
Chapter 860 Temporal Stasis

As the sun peeked over the horizon, casting a warm golden glow on the world, Imeng nudged Fein awake with a playful jab.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead! We\'ve got some serious magic to master today!" Imeng exclaimed, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Fein groaned, rubbing his eyes and blinking away the remnants of sleep. "Magic? Already? Can\'t a guy have a decent cup of morning ale first?" he grumbled, but the corners of his lips curled into a sleepy grin.

Imeng laughed heartily, patting Fein on the back. "A true wizard never starts his day without a touch of magic, my friend. Trust me, this\'ll be worth it."

With a flick of his wrist and a chant in a language Fein couldn\'t comprehend, Imeng summoned a swirling vortex of shimmering light. The air crackled with energy, and Fein\'s hair stood on end as the magical portal expanded before them.

Imeng gestured toward the portal with a flourish. "Step inside, Fein. We\'re off to a snowy mountaintop, my favorite training ground," he declared, excitement bubbling in his voice.

Fein\'s eyes widened with both awe and apprehension. He took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, feeling a momentary shift in reality as the world around him blurred into a whirlwind of colors and sensations.

When the kaleidoscope of magic cleared, Fein found himself standing atop a breathtaking snow-capped peak. The air was crisp and biting, and his breath escaped his lips in little puffs of mist. Imeng stood beside him, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Now, my apprentice, watch and learn," Imeng said, his voice filled with a blend of confidence and playfulness. He raised his hands, fingers spread wide, and focused his gaze on a boulder several feet away.

With a sudden surge of power, Imeng muttered an incantation under his breath. Time itself seemed to slow as Fein\'s eyes widened in astonishment. The boulder froze mid-roll, suspended in mid-air as if trapped in a time capsule.

Fein\'s jaw dropped, his gaze flicking between Imeng and the motionless boulder. "What... what just happened? Did you just freeze time?"

Imeng grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "That\'s right, my friend! Time may wait for no one, but with a little magic, we can make it take a coffee break. Behold, the legendary spell of temporal stasis!"

Fein reached out a tentative hand, hovering just inches away from the frozen boulder. "That\'s... that\'s insane, Imeng! You never cease to amaze me."

Imeng chuckled, his voice carrying a mix of pride and camaraderie. "Magic has a few surprises up its sleeve, Fein. And now, it\'s time for you to take your first step towards mastering such wonders."

With a snap of his fingers, Imeng released the spell, and time resumed its normal flow. The boulder tumbled forward, crashing into the snow with a dull thud. Fein\'s eyes widened as he realized the true extent of Imeng\'s magical prowess.

Imeng clapped Fein on the back, a wide grin stretching across his face. "So, my apprentice, are you ready to dive headfirst into the world of magic? We\'ve only scratched the surface, and there\'s a whole realm of enchantments waiting to be explored."

Fein nodded, a mixture of excitement and determination shining in his eyes. "Absolutely, Imeng! Show me more, teach me everything you know. I\'m ready to become a wizard!"

Fein\'s eyes sparkled with curiosity as he stared at Imeng, his mind buzzing with questions. Imeng, ever the patient mentor, began to explain the intricacies of Temporal Stasis. He waved his hands in animated gestures, emphasizing his points with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Now, Fein, the spell of Temporal Stasis is a powerful one, but it\'s not without its restrictions," Imeng started, his voice tinged with a playful tone. "You see, it has a cooldown period. Once you freeze time, you\'ll need to wait a while before you can cast it again. It\'s like an invisible hourglass that needs time to reset."

Fein furrowed his brow, leaning forward with rapt attention. "So, how long does the cooldown last? And how long can you freeze time for?"

Imeng chuckled, scratching his chin thoughtfully. "Ah, good questions, my inquisitive apprentice! The cooldown can vary depending on the caster\'s skill and magical energy. Generally, it ranges from a few minutes to several hours. As for the duration, it also depends on your magical prowess. At the beginning, it might only last a few seconds, but with practice and focus, you can extend it to several minutes."

Fein nodded, absorbing the information like a sponge. "And how much magic does it consume? I mean, can I cast it multiple times in a day without turning into a walking magical battery?"

Imeng\'s grin widened, his eyes glinting mischievously. "You\'ve hit the nail on the head... Temporal Stasis is quite demanding in terms of magical energy. Casting it drains your reserves significantly, especially if you push the duration. So, while you won\'t turn into a magical battery, you might feel like a deflated balloon if you overdo it."

Fein chuckled, his face a mixture of excitement and said jokingly. "I\'ll make sure to keep a stock of enchanted energy drinks then!"

Imeng laughed heartily, slapping Fein on the back. "Now you\'re thinking like a true magician! But remember, there are limits to what you can freeze in time. Living beings, for instance, are a big no-no. We don\'t want to meddle with the natural order of things."

Fein scratched his head, a puzzled expression on his face. "But what if I accidentally freeze someone? Can I just say it was a magic malfunction?"

Imeng raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "Ah, Fein, the excuse of \'magic malfunction\' won\'t get you out of everything. It\'s better to focus on preventing such mishaps. Precision and control are key when casting spells, especially one as delicate as Temporal Stasis. Of course, it\'s just a rule created by demons. The ones who decide of its use is still up to the one with the bigger fist."

Fein nodded, his determination renewed. "So, I can also stop time of living beings? As long as I\'m strong enough? Then I\'ll practice until I can freeze a pebble in mid-air without causing a magical mayhem."

Imeng clapped him on the back, his eyes filled with pride. "That\'s the spirit! With dedication, you\'ll become a formidable wizard in no time. Now, let\'s delve deeper into the theory behind the spell. I\'ll explain the magical mechanics and guide you through the steps of casting it."

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