… the CelestiaL Statute. It was a multiversal law that even gods were subject to.

When and how such a law came to be was something that couldn’t be discussed at the moment. The only thing that mattered currently was a dispensation of appropriate measures against the offending party.

“You will face <Integration>. The Order is certain Supreme Being A-67 understands that.”

The white being who was addressed remained silent, resigned to his fate. What more could he do against such insurmountable pressure? However, he hadn’t let go of his amused feelings. No matter what they did now, the die had been cast. It was only a matter of time before the ripples of distortions spread and corrupted everything the Supreme Beings had under their grasp.

“Since you have no more words to utter, <Integration> shall commence.”

Suddenly, a rainbow panel, depicting various glowing colors appeared above everyone, instantly overshadowing the image of the one called Jeremy Lewis.


~Confirm! Are You Sure You Want To Resort To <Integration>?~

[Yes] [No]

The Supreme Beings who saw this system gave a combined sigh, somewhat sick of a pointless question. If they weren’t certain, why would they have chosen such an extreme method in the first place?

“YES!” All the infinite Supreme Beings said in unison.

Instantly, the system responded with a ping and it glowed brighter, changing what it had displayed just a moment ago.


~<Integration> Shall Commence Soon~


A bright light enveloped the white being in the center. The bright light covered the being entirely, turning into flashes of different colors. Gold, silver, red, blue, multiple balls and sparks flew in all directions as the white being began to dissolve into particles of light.

Once again smiling, what seemed to be the being’s lips moved and uttered some words to the others who watched.

It was faint, barely audible… but the infinite beings could all hear what he said.

It was what they hadn’t expected! But, they couldn’t question or stop the white being anymore. It was too late.


~ <Integration> In Progress ~

[Completion Rate: 21.56%]

The numbers kept rising as more sparks and bursts of light came from the Supreme Being. Once it reached a hundred… it would all be over!

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