
Chapter 667 5% Explored

Fein had always been fascinated by the ocean, and as a seasoned explorer, he had seen many of its wonders. But there was one place that had always eluded him: the deep sea. And so, he decided to embark on a journey to explore the uncharted depths.

Fein stood on the deck of his vessel, the Sea Explorer, as it sailed southward. The sea was calm, and the sun was just starting to rise, casting a warm glow over the horizon. He took a deep breath of the salty air and closed his eyes, feeling the wind and the gentle rocking of the ship.

After a few hours of sailing, they reached their destination: a spot where the ocean floor dropped off suddenly, plunging down into the abyss. Fein donned his diving suit and descended into the water, feeling the cold embrace of the deep sea as he sank deeper and deeper.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ As he reached the bottom, he was awed by the sight before him. Strange and exotic creatures swam around him, their bioluminescent bodies creating a mesmerizing light show in the darkness. He could see jellyfish with long tentacles, anglerfish with glowing lures, and giant squid with eyes the size of dinner plates.

Fein swam through the underwater landscape, marveling at the diverse ecosystem that thrived in the depths. He saw vast coral reefs that were home to schools of fish of every shape and color, and towering rock formations that seemed to stretch endlessly into the abyss.

As he explored, he also encountered challenges. Strong currents swept him off course, and he had to fight against them to continue his journey. Some of the creatures he encountered were aggressive and tried to attack him, but he was able to fend them off with his degu abilities and strength.

As Fein swam through the depths of the ocean, he was amazed by the vast and unknown world that lay before him. His S-rank degu abilities allowed him to breathe underwater for as long as he wanted, and the pressure of the deep sea could not harm him.

The water around him was dark and murky, and he could only see a few meters in front of him. He reached out with his hands, feeling his way through the water as he moved deeper and deeper into the unknown.

As he swam, he encountered strange and exotic creatures that he had never seen before. Schools of shimmering fish swam past him, their scales reflecting the faint light of the ocean floor. Giant squid and octopuses floated by, their tentacles waving lazily in the water.

Fein marveled at the beauty of the underwater world, but he also knew that it was a dangerous place. He kept his guard up, ready for any unexpected encounters that might come his way.

As he continued to explore, Fein noticed that the water around him was getting colder and darker. He knew that he was entering the deep abyssal zone, where the pressure was intense and the creatures were even more dangerous.

But Fein was fearless. He pushed himself deeper into the abyss, using his telekinesis to propel himself forward and his acid spit to fend off any threats that came his way.

As he swam deeper, he began to see strange and otherworldly creatures that he had never imagined before. Giant jellyfish with glowing tentacles drifted past him, and massive anglerfish with jaws big enough to swallow him whole lurked in the shadows.

But Fein kept moving forward, his determination never faltering. He knew that this was what he was meant to do, exploring the unknown depths of the ocean and discovering all the secrets that it held.



Fein returned to the stronghold in the South after his meeting with the leaders. As he made his way through the winding corridors, his thoughts were consumed by the vast unknown depths of the ocean. He knew that exploring the deep sea could hold great benefits for their stronghold, and he was determined to convince his fellow leaders of this fact.

Fein stood on the balcony of the stronghold, gazing out at the endless expanse of the sea. The warm sun beat down on his face, but he paid it no mind as he began his monologue.

"I believe that exploring the deep sea could be one of the most important missions our stronghold could undertake," Fein began. "Think about it. The ocean is the largest ecosystem on our planet, covering over seventy percent of its surface area. And yet, we have only explored five percent of it."

Fein turned to face the other leaders who had joined him on the balcony. "What secrets lie beneath those uncharted depths? What discoveries could we make that could benefit our stronghold and the rest of our society?"

The other leaders listened intently, their faces etched with curiosity and intrigue.

"We know that the deep sea is home to countless unique species, many of which we have yet to discover," Fein continued. "By studying these creatures, we could gain invaluable knowledge about our own biology and ecology. Who knows what new medicines or technologies could be derived from such discoveries? At this delicate time where monster from the portals roamed free... We need every advantage we could get to increase every stronghold\'s strength and make life easier

Fein paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But the benefits don\'t stop there. The ocean also contains vast resources, such as minerals and energy reserves. By exploring the deep sea, we could gain access to these resources and use them to fuel our society\'s growth and development."

Fein\'s eyes sparkled with excitement as he spoke, his passion for the subject evident in every word.

"The deep sea is an uncharted frontier, full of untold wonders and potential benefits," he concluded. "I believe it is our duty to explore it, to unlock its secrets and use them to better our society."

The other leaders nodded in agreement, their faces alight with excitement at the prospect of embarking on such a mission.

Fein smiled to himself, knowing that he had succeeded in his talk no jutsu and bullshitting them about the importance of exploring the deep sea. He could hardly wait to see what wonders lay hidden beneath the waves.

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