
Chapter 124 Striking A Deal

The museum actually had two floors, although the general public, as well as the trained swat members, stayed on the bottom floor. However, Ryan had his office placed upstairs, and this was also where the supplies for the group were kept as well.

It was a strange room with a lock to which only he and Brandon knew the combination to. Of course, a simple lock wouldn\'t stop someone with a gun from shooting at the door and opening it, but something like this would alert the others, and this fact alone was a good deterrent.

While heading upstairs, Brandon continued to talk about what they had done to the place, including the troubles they had faced and was also giving background to the groups in the area.

He also told them that there were some groups who ideally weren\'t the best to work with. At the same time, there were natural territories that they respected. However, how long this would keep up, they didn\'t know.

Ryan\'s main concern was with the zombies and just wished to protect as many people as possible, at least according to Brandon.

The truth was, Zain didn\'t really listen too much, and that was because he was too busy checking out the new reward card he had received from the system.

[Would you like to use the Silver Reward card]


[You have received 1 Horde Stat point]

[The stat point can be used to upgrade the stat of any member of the Horde and on any stat]

\'This is quite good for a silver card reward. The system is quite focused on improving the Horde, not just me. Making a strong undead army would be good.\' Zain thought.

The problem was not what stats to upgrade but who to upgrade. Out of all his horde members, he wanted to improve Skittle or Cobra. If it was Skittle, he would increase his strength, and if it was Cobra, he would improve his speed.

This did also give him time to look at his newest member of the Horde, War.

[Strength: 0]

[Agility: 1]

[Vitality: 1]

[Intelligence: 4]

War wasn\'t classified as a superhuman like Cobra was, but he had good stats to start off with. Out of all of them, he seemed to have the highest intelligence, and although Zain was unable to test it, he was hoping it meant his skills with a gun would still come in handy.

It was a good decision to turn him in the middle of it all, but at the end of the day, a stat point wouldn\'t improve him much.

\'I want to improve Skittle\'s stats to increase his survival rate, but at the same time, if I increase Cobra, then it will be better for the Horde as a whole. Having someone fast to get to situations when needed is quite good to have.\'

There was a conflict in Zain\'s mind, whether to focus on the survivability of his Horde group or that of his friend. If it was a game, he would have picked Cobra without a second of hesitation, but it was the first time that perhaps his heart had ruled over his head.

[Strength 2>>>3]

The group finally reached the office and was now standing in front of two large doors. Brandon knocked on them before pushing them to open, and a large table could be seen inside the room. Ryan was staring at a large whiteboard with a map stuck on it. On the map, there were pins placed in certain areas and a pen in his hand.

\'He seems like a busy guy,\' Zain thought. \'The map, has he circled all the territory areas, the areas of the other groups?\'

Looking at it, Zain could see that Chinatown was also circled, and on top of that, there was the hospital as well as many other locations. There was a red mark over Chinatown, which Zain guessed meant it was a dangerous group.

There were some that had a green coloured marker next to them, and then finally there was another one, a question mark next to the hospital. According to the notes marked on the corner of the map, there were conflicting rumours as to whether this was a good group or not.

,m "Ah, sorry, my mind was in the clouds. Please, everyone, sit." Ryan greeted them with a large smile. Ryan was wearing a suit which seemed strange with what was going on at the moment. One would think that a person would wear clothing that was a bit more relaxing.

"It is great to meet the people who saved our people\'s lives. Although I would love to see all your faces a bit clearer but with the current situation at hand, I understand."

His words were directed towards Kun, who had a black scarf covering his face, of course, because he had to hide the marking that would reveal exactly who he was.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well," Zain replied. "You have a good operation going on here. But let\'s cut to the chase. I have my reasons for wanting to see you, but I am also curious about what are your reasons for wanting to meet us?"

Ryan was surprised by how straightforward the university student was. This one was the most confident university student he had seen, that was for sure.

"Well, the situation is getting dangerous. More and more groups are pushing the borders they have, and not all of them have good intentions. With a strong group like yours, you three are a large asset in a time like this, and I wish for you to join our group.

"You will be given a high position in the group, with your own squad to lead and with whatever you wish to request. There will also be a supply chain granted to you."

Clear signs of anger were visible on the faces of the other three upon hearing this. A group of strangers were being treated as if they were some sort of messiah. Their group had only struggled slightly. Why did they desperately need these three?

"Don\'t you think you\'re giving them a bit too much?" Stu asked, clenching his fist. "I mean, I understand asking them to join. They are skilled, I will admit that, but to give them positions as high as ours when you don\'t even know them? That\'s too soon."

Brandon was also confused by how much Ryan was giving them, but with everything, he was sure that there was something that the latter was planning.

"Before I answer, I think you should give us a reward for protecting your people and bringing back the supplies," Zain replied. "Have you ever heard of the Reborn group?"

Ryan tapped his chin for a few seconds and eventually shook his head.

"I can\'t say I have. It\'s not one of the groups in the area, that\'s for sure, or at least not in this city. Nor was it something that I knew within my time. If I did know, I would certainly tell you, and if you stay with us, you will also be able to perhaps find out information about them."

"Okay, then, do you know anything about the military and what they plan to do with the meteorites they are going after?"

Once again, Ryan was surprised by Zain\'s questioning, surprised that a student would have any interest in the meteorites in the first place. This certainly wasn\'t a normal kid.

"The military, I don\'t know much about their movements. However, I have asked Brandon to try and set up a meeting with them. We have been following their movements and plan to ask for a meeting between the two of us."

The answers were disappointing, but Zain didn\'t expect he could get much from this group, and he wasn\'t planning on staying. He had his Horde of zombies. Those were his strength and skills he would use to survive this world, not a bunch of untrustworthy humans.

"I\'m sorry, but we plan to stay as our own little group," Zain replied. "I thank you for the information, and truth be told, I was hoping you would have answers, but it looks like you don\'t. I hope you understand, and I also hope that the relationship between the two of us doesn\'t sour over my rejection."

The others on the table felt a bit offended, although they didn\'t want Zain to join, to easily just say no to an offer like that. It was almost as if Zain was claiming to be above them all.

"Then please, could the three of you at least stay the day? I will try my best to gather the information for you about the Reborn group and see if anyone knows anything. Besides, it should be safer to stay in here for the day than go out there, right?"

Zain looked at the hostile people in the room, but then he caught the eye of another, a certain person that had been acting somewhat strange after the questions. It was Brandon.

\'It looks like he might know something. Maybe it\'s best just for one day.\'

"Okay, we will stay for one day," Zain answered. "But we will do our own thing. However, you don\'t have to worry. We won\'t cause any trouble. Oh, and by the way, you can cross off the Cobra gang in Chinatown from that map of yours."

The smile on Ryan\'s face widened upon hearing these words because he knew he was right. These guys were the ones responsible for defeating the Cobra gang. He must do what he can to keep these people.


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