
Chapter 109 Groups Rise

It was natural for humans to gather up and take hold in certain places, and in the last few days, one group had done quite well to protect itself. On one of the buildings on the main streets, there were giant pillars and sandbags put together to create barriers.

Leading up to the place was a giant staircase giving the group advantage of height over whatever was to come their way. The place that they had chosen for their protection was a museum.

It was a large area with plenty of stages, a gift shop, and even a restaurant inside. Although many wouldn\'t think of it as the best place to create a base, it had worked well for them. As for those who were inside, their numbers were in the hundreds.

Walking in the main hall were two males, one of them was a blonde man with a large scar going across his chin and had cut part of his lip. He was wearing a suit, and as he walked through the hallway, people would wave and greet him as he passed by.

"Thank you for all your help, Ryan!"

"Thank you for taking us in, Ryan!"

The people continued to praise the man who was known as Ryan Cook and was the leader at the current base of operations. Before the zombie apocalypse, he was the head of one of the biggest electronic companies in the city.

When speaking to others, he had this natural presence around him, and on top of that, he also had multiple resources at his disposal. Ryan always had this fear that world war three would be around the corner, so he had a large stock of food, among other things.

Due to this information, and only Ryan having access to it, from time to time, he and a strong force could go to one of these storage facilities and bring back food and more for the others to enjoy.

It was a safety net for the others that were here. He was providing for them, so they were happy to comply and oblige to his orders.

Standing by his side was a man with sunglasses covering his eyes, a gun strapped around his waist and was wearing a S.W.A.T. uniform.

"Give me a report on the current situation, Brandon," Ryan asked, while he continued to wave and eventually sat down on a round table in the canteen eating area.

"We have kept an eye on several dangerous groups that are in the area," Bradon stated. "In the city alone, there are around four. Although there are more groups than that, we are unable to determine whether they are willing to cooperate or not."

The current group at the base they were in comprised of a S.W.A.T. team, a few police force officers and general people from the public with all sorts of different skills. Brandon was a squad leader who was close friends with the Mayor, which was why the two had managed to come out of the situation and join forces together.

One had resources, great charisma and a face that people trusted, while the other would be the one to do all the dirty work behind the scenes, and Ryan was well aware that Brandon was a man who was capable of doing that.

"We have made a note of the care packages sent by the military and have sent groups out to collect them. However, in order to keep this place safe as well from attack, we have had to keep the main of our attack force here. So I\'m not sure how they will fare with the task." Brandon explained.

"Most of the ones you sent out are strong university students, correct? Well, they have the basic weapons on them. All should be okay unless they haven\'t been sent to collect the care packages in other areas." Ryan replied.

"On other news, one of the dangerous groups that we were following seems to have been completely annihilated."

Hearing this, Ryan raised an interested eyebrow. Groups had set up fake territory lines and would attack anyone who had come close with a warning or so, but there had yet to be a complete fight between any of these groups.

Of course, these were just the ones they knew about.

"Our scouts around Chinatown have reported that the Cobra gang has suddenly gone missing, and many of the gang members\' dead bodies have been found."

Although the Cobra gang didn\'t have a large number of people, Ryan knew that they were fierce. There were two reasons for not doing anything. For one, if they attacked the latter, they would lose quite a lot of their fighters in the process, and the second reason they would be seen as an aggressive group themselves.

Maybe the others that had been silent so far would step in.

"What has the world come to? What and where is the military doing, or do they just want us to kill each other?" Ryan commented but wasn\'t expecting an answer. There was a time when he believed that money was power and that he would know everything, but he knew nothing of this, nothing of what was going on right now, and it was the same for his friend Brandon.

The S.W.A.T. team wasn\'t aware of anything that was going on, and there was no communication to them from the military or the government. It was as if the latter were telling everyone that they were on their own, and that\'s why they needed to act on their own.

"I think it might be best if you follow not too far behind the care packages closest to Chinatown. There could be a strong group of people that we don\'t know about yet."

Brandon smiled hearing this.

"Maybe... I\'ll get the chance to see something special again."


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