
Chapter 902 Changes In The Stronghold

As Fein and Melissa enjoyed their meal together, their conversation naturally drifted towards the recent events in Fein\'s life. Fein, his voice filled with enthusiasm and wonder, shared with his mother the tales of his journey to the Abyss.

He spoke of the demons he had encountered, their appearances as diverse as the humans he had met in his travels. Fein knew that there was a prevailing prejudice against demons, a belief that all of them were inherently evil. But he wanted to challenge that notion, to reveal the complexity and diversity that existed within their realm.

"Mom," Fein began, his eyes sparkling with passion, "the Abyss is not what everyone thinks it is. Yes, there are demons, but just like in the human world, they come in all shapes and sizes. I\'ve met demons who were kind, compassionate, and filled with love. They have their own cultures, their own traditions, and so much to offer."

Melissa listened intently, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. She trusted her son\'s judgment and knew that he had a compassionate heart. Still, the idea of a realm filled with demons was new and perhaps a bit unsettling to her.

Fein continued, eager to paint a picture of the Abyss that went beyond its stereotypes. He spoke of their arts, their music, and their vibrant celebrations. He described the breathtaking landscapes, the majestic cities, and the bustling markets filled with unique treasures. He wanted his mother to understand that there was beauty and wonder in the demon realm, just as there was in the human world. He also told her of Imeng and their relationship as apprentice and master.

As he spoke, Fein carefully omitted the details of his battle against the satans and the powerful Demon God. He didn\'t want to worry his mother unnecessarily or burden her with the knowledge of the dangers he had faced. Instead, he focused on the positive aspects, the moments of connection and understanding he had experienced.

Melissa listened attentively, her eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and concern. She marveled at the idea that demons could possess kindness and beauty, challenging the preconceived notions she had held. Her maternal instinct urged her to protect Fein from harm, but she also knew that he was driven by a desire to bridge gaps and foster understanding.

With a gentle smile, Melissa reached out and touched Fein\'s hand. "Fein, my dear, I trust your judgment and your ability to see the good in others. It\'s wonderful to hear about your adventures and the different perspectives you\'ve encountered. I may not fully grasp the complexities of the Abyss, but I know that your heart is in the right place."

Fein\'s face lit up with gratitude, his heart warmed by his mother\'s acceptance and support. He knew that their conversation had opened a door of understanding, allowing Melissa a glimpse into the world he had ventured into.

Fein\'s curiosity sparked as he finished sharing his tales from the Abyss. He looked at his mother with eager anticipation, his eyes filled with questions about their life in the Human realm. He knew there were matters close to his heart that he wanted to catch up on.

"So, Mom," Fein began, leaning forward slightly, "how\'s the bakery been? Are you still making those delicious pastries that everyone loves?"

Melissa\'s face brightened with a proud smile. "The bakery has been thriving! We\'ve had new customers coming in, and our pastries are as popular as ever. Your recipes and techniques have become the foundation of our success. I couldn\'t be prouder of what we\'ve accomplished together."

His curiosity then shifted to his sister Fey. "And what about Fey? How\'s she doing? Is she still dedicated to her work at the Ranger\'s Eye base?"

Melissa\'s expression softened as she spoke of her daughter. "Fey is doing well, my dear. She\'s still as devoted as ever to her responsibilities at the base. She\'s become an integral part of the team, using her leadership to protect and serve. I know she misses you dearly, but she understands the importance of her duty."

"She really took the role of Vice-President seriously." Fein couldn\'t but chuckle. He was glad that his sister found his purpose. And he was happy that she was taking care of his old team. 

"And the stronghold," Fein inquired, his tone filled with curiosity, "has it changed much since I left? Are the familiar faces still there? And have the portals reappeared all around the continent?"

Melissa\'s expression became thoughtful as she considered the questions. "The stronghold has undergone some changes, my dear. Some familiar faces have moved on, seeking new opportunities to other stronghold. As for the portals, they haven\'t reappeared. I don\'t much about this matter, you should ask Fey and Michael. Michael always come here to ask about you and when will you return."

Fein\'s eyes widened slightly, his mind processing the information. The absence of the portals signaled a shift in the dynamics of their world. Yet, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of relief knowing that the danger they once posed had subsided. Though, even if the portals come, his strength wasn\'t the same as he left anymore. Now, he have bunch of Satan-level spells on him along with his unlimited mana. Even if hundreds of SS-ranks, he just have to spam his spell, he would let them taste what it means to face unlimited meteor, fireball, etc... He could even make the time still forever. 

Although the consumption of temporal stasis was exaggerated. Is it a problem with his infinite mana? For to other Satans, yes. But for him, meh... Other Satans can only maintain temporal stasis for two hours at most.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face. A mixture of emotions played across Fein\'s face—pride for his mother\'s success, longing for his sister\'s presence, and a touch of nostalgia for the stronghold he had called home. But above all, there was a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to reconnect with his family and be a part of their lives once more.

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