
Chapter 130 - Truth About Itachi's Illness


"What\'s wrong?!" Sasuke shouted as he arrived in front of Itachi immediately.

"H-haha, it\'s nothing. Just an old injury." Itachi still decided to lie. However, Sasuke was not buying any of it.

Sasuke put both of his hands on Itachi\'s shoulders as he pressed them down. He stared at Itachi\'s eyes directly without blinking and spoke.

"Tell the truth."

Itachi chuckled as he wiped the blood off his mouth.

"I can\'t hide it anymore, huh? Anyway, you grew up, Sasuke."

"Don\'t change the subject."

"Well, how much do you want to know?" Itachi asked as Sasuke replied.


"Alright. Take a seat." Itachi said as he patted the bed and signaling Sasuke to sit beside him.

Sasuke sat down as Itachi asked him.

"What about your girlfriend outside?"

Sasuke coughed a few times as he was surprised by this question.

"W-we aren\'t a couple yet."

"It\'s fine, brother-in-law. I\'ll go back downstairs." Karin said with a beaming smile and ran downstairs.

Sasuke was squinting his eyebrows as he thought, \'So troublesome. But it\'s kind of good. Well, time to listen to his explanation.\'

"I don\'t know when I got this disease. I was diagnosed with this when I first joined the Anbu." Itachi started talking as Sasuke listened carefully.

"I didn\'t think much of the disease back then. But the situation got worse. I can\'t use my full power and my stamina depletes quickly. I went to the hospital to cure it but they told me that the situation is bad and they can\'t cure the disease."

"What about Lady Tsunade? She should be able to cure it." Sasuke asked as Itachi shook his head.

"Maybe she could have cured it back then. But she was away from the village. After that, you know, I killed almost all of the Uchiha clan members. During that time, my disease was already worse.

Then, I joined the Akatsuki. The disease then became worse and worse. It reached the critical stage and I calculated that I would die in a few months. Then, you came to kill me. I was planning to die in your hands but you brought me back to Konoha."

[a/n: Don\'t know if this is all correct tho.]

"Uh, so I saved you in a way?" Sasuke asked as Itachi nodded.

"Yeah, you could say that. Although, it was Akihiko who prolonged my life."

"I see. So, in a sense, your free trial of life was going to expire. And you haven\'t bought the paid version. Akihiko bought the paid version for a few months to make your life longer." Sasuke said as Itachi nodded slowly.

"Yes, I think that\'s exactly what I said… probably."

Itachi looked at Sasuke as he smiled. He stood up and placed his fingers on Sasuke\'s forehead.

"When I\'m gone, take care of yourself. Also, take care of mother and our little sisters." Itachi said as Sasuke slapped the hand away.

"Shut up! You\'re not dying! Every disease has a cure. I will find it." Sasuke said as Itachi just chuckled.

"Alright. Let\'s go and tell Mother about this." Sasuke said as he got up. He pulled Itachi as Itachi asked him.

"Wouldn\'t it be better to let Mother not know about this? She would be sad."

"No. We are going there now." Sasuke said as Itachi just shook his head. They both walked downstairs.

They went to the living room but they didn\'t see anyone. So, they both walked out of the house and saw several women sitting on the chairs outside.

"Mother is sitting there." Sasuke said as he dashed while holding Itachi\'s arm.

\'I\'m still injured. Be gentle.\' Itachi thought but he didn\'t say anything.

"Oh, Itachi, you finally came downstairs." Mikoto said with a chuckle as the others also turned towards them.

They just smiled and greeted them. Temari, who was also listening while nodding, bowed 45 degrees and greeted Itachi and Sasuke.

Sasuke also greeted them as he finally started talking about the important stuff.

"Mother. I have something to talk to you about. It\'s very important."

"It\'s fine. Say it here." Mikoto said as Sasuke nodded. Itachi sighed as he shook his head.

Sasuke started repeating what Itachi told him in detail as everyone listening was surprised.

"Is that really all?" Mikoto said as she stared at Itachi.

Itachi sighed again as he shook his head.

"I only have 3 weeks to live."

Mikoto stood up as the other wives and Temari were watching the scene with worry.

"Why didn\'t you tell me earlier?"

Tears started welling up in Mikoto\'s eyes as Kushina called out for Mikoto.


"It\'s fine."

"Mother, don\'t cry." Itachi said as Sasuke also had a sad expression. It hasn\'t been that long since he got his brother back but he was going to die in a few weeks.

"I didn\'t want to worry you, mother. If my little sisters knew about this, they would be sad." Itachi said with a sad smile as Mikoto just pulled him in a hug.

"You should have told me sooner."

"Even if I told you, nothing can cure my disease."

"It doesn\'t matter, Itachi. I\'m your mother. Even if there is no cure, as your mother, it is my responsibility to take care of you."

Hearing that, Itachi smiled.Two lines of tears streamed down from his eye as he was confused. He already accepted his death but why was he crying?

Itachi had bottled up his emotions for too long so when faced with Mikoto\'s words, the emotions he bottled up all came out. He was crying silently as he stopped hugging Mikoto.

"Thanks, mom."

"I think Akihiko might be able to cure Itachi."

Kushina at the same time as Mikoto wiped her tears using some tissue.

"I think Ayame can do it too."

Itachi just decided to nod. Akihiko already said that his disease can only be delayed for a month but he didn\'t tell anyone about this.

"Also, the next time you decide to do this, I will beat you." Mikoto said with a non-threatening voice as Itachi shivered for a second and nodded.

\'There won\'t be a next time.\' Itachi thought.

Meanwhile, Akihiko teleported back into the house with Kisame. He looked around and didn\'t see his wives so he decided to leave Kisame in the house.

"Aisu! Gurizu! Panda!" Akihiko called the three as the three rushed towards Akihiko.

"Yes, Boss! Do you need anything?"

"Don\'t let this guy escape. I will leave three boxes of cookies for you." Akihiko said as he disappeared and appeared 1 minute later with three boxes full of cookies.

"Hehehehe, thanks Boss." The three bears all smiled. Nyanta was sleeping lazily in front of the kids\' room and the snake was on top of Gurizu.

"You guys became fatter." Akihiko said as the three bears nodded.

"Yes, indeed Boss. The cookies were too delicious."

"Good. I will train you in order to become fit again." Akihiko said as he left.

The three bears stared at Akihiko\'s back as they were speechless.

\'Training?! The hellish training?! Nooooooooooooooooo!\'

"Whatever. Cookies are more important."

The bears started watching over Kisame, making sure he stays seated and doesn\'t move an inch.

Akihiko walked towards where his wives were. He knew the location since he had a seal on them for his Hiraishin.

\'Hmm, should I make a move on Konan? No, I can take my time. I should finish up with Tsunade first. I also have a date with Ino and Hinata later. Hmm, after this, I should go to the moon with my family too.\' Akihiko thought.

After a while, he arrived at where everyone was.

"Ah! Akihiko!" Pakura stood up and waved.

"Wah, you\'re right on time, dear. We were just talking about you." Yugao said as Akihiko nodded.

"It\'s because I\'m awesome."

Some of the wives giggled while some just shook their heads with a smile.

"So, you should probably be talking about Itachi\'s disease, right?" Akihiko asked.

"Yeah, but how did you know it though?" Ayame asked as Kurenai patted her shoulder.

"There are bloodstains on Itachi\'s clothes."

"Ah right. Ehe." Ayame said as Izumi pulled a seat over for Akihiko. Sasuke and Itachi were already sitting down.

"Thanks, Izumi."

"Hehe, no problem." Izumi replied as she sat beside Akihiko.

"I think I will get Itachi\'s cure in a few days. I have been testing it ever since he arrived here." Akihiko said as his wives nodded with an unsurprised expression.

"As expected of dear, you already prepared for everything." Anko said with a proud grin.

\'System, can one drop of Fountain of Youth counter the effect of Itachi\'s disease?\'

[Yes, it can. But don\'t use more than one drop unless you want to give him 100 years of life.]

\'I know. I know. Thanks.\'

[No problem.]

The system\'s conversation skills also became better and the conversation became a lot more casual.

"I\'m 100% sure that his disease can be cured." Akihiko said as Itachi stared at him.

"Thank you." He bowed.

Afterward, Sasuke dragged Itachi away and they both left for a talk between brothers.

"Do you want to go to the forest?" Akihiko asked his wives and Temari as Kushina asked.

"What about Hinata and Ino?"

"There is still an hour left." Akihiko said as the wives nodded.

"Sure, let\'s go."

Akihiko teleported with them to the bird\'s forest and they all enjoyed the view, and snuggled with each other and acted lovey-dovey while chatting.

Temari was still a bit awkward but she got a bit more used to everyone after some time.

Everyone was happy and they enjoyed the wholesome moment which happened frequently in the family.


[Forty-five minutes later]

The wives already returned back to the Uchiha Household and were now playing with the kids who woke up. Konan was also teaching some of the kids how to make toys using paper.

Akihiko was holding a blank sheet of paper as he proudly showed his wives, the kids, Konan and Temari his masterpiece.

"Look at this masterpiece!" Akihiko said as the kids were blinking their eyes and turning their heads to look at their father.

The wives were also blinking their eyes and were speechless.

"Akihiko, that is a blank piece of paper." Kushina said as Akihiko shook his head.

"Blank piece of paper? Nope. This is reverse origami!!!" Akihiko said as he laughed at his own jokes. All of the kids were also laughing since they inherited his broken sense of humor.

"Heheheh, reverse origami!!!" The daughters repeated what Akihiko said.


Some were laughing out loud; some were giggling and some were just holding their laughter.

As for the wives, they were used to Akihiko\'s humor. They just smiled and thought,

\'Akihiko\'s humor is very weird but it\'s also quite cute.\'

"Papa! Mama! I haven\'t seen Big Bro Naruto, Sasuke and Itachi since I woke up!" Kyoko said as Akihiko answered.

"Sasuke and Itachi have been talking for over an hour now. As for Naruto, he asked for double training. So, I gave him double training."

"Double training….. AHHH! BIG BRO NARUTO IS DEAD!!!" Mirai jumped to a very scary conclusion as she shouted.

"D-d-dead? Wahhhhh, Big bro Naruto is dead!!!" Himeko, who usually stuttered and was quite shy, started crying.

Hearing Himeko\'s cry, the other kids also started sniffing and tears welled up in their eyes.

[a/n: Mostly, kids just start crying as a group when a single person starts crying.]

"Papa, is Big Bro Naruto really dead?"

"Uh, no. He\'s still alive. Papa will never kill someone during training."

The mothers wiped the kids\' tears and placed them on their lap. The kids also hugged their mothers.


"Also, Papa will be leaving for some time. Don\'t cause trouble." Akihiko said as he patted the kids.

"Okay. We won\'t."

"Goodbye." Akihiko said as he kissed the kids on their forehead. As for his wives, he kissed them on the cheek.

\'Can\'t show the kids inappropriate stuff.\'

After that, Akihiko left.

He appeared in front of Hinata\'s house as he knocked on the door. Hiashi opened the door as he nodded.

"Hohoho, Akihiko. It\'s nice to meet you. Would you like to drink some tea?"

"Thanks for the offer but I will have to decline. Is Hinata here?"

"Hinata? Of course."

"Ah, dad. Oh, Akihiko!" Hinata arrived as she waved happily at Akihiko. She was wearing a purple kimono with white flower patterns.

Hanabi was also staring at them from behind a wooden pillar.

"Shall we go on a date now?"

"Yes." Hinata then tiptoed and whispered in Akihiko\'s ears.

"Ino and I prepared a lot for the date."

After that, Akihiko went to Ino\'s house.

"Oh, Akihiko. Want to come in for a chat?" Inoichi asked with a smile.

"Dad. Me, Akihiko and Hinata are going out." Ino said as she came out of the house. She was dressed nicely in a light purple shirt which showed the lower part of her abdomen. She was also wearing a long skirt.

"Hmm, have fun. Akihiko, you can come to our house any time." Inoichi said as he nodded with a satisfactory smile.

"It\'s time for the date." Ino said as she hugged Akihiko\'s right arm.

"Yeah, where will we go?"

"Follow us!"


Credits to Editors:

Purpl (Black Latte)


It has been around 2 weeks. Here\'s a chapter.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Have a great day.

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