
Chapter 192 - Blush

[ Chiara ]

Chiara watched as Aila made excuses to leave the pair in the room. It was embarrassing, but she needed to set things straight between her and Ajax. She glanced back at him after feeling his continuous stare; she sighed and held his gaze. What were they going to do now? What was Ajax thinking? She couldn\'t tell as she became absorbed into those dazzling green eyes of his.

As she stared, her cheeks reddened as the repressed memories of the previous night and early morning came to the surface before her eyes…

The night before, Chiara helped Ajax into the appointed room Gabriel mentioned. With his arm resting over her shoulders, his body weighed her down as he staggered, not walking in a straight line. They barely made it through the bedroom door when he started to strip, dropping his clothes on the ground as Chiara picked them up and tried to give them back to him in a flustered state.

"What am I even doing here?!" She squeaked, deciding it was best to leave Ajax alone now that he was stark naked. The Gamma spun around and tensed after feeling Ajax\' arms around her shoulders, his face next to hers.

"Where are you going?" Ajax purred. His voice was clear, causing Chiara to turned her head to him in shock. A sly smile crawled up his face, "You\'ve taken care of me so far. Why would you leave me now in such a vulnerable state?"

Chiara assessed his features; he had not slurred his words, and his eyes were completely focused. "You!" She gasped and pulled away from him, stepping back, "You\'re not drunk!?"

Ajax shrugged and stalked towards her confidently, not caring about being naked in front of her. Chiara\'s face was heating up, and she made sure not to look down at a particular area or by his lean body. She stopped walking, narrowing her eyes at him after the shock wore off. This trick may have worked on other girls who would only see his body and looks, but she wasn\'t like everybody else.

In fact, this little trick ticked her off a little. She huffed, spinning around and grabbing the door handle, but it did not budge. Chiara sighed, "Let me leave, Ajax. This may work on others but-"

His chuckle vibrated from behind her ear startled her, but she did not turn around; he was still naked, and she knew her eyes would wander down his body. "I just wanted to spend some time with you," He whispered into her ear as his hand rested lightly on her waist, igniting a heat deep within her.

"A simple \'Hey Chiara, let\'s hang out\' would have sufficed," She snapped back, resisting the urge to lean back into the warmth radiating off his body. He was close, so close that she could just let him wrap his arms around her, let him take her to his bed. But to pretend to be drunk was so childish, all so he would get her attention-

"You kept avoiding me. Even earlier, when things were settling down, you kept talking to Kane or anyone else that wasn\'t me. Have I done something to upset you?" He rested his head on her shoulder now and wrapped his arms around her waist, just how Chiara wanted him to. But the Gamma kept her back stiff even though she wanted to melt into him.

"You haven\'t done anything wrong. You never will.. I told you before I need time.. Even then.." Chiara trailed off, not willing to finish her sentence. She didn\'t want to string him along; Ajax could have anyone he wanted; he had the looks and an overbearing personality that somehow seemed to work on everybody. "Maybe you should just give up.. It\'s not fair on-"

Ajax spun her around and crashed his lips into hers, ultimately taking her by surprise. Her eyes were wide, stunned at his sudden \'attack\', but soon enough, she melted into him and sighed from the sweet taste of Ajax\' lips. He slid his tongue in her mouth to meeting hers so tenderly. She was hesitant at first, but soon her yearning to be held by him outweighed any doubts any thoughts clouding her mind. The Gamma wrapped her arms around his neck, and he started to bring her back towards the bed.

Chiara opened her eyes, alarmed by what he was doing and by his lack of clothes. He chuckled against her lips, "If I put some clothes on, will you stay the night?"

Her body tensed up at his words, but the earnestness, the innocence behind those emerald green eyes made her cave in and nod her head, instantly regretting her decision. Why did he captivate her so? Chiara sat on the end of the bed, frowning at herself, staring in no particular direction as Ajax put some boxers on.

She was still perplexed by how the situation spun around, and she was now on his bed, him \'wearing clothes\' which only consisted of his boxers. Ajax leaned down, so they were at the same height; he caressed her cheek, gazing into her deep blue eyes before pecking her lightly on the cheek before intertwining their fingers and leading her to the bed. They lie down atop it, Ajax relaxed, still revealing his body with his arms behind his head, and Chiara stiffly lying down staring at the ceiling.

Chiara was in simple black jeans and a top, but she felt a little exposed, mainly because they were on a bed together. But after some time, she relaxed, becoming more comfortable around the shapeshifter. The pair started talking about anything that came to mind, from their childhoods to something simple like their favourite colour. They faced each other, their heads on the pillows as they engaged in lively conversation and laughed mainly at stories and jokes by Ajax.

By the early hours of the morning, Chiara was wearing Ajax\'s shirt and began dozing off mid-sentence and feeling his warm embrace as her mind shut off from the world.

[ 07:00am ]

Chiara fluttered her eyes open after feeling overwhelmingly hot. She did not recognise the luxurious room before her. When she turned her head to the side, she almost punched the man in the face whose arms were wrapped around her like a child with a teddy. Her hand halted just in front of his face before her senses kicked in. She realised who was in bed with her.

Ajax was still sound asleep even after Chiara tried wiggling free from his grasp. But his grip was surprisingly firm that tightened any time she tried to escape. Why couldn\'t she break free? She was a Gamma werewolf, yet she couldn\'t slip away from a shapeshifters grip.

With a sigh, she relented to his hold and stared at his fine features. Chiara felt shameless looking at him while he slept, but when did she ever let herself relax and look upon his face. She kept herself busy after their chat in the maze, but occasionally their eyes would meet and sometimes, she would allow him to get closer to her. She could not deny that there was something between them, and she was finding it difficult resisting his annoying charm and blatant good looks.

Chiara reached her hand out and began to trail ever so lightly against his sharp features. His eyes were still close, and so she continuously drew the outlines of his handsome face. The night before was surprisingly sweet. Although he spontaneously stripped and faked being drunk, it seemed the shapeshifter really did just want to spend some time together. She felt closer to him now, not from the kiss or staying in bed with him, but by sharing such random things about themselves to each other.

Maybe her shattered heart could be glued together by such a man?

Chiara\'s hand stilled, and her breath stopped as she came to realise that Ajax had been staring at her. Her cheeks heated, and she began to retract her hand, but his hand came up and stopped her, letting her hand rest on his cheek. "You don\'t have to stop. I was awake before you," He said softly. 

That was way more embarrassing!

"Chiara, can I say something.." Her wolf began. That seemed so unlike Gia; her wolf was usually to the point. As usual, she had been quiet, observing everything the previous night.

"Go on.." Chiara responded, wondering what her wolf wanted to say. Even while Chiara and Gia were speaking, the Gamma continued to trace Ajax\'s face. Her own was burning in embarrassment, but it was oddly relaxing her. 

"Ajax is a good man, and we deserve to be happy.. His ways are sometimes a little odd.. but.. I think that will do us some good, no?"

Chiara smiled subtly at her wolf\'s words. "My lady.. I am the first to see your gorgeous smile so early in the morning.. I hope I am the reason for such a smile?" Ajax said dramatically but with a crooked smile of his own. Chiara could see the curiosity behind his eyes; even though he mocked himself with words, she knew he wanted to know.

"My wolf approves of you.." She whispered, then covered her mouth with widened eyes. Ajax\' face lit up like a Christmas tree; he didn\'t hold back from smacking his lips atop hers and holding her face between his hands.

He pulled back and smiled again. "So, does this mean… You will give me a chance?" He gushed, his eyes searching hers.

"Yes.." Chiara replied shyly, looking down, but he tilted her head up so their eyes locked.

"Speak truthfully, Chiara.. If you are uncertain, I understand. I am not pushing you into this. I know I\'ve stolen kisses, and we\'ve cuddled. But I don\'t want this forced.." He said sternly, making Chiara\'s shyness wash away with a smile tugging on her cheeks.

Ajax was truly someone special.

"I will give you a chance.. But I want to take things slow.. and I don\'t want the others to know.. not yet.." She replied truthfully. Although her eyes swept across their positions in the bed with heated cheeks.

"I like it being our little secret," He winked, "We will take it slow.. I promise.. I won\'t try anything.. If I think you\'re avoiding me, though, I will react like I did last night.." Ajax boasted.

Chiara frowned, "Fake being drunk and stripping in front of me?"

"Nope. But I can come up with other plans to steal you away from everyone.." Ajax replied with a cheeky grin. Chiara shook her head, wondering what he could possibly do that would get her away from the others. They were in a big group..

[ Present ]

"I told you I would steal you away from the others.." Ajax boasted proudly, standing up from his chair and sauntering to Chiara\'s position. He leaned down and smiled at her, "I knew you\'d react like this after we spent the night together," He winked, "And now.. I have you to myself."

Chiara shook her head, suppressing and failing the smile that tugged on her lips. "They will be back soon." She muttered, glancing at the door.

"Then I better make it quick then.." Ajax replied, taking her face between his hands as he closed the gap between their lips and kissed her like a parched man in a desert, and she was his oasis.

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