
Chapter 889 Sense Of Loss

As the night sky stretched above him, Fein found himself standing outside the inn, gazing up at the starry expanse. The cool breeze rustled through his hair, bringing a sense of calm to his racing thoughts. He couldn\'t help but feel a tinge of melancholy as he contemplated the parting with his mentor, Imeng.

As the night sky stretched above him, Fein found himself standing outside the inn, gazing up at the starry expanse. The cool breeze rustled through his hair, bringing a sense of calm to his racing thoughts. He couldn\'t help but feel a tinge of melancholy as he contemplated the impending parting with his mentor, Imeng.

The weight of the past year\'s journey settled upon Fein\'s shoulders, both exhilarating and bittersweet. He had grown immensely under Imeng\'s guidance, mastering spells, acquiring knowledge, and forging unbreakable bonds. But now, it was time to move forward, to venture into the Middle Abyss and face the challenges that awaited him.

Fein\'s gaze flickered from star to star, his mind drifting to thoughts of his family. He wondered how they were doing, if they were proud of his achievements. He longed for the day he would reunite with them, sharing tales of his adventures and making them proud. A hint of determination crept into his eyes as he vowed to become someone they could look up to, someone who had conquered the depths of the Abyss.

And then there was Sofia, his beloved girlfriend. Fein\'s heart ached with longing as he pictured her face, her gentle smile, and the warmth of her embrace. He yearned to hold her again, to share in the joy of their reunion. Sofia had been his anchor throughout this journey, supporting him from afar and cheering him on. The thought of her waiting patiently for his return filled him with a mixture of happiness and sadness.

Fein tried to use various ways to contact his family and Sofia, using both magic and technology. But it was futile, cellphones are useless since there\'s no connection. As for magic... It wasn\'t a problem of distance, but dimension!

A sigh escaped Fein\'s lips as he allowed himself to feel the weight of the impending separation. He knew that parting ways with Imeng would be difficult, for the old man had become more than just a mentor. Imeng had become a father figure, a friend, and a guiding light in the darkest of times. Fein\'s eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he realized the depth of the bond they had formed.

He couldn\'t help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing that their time together was drawing to a close. But Fein also understood that this was the natural progression of his journey. Imeng had prepared him well, instilling in him the skills, knowledge, and resilience needed to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

With a deep breath, Fein made a silent vow to carry Imeng\'s teachings and guidance with him always. He would honor his mentor\'s legacy by forging his own path, conquering the Middle Abyss, and proving that he was worthy of the trust and belief Imeng had placed in him.

Fein stood there, lost in his thoughts. His fists clenched tight, his knuckles turning white as he played out scenarios in his mind. The fire in his eyes burned with an intense determination, a hunger for victory that fueled his every move.

A mischievous grin slowly spread across Fein\'s face as he pictured himself throwing down with the satans. The thought of beating the ever-living crap out of those powerful beings brought a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He imagined his fists connecting with bone-crushing force, each blow a testament to his strength and skill.

With a nod of satisfaction, Fein\'s confidence surged. He knew deep down that he had what it took to conquer the Middle Abyss, to bring those satans to their knees. The idea of returning to the human world, a triumphant conqueror, had him practically feel like a boss.

His eyes sparkled with mischief and determination as he stared into the abyss. The possibilities stretched out before him, like a buffet of ass-kicking waiting to be devoured. Fein\'s mind raced with strategies and tactics, his imagination running wild with the scenes of his impending victory.

The night sky above seemed to mirror Fein\'s rebellious spirit. The stars winked at him, as if they were in on his plans, cheering him on from their celestial seats. It was as if the universe itself acknowledged his audacity and rewarded him with an ethereal show of support.

With a deep breath, Fein released the tension in his fists and let his body relax. The wild excitement simmered into a focused determination, a burning resolve that emanated from his very core. He was ready to take on the satans, to leave his mark on the Middle Abyss, and to come out on top.

As the starry night sky stretched out above him, Fein knew he couldn\'t back down. He owed it to himself, to his family, and to his girlfriend Sofia to give it everything he had.

As one of the leaders in the entire South. Fein have learned to see things in the whole group perspective. Although he still place above his interest above everything else. He won\'t be stingy with people under his care. Fein is the type of person that has the sense of territory just like a lion in his jungle.

Fein trudged back to his humble inn, the weight of the night\'s events settling upon his shoulders. As he entered the empty room, a profound sense of loss washed over him. It felt strange, not having Imeng by his side, the absence of the old man\'s guidance and presence leaving a void within him.

He kicked off his boots and collapsed onto the bed, his mind filled with swirling thoughts and emotions. Images of their training sessions, their shared laughter, and the countless lessons they had gone through together flashed through his mind. Imeng had been more than just a mentor; he had become a friend, a companion in this journey through the Abyss.

Fein\'s gaze fixated on the empty space beside him, where Imeng would usually lay his weary head. The absence was palpable, and a sense of longing washed over him. He missed the old man\'s gruff voice, his words of wisdom, and even his occasional scolding. Imeng had been a constant presence in his life, guiding him, pushing him to reach new heights.

\'Strange... I won\'t hear the old man\'s annoying voice again and his crook sense of humor.\' A sigh escaped Fein\'s lips as he turned onto his side, staring into the darkness. He wondered what Imeng was doing at that very moment, whether he too felt the void left behind.

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