
Chapter 174 The Auction Begins

A stunning and poised young woman took her place at the auction podium, ready to announce the various items that would be up for bidding during the event. The auction kicked off with a dazzling array of high-quality items, sparking fierce competition among the attendees. Bids soared from every direction, with even the distinguished members of the royal family, Huang and Shen families, eagerly joining in the fray. The Azure and Crimson family members stayed quiet and waited for the last auction item.

At last, the moment everyone had been eagerly anticipating arrived—the auction of the Divine-grade treasure. As the magnificent Treasure was unveiled, the eyes of all present shone with unbridled desire.

The Divine grade treasure was an exquisite and visually striking flute crafted from pure mystic spirit silver. The silver material gave the flute a luminescent sheen, capturing light and reflecting it with a gentle, shimmering glow. The smooth, polished surface looked cold, hinting at the innate power concealed within this divine-grade treasure.

Intricate engravings of celestial beings and beasts adorned the flute\'s body, each one meticulously detailed and artistically rendered. These designs showcased the exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into creating the flute, elevating it from a mere instrument to a true work of art.

The flute\'s slender, elongated form was perfectly balanced, allowing it to rest comfortably in the auctioneer\'s hands as she held the flute to present it for everyone to see. Each hole was precisely placed and expertly carved, ensuring the flute produced the purest and most harmonious tones. The mouthpiece was shaped to fit the lips comfortably, allowing for optimal control over the airflow and resulting in a clear, vibrant sound.

The flute\'s physical features were a testament to its divine-grade status, with every aspect of its design carefully considered to create a powerful and beautiful treasure that was both functional and awe-inspiring.

Unexpectedly, the auctioneer announced a sudden change in the proceedings. Citing security concerns, it was declared that the Divine-grade treasure\'s auction would be relocated to a separate hall. To participate in the bidding for this coveted item, guests would be required to pay an entrance fee of one hundred thousand medium-grade spirit stones. This fee would be reimbursed if their bid proved unsuccessful.

The announcement triggered a tumultuous uproar among the attendees, their protests and complaints falling on deaf ears as the unyielding auctioneer made her exit from the stage.

The auction house servants diligently went from one VIP room to another, collecting the considerable entrance fees. A majority of the visitors found themselves unable to afford the steep fee and were subsequently asked to leave.

Nevertheless, a select few families with Immortal Clan members had the resources to pay the hefty price. Alongside the Azure and Crimson families and the Royal family, an additional four families managed to gather the required one hundred thousand medium-grade spirit stones.

Once the payments were verified, the servants escorted the VIPs to a new, more exclusive hall. Here, they were each assigned a private room connected to the central hall. These specially designed rooms allowed the VIPs to observe the auction proceedings while remaining concealed from the other guests.

With all VIPs comfortably settled in their respective rooms, the Divine-grade treasure was once again brought into the hall, and the auctioneer made her way back to the podium.

Auctioneer: "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this exceptional Diviner-grade treasure, a weapon like no other. Its remarkable features and extraordinary capabilities make it a highly sought-after item. Observe the intricate craftsmanship and the powerful aura it exudes. This is a true masterpiece!"

The Crown prince sitting in one of the Vip rooms could not help but exclaim, "What a magnificent Treasure! It\'s definitely worth a fortune."

The members of the Royal family agreed with the prince on this.

The auctioneer girl continued, "We shall now commence the bidding for this incredible Divine-grade treasure. The starting bid is set at one million medium-grade spirit stones. Let the competition begin!"

Crown prince said, "I will bid one million and a hundred thousand medium-grade spirit stones!"

One of the other aristocrats\' family members said: "I\'ll raise it to one million, one hundred and fifty thousand!"

Auctioneer: "The bid is at one million, one hundred and fifty thousand medium-grade spirit stones. Any other takers? "

A voice came from the Crimson Serpent faction, "Two million medium-grade spirit stones!"

The Azure Messenger was losing his patience, and he spoke, "Five million medium-grade spirit stones!"

He was going directly for five million  to end the bidding war

One of the royal advisors couldn\'t help but be shocked, "Did he just say five million medium-grade spirit stones? That\'s insane!"

A voice came from the room of the Crimson Serpent faction, " Six million!"

The Royal prince said, "We\'ll raise it to six million and five hundred thousand."

The Azure Messenger was out of patience now, and he said," "Enough! Ten million medium-grade spirit stones!"

Hearing ten million medium-grade spirit stones, all auctions quieted down, But the Crimson Serpents were not ready to give up. A voice came from the Crimson Serpent faction, "12 million!"

The Azure Messenger, without waiting for the Auctioneer to speak, responded, " Twenty million medium-grade spirit stones!"

Auctioneer: "We have a bid of Twenty million medium-grade spirit stones. Going once, going twice... Sold to the Azure family! Congratulations!"

A servant made their way to the Azure Messenger\'s room to collect the payment for the Divine-grade treasure. Carefully handling the storage rings containing the substantial sum of a massive sum of twenty million medium-grade spirit stones, the servant assured the Azure Messenger that he would return shortly with the precious item. The transaction was swiftly completed, and the servant departed to retrieve the treasure.

Not long after, the servant returned to the room, carrying a box that was believed to contain the highly sought-after Divine-grade treasure. The atmosphere in the room grew tense with anticipation. The Azure Messenger prepared to lay his eyes on the magnificent item that had been the cause of such fierce competition.

As the Azure Messenger lifted the lid, he expected to find the glorious treasure that had captured the attention of the entire kingdom. However, the contents of the box left him utterly shocked and bewildered.

Instead of the Divine-grade treasure, a medallion lay nestled within the velvet lining. The medallion bore the image of a red serpent, its sinuous body coiled in a striking pose. Confusion and disbelief washed over the Azure Messenger as he stared at the unexpected object in the box.


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